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Everything posted by pigi314159

  1. In the Spirit World ends during the Closing Phase. It's specified...somewhere that all effects that do not specify a duration end during the Closing Phase. I suspect book 1, but might be errata...I forget. But definitely Closing Phase. Don't play Warmachine, but here's the semantic difference as it applies to Kirai. A sacrificed model within her range does not generate a seishin. So normally, when a seishin dies it doesn't come right back. Seishin Beacon does indeed override the saccing and instead makes it count as killed...which triggers Kirai's ability to summon a seishin. But killed, buried, and sacrificed and involve physically removing models from the board. Killed is what happens when a model is reduced to 0 wds. (Imagine a model getting killed). Buried usually happens based on spells and triggers, the model usually comes back onto the board somehow (imagine your model hiding underground to pop out again). Sacrificed means the model just goes away, POOF! (imagine a model getting eaten.) This is important because it leaves no counters (corpse or scrap) and doesn't trigger "killed" effects.
  2. Back so the story... SPOILERS ...so the governor is a soulstone user eh?
  3. Yea....basically here's what you can do. Turn 1, walk Kirai forward 4. Summon Ikiryo 12" forward. Cast Into the Spirit World. Ikiryo activates, walks forward and Calls Spirits to bring the entire crew within 4" of her. Turn 2, activate Kirai. Sac Ikiryo to heal 2 wd (from Kirai's ability) +2 wd (from Ikiryo's ability...yes you have to discard 2 control cards), Kirai back to full...rinse and repeat. Your entire crew can cover almost 30" in 2 turns this way. And theoretically, it is repeatable as long as you pull a 5 :crows and a 7 :masks or better every turn. Not the best odds, but not terrible either.
  4. Any word on distributor orders? (not to be overly anxious...but I want to throw money at my LGS too.)
  5. As a casual player, I find it amusing that you think I will go play in a tournament. New people scare me, that's why I have friends .
  6. Does the Tuesday timeframe include LGSes and their various distributors too?
  7. Hard to say just by reading your report...but... Use terrain to your advantage. If you're in a town you should have plenty of buildings to hide in/around. That will negate the range advantage significantly. Keeping the Vikkies closer together let's you activate them both simultaneously. This means if you lead with Gun vikkie (get her into melee...as strange as that sounds) melee attack (or buff spell), melee attack (or buff spell), swap out Sword Vikkie goes melee happy. Potential of 5 attacks before your opponent responds. Otherwise, anytime you're going with against a shooty army, you have to negate their range advantage somehow. Depending on your opponent's strategy he will have to commit troops forward, and then is when you pounce.
  8. Pretty easy to summon for McM. Zombie chihuahua + rocket dogs = rogue necromancy. Absolute slowest is by turn 4. Send in a pair of rocket dogs and turn 2 summon! MUAHAHAHA!
  9. Speculation 1: Hamelin will receive a box set (pretty solid on this one) Speculation 2: Hamelin's box will include... Nix Rat Catchers Rats Stolen Obedient Wretch are basically all of his options (without crossing faction at least) ....I definitely see Nix in the box. I don't see how you can have a Hamelin set without rats, so they're in...Totem is likely not going to be in....so down to Stolen and Rat Catchers... Nix. 2 rats, Stolen, and 1 Rat Catcher is 19 stones...seems like a box set to me....
  10. Swapping from V1 to V2 would be super cool. Although it would be nice to see which units have had changes without scouring the errata (and the unknown errata that some people are seeing). Although if they did an entire new print run, a blanket swap is probably called for. I'll wait for official word on this one.
  11. Hamelin, the Plagued, does not have Nix. He is on a 30 mm base.
  12. From an interview at D6G I was under the impression that the special forces will be fleshed out later (likely book 3). Therefore I would assume that if they got box sets, it would be when they have more options available to them, mostly book 3.
