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Mister Feral

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Posts posted by Mister Feral

  1. 3 minutes ago, TheOtherMichael said:

    I believe but may be wrong, any trigger that isn't stated otherwise is always after resolving so I believe that crooligans can snap to within 2 of a non minion and then steal a scheme marker within 2. Marker stealing threat range is 4in from any non minion if I'm correct (ranges might be off if I remember then wrong)

    That’s how I understand it - discard a card to use By Your Side, which then afterwards triggers Fading (Footprints) - that’s all before the Crooligan has used either of its AP or bonus Action!

  2. @KingJocko

    OK, I’ll bite! (pun intended!):

    2ss: Mindless Zombies - Pretty much for the same reasons you said. It would just be wrong if we didn’t include them!

    3ss: Canine Remains - Seem like decent enough cheap Scheme runners, as well as their Carrion Away being able to drag Corpse Markers around with them.

    4ss: Crooligans - I honestly think Necropunks are better value (even for their increased cost) for scheme running, so throwing in Crooligans in with Mortuary would give them a bit more reason to be taken. 4ss for Crooligan in-keyword would be a bit of a better reason to not instead spend 6ss for the Necropunk out-of-keyword.

    5ss: Guild Autopsys - As well as currently having the Zombie keyword, they seem more fitting to Mortuary in-story than the other options. Although noting to write home about, their Light Pistol attack at least adds a ranged option to the hiring pool.

    6ss: Rabble Risers - Since they are bundled with the current M2E Nicodem set, it would be remiss not to include them! They are also currently covered by the Zombie keyword.

    7ss: Forgotten Marshal - Here comes the slightly controversial bit, I don’t think we need any summons at this as level or higher. I think instead that we could include the Marshal as a hire-only option. My reason is that he is also a summoner (to a limited degree), which may feel a little overkill but bare in mind that aside from Night Terrors, everything else on my proposed list can also be summoned by Nicodem. Also, if going down the summon-heavy route, they both Nicodem and the Forgotten Marshal will be both competing for those high Crow cards to Cheat in.

    I don’t think that it should go any higher in soulstone value, so that concludes my list. A nice mix of the lower-end Experimental and Forgotten Minions, which yes has been heavily influenced by my current miniature collection!

  3. Just throwing out a quick suggestion in place of the current Condemned upgrade, I’d like to see the Guilty give out an aura or something that gives Tormented to enemies whilst they are within 3”(?) - that way they are trying to keep close to enemy models, harassing them.

    Don’t know if it would work or not, but it seems a bit “cleaner” in terms of rules - Attaching deliberating Upgrades to enemies seems a bit clunky to me (but then again, I’m no games designer!).

  4. I bought Asura and some MZs purely to make a fun Zombie keyword list, so I’m pretty keen on the ideas being thrown about here.

    It just makes sense to incorporate the current Zombie models into Mortuary!

    Only suggestion I have is to drop Versatile from Asura and give her Mortuary and Revenant in its place.

  5. They’re not guilty of murdering the Guilty if they’re dead! 😂

    Another thought on the Drowned, would it make more sense for the Undertow trigger to Push enemies within 3” towards a friendly Riptide marker rather than the original target of the attack?

    Just thinking specially when used on a Severe damage flip or with multiple Drowned, it opens up the options on where you can place the Riptide marker, to help deny enemy schemes / disrupt placement?

    To me Riptide is also clearly only supposed to work with Projectile Vomit, so makes sense to more directly integrate the two.

  6. What do we think of the updated Drowned?

    The Riptide rule seems neat, dropping a Hazardous Staggered marker after one of the :blast on Projectile Vomit has resolved. If you use a :mask then the Undertow trigger kicks in and Pushes nearby enemies towards the original target (and hopefully the Ripetide marker too)!

    Guilty have also been tweaked, attaching a Condemned Upgrade on any model that Kills them (increasing our hand size!)

    • Agree 1
  7. To me, this has been a good update since on the Rogue Necromancy, I went from “bit naff and not interested” to “whoops, may of bought one to give a go...”

    I had another look at it, nice little bit of internal synergy where discarding a card for Ambush stacks Poison +2 on for that delicious Pervasive Metabolism!


    • Agree 1
  8. Just a couple changes to Forgotten with today's update (31st Jan);

    Archie - Gained Flurry (yes!) and Two Scoops have been changed from a Bonus Action to a Fading Ability - whilst i'm sad Two Scoops (as a name) has been dropped, its replacement name (Brain Freeze) is still quite funny! Now Archie has just the one Bonus Action (Leap), he theoretically should be able to get a round a bit faster now since you're not using the Bonus Action to Two Scoops.

    Fun new synergy, tag-team Philip and the Nanny with Archie (within 3" of each other) - free Healing for Philip when Archie discards a card (Flurry)!

