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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. In the Movement section of the new FAQ it states: and then: Unless I missed something the second part of the answer is wrong (or misleading at best) since you can NOT make a Disengaging Strike during a Push which is a Movement Effect as the previous answer also states.
  2. This is the text after the 2nd picture in the Errata document: Am I interpreting the last sentence correctly that after you climb the wall you "gain" a free movement of one base length because you place the model beside the wall on the roof? The picture shows this but I always played as you have to pay to "enter" the roof too.
  3. Yeah, I can see your point. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately) the card system of Malifaux is so complex that it's impossible to predict odds without knowing the exact distribution of cards in a fixed situation. So the closest -general - thing you can have is a sterile, laboratory calculation. All others will only fill a small hole in the web of possibilites. Like in your example where you assumed many things that makes the calculation a very narrow street - like winning the casting with Ca4 and a card of 8-10 (not to mention the ignored effect of the BJ). Anyway indeed there are situations where you have good (2/3 or even better) chances to pull out a severe from 3 cards but there are much more instances when you have to face a worse probability. All I wanted to note to fellow gamers in my first post that - without cheating - it's not an almost guaranteed success (this is something like 90-95% in my book) to have a damage flip with :+fate and get a severe result - and doing it twice in a row is just pink fantasy. (I experienced the strange interpretation of odds and probabilities in many games. Even in regard of myself before I took a look at the percentages.)
  4. I was aware of this but the statement was not about being cheatable or not. It's a pretty complicated because BJ really messes things up and makes the exact calculation a bit longer. Let's say we don't mess with the jokers for the sake of simplicity. Then you have 52 cards from which you have 12 favourable (4x11, 4x12 and 4x13). You get severe if any one of the cards are 11+ from the flipped three. It is much easier to calculate the probability of the case when you fail to accomplish this and deduct the % from 1 to get the chance you are looking for. For the first flip you have 40 low cards in the pack of 52 cards. -> 40/52 You flip some 10- so you contine with 39 low cards from 51 cards -> 39/51 Again a 10- so 38 out of 50 left -> 38/50 So to have severe damage from :+fate is: 1-((40/52)*(39/51)*(38/50))=55% If it's not enough you can try our blogpost about this topic. Small problem is that it is in Hungarian.
  5. People like to think that flipping with :+fate (let's assume the Youngling won the casting duel by 1-5 points so he gets a too) is an almost guaranteed maximum damage. Considering a full deck, it's less than 50% and you have some additional 5+% for getting the RJ. So all in all it's just 55% - not much better than a coin flip which is far from almost guaranteed maximum damage. Doing it two times in a row is something like 30%. So no, it's not at all a guaranteed 10 damage if you don't have the luxury to burn 11+ cards from your hand. Disclaimer: I don't think that dgraz is an idiot.
  6. Do I understand the rules correctly: you can only select one master (and Henchman as part of the 50 SS crew)? So say if I'd play Outcasts and take Sommer, I can only field him or Ophelia during the whole event. Right?
  7. This has been answered in this thread. (Case 1. is correct - just to spoiler a bit.)
  8. Most players agree that Somer needs few stones (including me btw). But there is one thing I find hard to manage. How do you deal with tough luck considering starting Hand? He needs 11+ to get a bro and you will have roughly 1 on avarage in your first 5 cards, but you can easily have 0 with a tiny bit of unluck. So you start turn 1 and spend say 2 of your 3 stones to get the Gremlin factory rolling? Or rather sacrifice one with Larva to get a Mosquito and 2 cards and pray for high ones?
  9. Ok, thx, now I got it. The sentence was misleading since Leveticus in itself can't hire a totem, just after he takes a Henchman.
  10. So the Crew Creator on Malifaux.com is wrong?
  11. This is a real issue since Insidious Madness can get rid of ItI. Or Pandora in a Brawl.
  12. Great stuff! Just one little note: maybe a button would be nice to completely wipe out indoor or outdoor locations. At our LGS, the terrain pieces are usually not enough to make a pleasant indoor table, so we go for outdoor straight. Maybe that's an issue for others too.
  13. Very thorough analytics there again and you indeed gather all the resources in these bad matchup. You have a solid grip of the mechanics, sir! Just some notes: - Obey is not a must at all, I just mentioned it to have a clear view of all the options. You can reach the Waifs without it in most cases. Also Big Z can use a discarded card (or even see her hand with luck) so she has some control over what she flips. And if you somehow do need an Obey, SS can save the day. - Card dependance of the plan is clear but not that problematical. Usually you can attack the Waifs in turn2. At that time you drawn 2x6 cards. Provided you can reach the Waifs with Leap, Self Preservation and Charge (theoretical max threat: 9+6+9+2) all you REALLY need is 2 Leaps (7+), 2 cards for the attack that is weaker by 1 point than the Waif defence card and 2 moderate cards for the damage (6+). Since most of the flips have more than 50 chance to succeed, on avarage you will need 1 or 2 cards for leaping and damaging and you need to win the 2 key duels vs the Waifs but that's also not unlikely since you have +2 stat bonus in that battle. - Activation control is a possible way to stay alive but that relies heavily on the lists. And the lists are made based on the terrain and the strategies fliped. So I can't give you whole lists because that will be Theorifaux at the highest level. But please note that Z can spawn Wicked Dolls or respaw her Totem that will give the team valuable activation time. - The basic plan doesn't really need careful setup. All you need is 2 Silurids in a safe spot to spring out when Leveticus already crippled himself enough in that turn. Of course you can spice it up with Nurse and Obeys but as I said they are just overkills in most cases. All in all thanks for your ingsights, they can definetely save Levy's .ss in some cases. And now we can discuss the surviving strategy against for example a Pigapult.