  13. Since I'm sure people want it, here we go! New Master: Kirai -already posted When fielded her spirit entourage, she's a lot more survivable than she looks. Basically I envision her walking around in a giant cloud of spirits and being nigh invincible. Ikiryo She is Kirai's living spirit. Good melee good range, decent defense. More importantly she can be resummoned via Kirai and when Ikiryo dies, Kirai heals. Beat stick? Yes Lost Love Kirai's totem. If you are fielding Kirai, you'd be nuts not to field her Totem. If the totem is alive when Kirai dies, bring Kirai back....this time as a spirit! Erm...YES PLEASE! Necrotic Machine Another genera-totem, but it interacts with Molly. That's right, our henchman gets a totem. Molly Our henchman who spews blood for fun. Well...she's a belle, so standard hard to wound and slow to die, but then she makes other belles and horrors walk fast! If a belle starts her activation in range of both Molly and Seamus +4 Wk. ROCKET BELLES! Similar to Colette she has no melee strike so she is a caster...and her spell list is highly amusing. She can steal spells from others, make models walk further, kill another model in exchange for sacrificing herself, a damage spell with the track 2/3+slow/3+paralyzed and her last spell weakens the attack and defense flips of the targets. A lot of good utility in her. As a henchman, she currently only has rotten belle, sybelle, and the rogue necromancy available to her, so we will have to wait and see what goodness shows up in the furture. Datsue-Ba My new favorite. What Sybelle is to Seamus or Morty is to Nico, Datsue is to Kirai. Good melee, is able to summon if she kills with one of her spells, gives your units more mobility and cna heal them as well. Very well rounded...and I just like the model. Creepy old lady with a skinning knife? YES PLEASE! Dead Rider Our horseman of the apocalypse. Expensive at 10 stones, but quite amusing. Able to move around the field, a beast in combat, and gains new abilities that are scarier the closer to dead he is. (Plus he regens and can heal himself on the flip of a 4+) All in all a solid model definitely worth the 10 stones. Gaki Hoarcats in ghosty spirit form. Get a swarm of them and you can devour Ht 2 models. Get another swarm and hit your triggers and you can get many many attacks in. Very good grunts for Kirai. Guild Autopsy At long last we have range! Unfortunately it comes at the cost of many other things we like. These guys are kind of anti-guild as they have many Wp based effects targetting build. The real bummer is these guys don't leave corpse counters and can't be beat up for body parts. Plus they are Easy to Wound, with not a lot of Df nor Wd. Good thing they're cheap at 3 stones, and the good doctor can summon them for 3 body part counters. Night Terror Scary spirit bats! A swarm of these can shut down ranged attacks. Generally good for control and inexpensive at 3 stones as well. Onryo Kirai's advanced beatsticks. Good control as well as they can models unable to target spirits with anything but basic melee stricks. Has a good basic ranged spell and is generally solid all around. These would be Kirais' version of Punk Samurai or Belles imo, a staple in any Kirai list. Seishin These are the models Kirai gets when stuff dies. Well, they are her defense mechanism. She can redirect attacks to Seishin in base contact and they can sacrifice themselves to make Kirai and all friendly Seishin nearby immune to AoE damage. They can also attach to spirits to improve Cb. All utility, no damage. Which is fine. (This is the cloud of spirits that should be surrounding Kirai for as much as possible imo.) Shikome Affectionately earning the nickname of Geisha-harpy, these spirit beasties are hunters. They will track down an enemy model and attempt to kill it 'til it's dead. They can't be slowed down, they fly, and can generally make life miserable for their prey. (Stay there! I will chase you if you move! Run too far away and you take damage! PLUS I'M TERRIFYING! MUAHAHAHAHA!) Rogue Necromancy What do you get when you throw a lion, a snake, a lion, and McMourning into a lab? This monster. 10 stone beasty that breathes acid and mauls face....a lot. So that's my take on what we have in book 2!
  14. While the guild autopsy do have their uses, I'm having a hard time deciding between dogs and autopsies. The lack of generating corpse counters is a huge turn off for me, however the range is rather nice. I think what I'm going to end up going is fielding a pack of dogs, and as the game progresses turning them into guild autopsies.
