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Everything posted by kbdrand

  1. Although I don't think it's possible, it would be nice if there was some kind of handicapping system for VPs based on the crew. Something that would maybe make it more worth while to mix it up, rather than taking the same schemes over and over again (as an Arcanist player I'm taking Sabotage almost 100% of the time).
  2. I agree. Most people do not have enough models to really tune their crew based on the strategy. So far we have been fielding crews more for which models we like as opposed to the strategic elements of that model.
  3. We have played some 30 SS games that last 2-3 hours. It depends on how many models, tactics used, etc. When you are first learning the rules it usually takes longer.
  4. Who cares if the Battlefoam guys are in it for the money or the love of the games. They make great stuff. A little pricey, but I've bought the GW stuff and Battlefoam is a million times better in all respects. I just ordered two of the minis from them for Malifaux and I'm dying to get my hands on the new Malifaux case when it's released. I don't own an Sabol, so I can't comment on them though.
  5. I thought later on in the video he mentioned something like 200 figures for the Malifaux case? I guess it depends on the size of the figures (and how the foam has been pre-cut). I only know I'm ordering one when it's available, but I only have 3 crews so far.
  6. Yeah, I'm more worried about people thinking I'm a freak. Plus, with most parks you'd need to bring your own table or at least a gaming surface since a lot of the tables in parks (in my area anyway) are metal and not very flat.
  7. Gotcha. Yeah, it makes sense. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing something. We have played 3 games so far and completely missed the idea behind the combat total affecting the damage flip. Doh!
  8. Cool. Right now I have my Nicodem Resurrectionist crew done (even have 4 dogs painted), Ramos Arcanists and Rasputina Arcanists done. Working on my Ortega crew right now.
  9. I saw on another site that someone had put together a combat chart that listed out the combat modifiers, the heal/prevention chart and also a chart of number 1 to 30. Does anyone know what you would use those 1 to 30 numbers for? I'm not sure why I would need those numbers.
  10. Yeah, I don't even count the money I spend on terrain, etc. I started playing Warhammer 40k in the Rogue Trader days, and I've spent WAY too much money on that game. I did manage to play two games of Malifaux yesterday at a friends house. We are still working through some of the rules but it was pretty evenly match (we both won one game). Of course, with 30 points per side, it was still taking us about 4-5 hours to get through a game.
  11. Me too. I'd love to find out where you got those ther zombies.
  12. Well, I've probably spent at least 200-300 dollars in models so far and I've only got two crews. I would not say that it's a cheap game necessarily. Sure you can get into a game cheap, but it's super easy to spend a lot of money.
  13. I usually just spray on dull sealer, then come back after-wards with a high gloss sealer.
  14. Yeah. I think that's a little crazy myself. I think that the AB folks seem to remind me of a young Bill Gates when he went off on a tirade about people stealing his software, etc.
  15. I just heard back from someone at Army Builder. Looks like Malifaux for AB is starting development soon so I'm not going to bother with anything else. I paid for AB, might as well use it.
  16. Agreed. I wouldn't ever release something to the public without asking for permission first, but no point in even asking until someone has something half-way put together.
  17. I was thinking a making some clothes lines. Having clothes on a line would be good soft cover (like bushes).
  18. I am reviewing the documentation related to the TWR files now. I'm going to try and put something together, but not sure how long this will take.
  19. Ohhh. Never heard of it, but free is always good. If it's user modifable then we should be able to put something together.
  20. I haven't had a chance to talk to the Lone Star or Hobbytown folks yet. Been too busy with work, kids and finishing off some of my December crew. I'll try and speak to them this week.
  21. I agree. I would certainly buy an iPhone based Malifaux app if it included a basic crew builder and hopefully the stat cards. Especially since the iPad is coming out right around the corner. I'd love to be able to keep everything Malifaux related on my iPad instead of carrying a bunch of pieces of paper.
  22. I disagree. I think there is a lot of usefulness in prepping different lists before hand. And even if you do it at the last minute it's a heck of a lot easier to have your laptop with you and be able to throw together different builds. I'm not sure what would be needed to make an Army Builder module for Malifaux but I'm going to try and find out.
  23. Thanks. The Ortegas it is. Yeah, I'm not a fan of Papa.
  24. So far I have Nicodem Resurrectionists and Ramos Archanists. Both of these groups see to be mostly melee focused. What is the best crew to pick up if I want to focus on all ranged? I was thinking the Guild, but not sure if there are some better lists.
  25. I agree, I have to actually play to learn. I tried reading through the rules, but until I played my first game it didn't quite gel. The tough part of trying to do a game at someone's home is with the internet you are never quite sure who is a weirdo, etc. So I'm always hesitant to suggest a game at someone's house. I wonder if we could convince some place like Hobbytown (or possibly a comic book shop, there are at least 2 in the Plano, TX area) to allow a game on Saturday or Sunday. I may go talk to the Lone Star folks.
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