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Everything posted by ragnarok14

  1. Ah I thought papa was low enough that he couldn’t summon anything off him and I always forget about blow it to hell being a bonus action. I guess I meant more that exorcists would be a good pick for the crew not only utilising the summoning damage/auto kill on their guns but making your current target undead means you should be able to melt whatever target you decide to go for (plus create a bunch of suedo execute triggers on all your stuff) perhaps the judge would be good to bring in then rather than marker removal but again not having play against ivan I’m not aware of how damaging the markers can be if left alone? all that said Hoffman definitely looks like the pick if you wanna give an ivan player a bad time and would be the more straight forward choice.
  2. Having never played against ivan this may be a noob suggestion, but would a lady j crew with exorcists/jury/lone marshal have game against him? Maybe even add in papa loco for an extra obey target?
  3. I’m keen to learn and start to get some games in on vassal. Is there a current link to the discord group?
  4. I’m gonna throw out there that the keyword you’re looking for in guild is witch hunter. there’s a lot of actions that punish poor positioning or grouping together coupled with the burning condition not ticking down anymore means one action or more needs to be taken to deal with it. Burning gets around a bunch of defensive tech too which can irritate an opponent and even if they don’t mind the one or two points of damage from a mildly on fire model, there are quite a few benefits you gain (or constraints put on their options) from them leaving the model on fire as well as some quite high damage actions like Sonnia’s summon action that can tilt an opponent. in addition to this the crew can put an absolute massive amount of damage even in the absence of the fire condition (sonnia, thralls, Samuel) and isn’t short of movement tricks either which can frustrate attempts to pin down anyone other than sonnia herself. oh and most of them have shielded or can use soul stones or have solid effect when they die and don’t leave markers.
  5. Do you need to still have an upgrade on the model to use the bonus action?
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