  15. This is becoming a sticking point as some of us have book 2, and some of us don't. I would be happy to just type up entire unit entries, but I'm sure someone at Wyrd would be considerably less happy if that happened. So what is the limit of information we are allowed to write about for specific units? For instance, GW allows all statblocks and abilities but not specific point costs. Does Wyrd have a similar position on the matter?
  16. You hear correctly! Still digesting her stats a wee bit...but not exactly sure how to describe her. She is definitely a caster, as she lacks a melee attack, and many of her spells are utility based, I guess....hard to say. In a Seamus crew...oh my...you will have belles rocketing around the table.
  17. There are plenty of spirits in book 2 that she works wonderfully with. Gaki, Onryo, Shikome are all summonable. She also summons Ikiryo and Seishin (they those two are kind of special in what they do/how they are summoned). There is one more spirit that is in the rezzer list, and then a couple from the other factions in book 2 as well. But yea...in general...she likes spirits much more than things with flesh. Plus...her totem can transform her into a spirit given the right conditions. (There was a spoiler for you.)
  18. From an interview with the d6 generation, I am under the impression that Eric said that not all of the spec forces are in. However, YOU DO NOT NEED THE APPROPRIATE HENCHMAN TO HIRE SPEC FORCES! You are juts limited to the number you may in your crew if the henchmen is not present.
  19. If there's one thing that rezzers got in book w it's cheap expendable ranged units. Most of the models I see are aimed towards McMourning to give him a wee bit more versatility than just the rocket dogs. But as stated above, most of what we get is aimed at our newest lovely lady...and my my my does it make me tingle a wee bit. Swarms of spirits everywhere and she's nearly invincible. And there is absolutely no reason at all you should not field her with her totem. I think my favorite new model out of the whole thing is datsue-ba. She's got battlefield versatility that helps other troops move around, she's got healing capability, and if you're lucky with flips she's a summoner too. Yes please!
  20. Well to be fair...the show floor is still open. I expect in an hour or two when people start returning to hotel rooms and laptops we will have more.
  21. MY FLGS got the latest issue of Game Trade Magazine yesterday. They were mean enough to flash me the Malifaux ad which was running in there advertising the new stuff in August. And then my jaw hit the floor. The concept art on that page was of a japanese looking woman with a pair of bloody hedge clippers and a head rolling on the floor. My exact words were "Who is that? I want her."
  22. I'm excited about crooked men. Not like my Seamus ever needed an excuse to visit an old mining town and its seedy underbelly, but he certainly has one!
  23. In my small group we have 1 res (me), 1 guild, 1 arcanist, 1 merc. Altho we tend to gravitate towards different things. If you wanted to play in my mailfaux group, you going res would not be a problem at all. You would be welcomed with a gun pointed at your head (as everyone is...because we want to crush you) and cards shuffled and ready to go. If you were playing against me, depending on my mood I might either switch masters or factions to create something I found fun. But imo, res v res creates a very interesting dynamic as you start fighting over corpse counters. So I wouldn't view res v res as inherently bad in any way.
  24. I'm reading that a model has to end its activation within 2" of a Shafted marker in addition to the markers being removed. Certainly makes them easier to avoid. I'm thinking in conjunction with Seamus and "No Escape" could certainly make some more fun issues. But otherwise to me, the shafted markers seem more like limited board control designed to keep the ortegas and other shooters running around so they can't draw a bead. But that brings up an rules clarification. Say we lure a model that has not been activated yet within 2" of a shafted token. Seamus then activates and uses No Escape on that model. Seamus's activation ends. The lured model now activates and attempts to move. Seamus charges with No Escape. For argument's sake, the lured model now fails to disengage and ends its activation within 2" of the marker and is hit by Cave in. Is Seamus also hit, or did he technically end his activation there and therefore is not hit?
  25. So what is this Jack Daw I see listed in the upcoming catalog? A special hero hanged? /drool
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