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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Welcome to Malifaux! Governor's Decree is for the official Wyrd events which contain harder points than a normal event. For non-official, more casual rules you should consult the Gaining Ground pack. This can be found just beside the Governor's Decree at Malifaux.com download section so I wonder how you missed it. As for a demo guide, I'm sure one of my fellow Henchman has something for you and will help you shortly.
  2. Yes there is. And it was stated in this thread a gazillion of times in many forms. I think Wyrd "got it". It is now their turn to do something. (And as a profit oriented company they should make or more likely already made this math even without this thread.) Either they will make it all avalaible for free or not. Either they will announce it shortly or just when they release 2.0. We shall see sooner or later, no need to beat a dead horse even more dead.
  3. Oh My God... Please, somebody lock this thread. Unfortunately this is not even funny, like a certain person's ragequit was quite a few months ago.
  4. From EricJ's Twitter: Disclaimer: As a Henchman I have to apologize for disturbing this well informed topic with PR bullsh*t.
  5. Can somebody who listened to the podcast enlighten me about this scheme pool thing? I can't really understand what does this would like to mean.
  6. The damage flip from Self-Loathing is not considered an attack in itself. McM heals only from damage caused by attacks. So I would say no to healing. EDIT: The control part has no relevance in this case. In general abilities work on a model even he or she is enemy controlled.
  7. Recently I had to explain this to a player who brings Belles in every game he plays for many years. So you are not the only one.
  8. You are right. She is Kin, Friendly to herself and within 6" of herself. All conditions checked and passed. There you go.
  9. You pretty much answered your own question in the original post. It is C and A and "the ability cannot be used" respectively.
  10. So again the description: The difference of away vs directly away is roughly that you can move around terrain and other models in the way if you have to move simply away and can't if you need to do that directly away. Hope that helps.
  11. Away is a game term which is clearly defined in the rulebook: Short answer is: no, you can't.
  12. 1st: How do you ensure that Mei Feng always gets the trigger? That needs a :masks in every Strike which is pretty unlikely provided there are 13+1(RJ) cards in a 54 cards deck. And more than half of those are useless since a lets say 7 of :masks could easily be countered by the defending Rat. 2nd: Hamelin's controller can just place the new rats away from Hamelin and in a few strikes the new Rat will be out of his Voratious Rats ability, so no new Rat appears when it dies.
  13. Was this ever confirmed by a Rules Marshal? I can see your point but IMO the wording is at best dubious and can be interpreted in both ways.
  14. I would like to ask for some clarification regarding the underlined part. In my interpretation if the pig choses to move beyond the target, it must move its full charge range and can't stop at the far side of the targeted model since the controler already chosed yes to the may part of the skill to move beyond target.
  15. Strange that you see Kirai that way. In my book (after Hamelin and Dreamer cuddle) Kirai is one of the strongest (maybe even the strongest) master out there. Of course this is just an opinion and everybody is entitled to have one.
  16. Sue's ability only increases the Wp of the affected model during opposed duels and not the general Wp statistic. The Oiran is a different story but she only gives +1. So in this case I would say no, you can't use it more than twice.
  17. Dear All, We will have a Malifaux event in part of a 2 day wargaming fest in Székesfehérvár (Hungary) on the 3rd of March. Participants from Slovenia already registered but other foreign players are more than welcome. The details can be read HERE in Hungarian and I have attached the Malifaux event's details in English. Anybody interested can contact me or directly the local organizers (info@fonixcsarnok.eu) for additional info. Cheers, Csonti Chapter III eng.doc
  18. 3) The Vik's are considered one master for the prupose of strategies and schemes but I'm not sure they both can connect the same totem. I have to agree with Calmdown's interpretation in this very old thread and since I don't remember any official ruling about this question if I had to make a decission I'd say no. 7) I think even if they happen simultaneously you resolve the effects one at a time and the owner of the models decide the order they move. So it is possible that an affected model stops another's push before it is moved away from its original place.
  19. Seamus charges immediately. So before the moving effect takes place. And Walk and Charge actions are definetely movement effects so does any push that states a specific distance (like push this model 4" away) and not a specific place (like push this model into base contact with...). The later case is a placement effect now.
  20. Maybe the reason behind this could be the fact that they have not opened a topic for that yet in the official announcements part of the forum...
  21. Első Magyar Malifaux KO Kupa Type of event: Knockout tournament Date: 18th January - 15th March Location: Various clubs around the country and Vassal Description: We will run an offline/online hybrid knock out style tournament where participants can plan there sheduled games at the table or with Vassal. Everyone is welcome to play! You can find the rules HERE in Hungarian. Possible English speaking participants should contact me via PM for details.
  22. Jókedvünk tele (Malifaux League) Type of event: Achievement League Date: 15th January - 24th February Location: Various clubs around the country. Description: We will hold a 6 weeks achievement league based on the official campaign. Everyone is welcome to play! You can find the rules HERE in Hungarian. Possible English speaking participants should contact me via PM for details.
  23. How does the second sentence interacts with Voracious Rats? I guess they're Just Rats only stops the generation of the new Rat but all the rest of Voracious Rats' effects (no corpse counter, no other model summoned etc.) work normally. Is that right?
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