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Everything posted by osoi

  1. Update time! Well heres more progress being made on my little beastie so far. Theres still some more sculpting to go but I think its starting to take shape a little more now, my main struggle now is figuring out how to apply some flesh over the horse head. Apologies for the bad photos, the camera wasnt co-operating
  2. Okay at the moment I play exclusively Resurrectionists with McMourning and Seamus and will be getting Molly and the Horrors when they come out. I am looking to get into another Master not necessarily from the ressers (I have no interest in Nicodem but have been intrigued a bit with Kirai) I am looking ofr someone who is a bit of an all rounder (maybe) but can operate with a fairly self contained crew. At the moment the masters I am looking at are: Kirai - interests me but shes another Resser even though she operates completely different to the rest of them Collette - Look like a real resource and manipulation crew that is self contained with some beautiful models but is incredibly popular locally (big deterrent for me) Sonia Criid - With lots of 'generic' guild models I think she could be really interesting Zoraida - just cant settle on a uniform looking crew for her Pandora - maybe Ramos - maybe
  3. Ressers for me with the Hatter and good Doctor
  4. Cheers on the critical feedback so far, the tail indeed is going to be a balancing point and is now a fair bit longer and a little bulkier as well. I have started putting spikes down the spine as well which is also helping to balance the model
  5. Well I have been hacking and slashing of late working on a Rogue Necromancy for McMourning. At the moment only the rough work has been done but everything is in place for me to start sculpting the details (of which there is a fair bit of work to do).
  6. Nice work, love to see them finished
  7. Yeah its not a problem winning the strategy it is just for the chance to say I have killed Perdita
  8. Well after drawing slaughter in my last couple of games coming up against Perdita I am getting a little frustrated at not being able to kill her, I wipe of the rest of her crew but just not her. The closest I have gotten so far is down to one wound with a Belle tanking her (linked grave spirit) and taking her down to one wound. The usual trick just dont work due to immune to influence so any help would be great
  9. Well I'm halfway thru chopping a Cerebrus and Rattler for mine plus I have a GW skelton horse making up the final head. The main problem is bulking up the Cerebus a bit to get it to Ht 3. I must admit it will be a little stretch on my skills but its a fun project so far and yes I will be buying the actual model when it comes out too.
  10. Theres a couple of stories in the Chronicles as well with him killing Molly and facing off against the Ortegas
  11. Well I have finally finished up my Seamus and Copycat Killer, with the rest of the crew just having the finishing touches applied. I have to say I really enjoyed painting these. The good doctor and his crew are coming soon after I have finished up Seamus' crew Seamus Copycat Killer
  12. k im interested, would you post to Australia? I would be looking at collette, 2 corphryee (so is the 10 just for one or 2) and miss pack
  13. Truly Inspirational, I have been planning a sewer board for a while and yours has helped as to how I can execute a few things on it
  14. Very nice, good colour balance and well executed
  15. Well all I use is a bisuit tin with the inside foam lined and I have magnets in each models base, with Wyrds minis I have had a bit more fun with some of the bases so some models are not going to fit in any foam carry case. All said and done though the Malifaux bag is very nice having seen a few local guys that have it and there is plenty of room for stuff in it too.
  16. Looks nice, I really like the blending
  17. Ive put my McM crew on sewer bases and really like them, just pin the models to the bases and youre set to go
  18. Alright I'm game but I'm also in Australia
  19. Very nice I really like the painting style
  20. Looking good ecky, time for me to pull my finger out I think
  21. Great news for the good Doctor and the Hatter, I cant wait for my book to arrive
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