  14. This can be done a good number of ways. It depends on terrain, positioning etc. Say you take 2 pairs and field them in safe spots at the opposite wings somewhere in the middle of your half of the table. As you said, you need a lot of terrain in Malifaux, so this shouldn't be a problem. You activate your less important/cheap etc. models until Levi is done then Momma Z and his Totem Obeys 1-1 Silurid. This is at least 5" (or 9" if you are lucky to have good charge target). Then you Leap for 9 more inch somewhere near an enemy modell (it must be somewhere within roughly 8-10 inch of target Waif depending on terrain). Self Preservation gives you a free 6" push and then you can attack with your 2" Talon two times with a Cb5 vs Df3. Even one hit could be enough but 2 is more than enough provided Black Jocker doesn't show up. Also you can charge after Leap and/or Self Preservation in case you can reach the Waif with a 9" charge from there. The [+] flip with +2 stat is usually enough to inflict 3 Dg in one hit. And also if you can spare the Self Preservation move, you can use Blood Frenzy so you can most probably hit 2 times with 1 attack. The ultimate combo is the use of a Nurse. Inject Speed and Stimulant in just one Silurid. With Reactivate, Wk7, Cg11, Cb9 and [+] flip on damage and a possible Obey or two he will wipe out both Waifs with ease. (But you can steroid another one just like this with the help of Furious Casting and an Obey from Big Z or her totem.) Sure that means at least one dead Silurid but in exchange your opponent loses Levy. Sounds like a fair deal to me.
  15. Thanks for the long and valuable answer but as you noted most of these were quite straight. Like don't place your Waifs in a spot where Nino can have a free try on them. Yes, that's the minimum you must do to protect them and I agree with you about this is also almost the maximum. Keeping Levi on 1 Wd is maybe a good try but in most cases you will limit his power if you have to stop at 1 Wd. Also, Levy has to be fairly close to the enemy to deal some pain. So most of the time they can easily eat his SS's with some attacks AND go after your Waifs. For example a pair of Silurids led by Zoraida can wipe out the Waifs from the opposite end of the board. You can't use melee range for board control against them. You can't hit the Silurids as a preventive measure provided the opponent doesn't offer them with very bad placement. And she can bring more than 2 to ensure a pair makes it at the right time. Thanks again for the long answer!
  16. Maybe a bit better than from rats. Speaking about Waifs: I'm very interested in how do veteran Levy players protect them? With Levy's v3 card changes it's much harder to position them too much at the back since you will be spawning Levy right there. Anyway every faction now has multiple options to deal strikes from a very long distance and the opponent just have to wait for Levy's death and then send out the Silurids to eat the Waifs (or arm the Pigapult, summon a Shikome, start the dance of the Showgirls etc.). The only option I can see is the Guardian but for me that is a bit too pricey, very static way. In addition a few opponents can work around that defence easily. Overactivation could provide some protection, ie not moving Levy until all dangerous enemy made its activation. The problem is that Levy likes to play with heavy models (Dead Rider, Alyce, A&D, Lazarus etc.) and SPA's don't generate fast enough to gain the upper hand for activation control. And in the middle turns it is usually a very good idea to strike with Levy early, or he will get beaten up badly. So I don't think this a viable option. So again, I'd like to hear some working methods of Waif-defence!
  17. Actually this is not exactly the same in Malifaux either. Model reaches Wd0 -> model gets killed status -> effects like Slow to Die kick in -> after resolving those effects you check if model is still at Wd0 -> if not: model lives and continues to operate normally (note: if the model dies because of Headshot and similar triggers then you can't avoid death with for example a Healing action from Slow to Die)
  18. Csonti


    Problem is that you drag the situation out of game context. That's why I put the correction or clarification. Will 3 actions yield enough payback to put Killjoy in your opponent DZ in turn 1? is a wrong (or non-existing) question. Counting in the possibility of winning the 2nd turn's initiative and the chance that your opponent can't kill it in his or her first action even if you lose the initiative flip transforms your question like this: Will 4,5+ actions yield enough payback to put Killjoy in your opponent DZ in turn 1? That is 3 in turn one, plus 3 with a 50% chance in turn two (not counting in cards in Hand and SS use) plus some more for suviving after a lost initiative.
  19. Csonti


    Just a slight correction: provided you have outactivated your opponent you will have at least 3 actions (+Onslaught) with Killjoy and could get 3 more (+Onslaught) if you win the next initiative. Even without the initiative, some crews just don't have the power to kill Killjoy in one activation. Anyway I can't remember a game where Killjoy did not manage to earn his (its) salt. I saw Perdita die despite she was using SS, I saw roughly 20 points of minions killed in a whirlwind of death, I saw games turning upside down when he (it) arrived at last. Cheap Slow to Die models make him (it) shine even more just because of the threat his (its) likely appearance provides. On the other hand I'm not sure that droping Killjoy early is always the best option in a game.
  20. Leveticus in tier3? After the nuke cuddle of SPA-train and Levi's v3 card? After all of the factions now have sufficient methods to hunt down Waifs? Interesting...
  21. Or you -should- just start with 2 instead of 1 and get 2 more out of them at the first turn. And then send out offensively only one pair, while the others can make 2 replacements per turn. This would indeed make Mosquito spaming a bit less effective (sending only 2) OR more risky (if you send 3 and they die, you will have factory problems).
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