    Quick rules question on Fading (Brain Freeze) though - if you discard more than one card, which one do you use for determining the value of the Healing? 

    Rogue Necromancy - Grit (Frantic) has been dropped for Hard to Kill. Positive flip buff for Savage Bite, but Projectile Vomit loses :ranged and stat dropped from 6:crow to 5:crow. Also gains Beast. Overall, looks good to me!

    Necrotic Machine - Gains Accomplice. Yay!

    Overall, another solid update. Thoughts?

  9. As long as they leave the Night Terrors alone, I’ve got some on the way to me for that sweet Forgotten Marshal synergy...

    Regarding Archie again, I’d quite like his Fading ability to either drop a Corpse Marker (found a new plaything!) or a small Push towards a friendly Forgotten (ooh, friends!).

    • Agree 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Metalhed said:

    It does look much improved and a load of fun. Hoping to get a game in ASAP. 

    Id love Archie to get flurry back. That would give him 2 sources of discard to trigger fading (x). Not sure what effect would be good just yet. 

    Maybe a minor Push towards an enemy?

    • Agree 1
  11. I’m looking at this from a thereotical perspective, but I think just giving Flurry back to Archie would help. Numbskull and his Fading Memories are fine as they are in my opinion.

    By discarding a card for Flurry, it would naturally set off his Fading Memories (ala Rabble Risers). I would like to imagine Archie just thrashing his many arms about when this happens!

  12. I quite like Hidden in Plain Sight, it seemed very thematic for the model! I would quite like to pick him up for my Tormented for the reasons others here have already said, and he seems to be able to cover quite a lot of ground if you run him down a flank away from your Leader.

  13. I figured you could get them around using Asura to Summon Mindless Zombies around the edges of the board, then Unbury a Bone Pile to Replace said Mindless Zombie.

    Dont know how useful that is, but maybe worth a thought? 

  14. Makes sense to have them be more similar to Jaakuna. I'd quite like to see the Drowned replace Startle with her Drowning Aura, and drop Projectile Vomit for an updated version of Riptide from M2E. As you said, this crew's emphasis on trapping enemies with Staggered doesn't really carry onto the Drowned as they currently are. 

    • Agree 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, retnab said:

    I for one actually don't much like that the Marshall's a summoner now.  If I had a say in it I'd lock it down so no non-Masters had any summoning personally, maybe give him Demise (Out of the Box) to Replace him with a Forgotten Minion that heals X after he dies instead.

    I can see your point, but I don’t think I would like it to go back to him being replaced by a random Minion when he dies, but then again how would you balance being able to pick what he gets Replaced by?

    Mind you, I quite like that he can summon now, since Molly lost both the ability to do so herself.

    The Forgotten Marshal can only Summon: Rabble Risers, Crooligans and Night Terrors - the:crowneeded isn’t built in to the Action.

    • Agree 2
  16. 16 hours ago, Saduhem said:

    I didn't think of this one!

    I need to get off work! I have to play this! Haven't felt this way since M2e! 

    Just... amazing.

    I’m just happy that the Forgotten Marshal got a bit more useful, love the concept. I can imagine he keeps a couple Forgotten minions in his pine box, ready to unleash!

    Looking at the the various Fading Abilities and how they often they can be set off by another friendly Forgotten, do these interrupt what causes the model to discard a card?

  17. 12 minutes ago, Caspergad said:

    agree that night terrors look very interesting now, though both terrors and necrotic engine really lack a way to discard other than a trigger (and reactivate from molly)... so big caveat... but needs gamebased feedback :)


    Forgotten Marshal summons a Night Terror, the latter discards a card to Heal 1 which also activates Fading (Shadows).

    Even from a first glance, the various Fading abilities look really good and I can start to see the synergies too.

    Great job! 

    • Agree 1

    7 minutes ago, retnab said:

    What if when they would make their opponent discard but they have no cards in hand, the enemy model suffers damage/distracted instead? Then give them a good spread of discard effects and lean more into that playstyle?

    I like the idea of "discard a card or gain Distracted", seems quite thematic to me. A secondary suggestion could be an ability to strip Focused from enemies (aura action?), as i imagine it would be harder to pay attention to those who are supposed to be Forgotten...

  19. 2 minutes ago, Saduhem said:

    No matter what changes with Forgotten, we have been bashing heads against hand size for months trying to make it work but it just doesn't.
    If you discard the chaff to trigger abilities and keep severes in your hand, they're just going to be thrown at terrifying checks and failed TNs, since the +flips don't help against simple duels and, even if they did, it's still random and doesn't help with suit requirements. 

    Fair enough! I appreciate your explanation on my suggestion.

    I can understand the strong opinions about Lethe's Caress, but any thoughts on improvements for the rest of the crew?

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