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About MadNes

  • Birthday 10/26/1980

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  1. The models do the same thing they do in any other miniatures war game. They show you the position of your units relative to other models and terrain. Show your armies strength via volume of models and models removed. Show combat facing and orientation for the purpose of flank and rear charge angles. Enhance your gaming experience by creating an easthetic unparalleled by any other gaming medium Give you hours if enjoyment as you complete the hobby aspect of building, customizing and painting your models. Give you a grand overview of the battlefield, which a good general will use to adjust strategies and execute tactics. Fyi - the software gives you the operational view of the active unit. You can play without the models, but a) you would only be playing half the game it is nearly impossible to get into deep strategic and tactical gameplay that way.
  2. I would like to see a cage match between that guy and chompy bits.... Big Big Cage
  3. Almost forgot, the game is intuitive enough to just download and play at its most basic level. But for those of you who want to undersrtand the deeper mechanics, and the intricacies of the game play, the rulebook, unit descriptions and history / fluff is available to everyone http://ex-illis.com/wikien If you have any questions I would be happy to answer. Give it a shot lemme know what ya think.
  4. Well guys, the system isn't for everyone. Some people hust really want to roll dice, or use charts, or use a tape measure, and thats cool. BUT, before you write the game off as a techie fluke, or the models off as unimportant, try the game out for free. http://en.ex-illis.com/ Go to this site and create an account. The account is free. You may then download a trial army. The army will be good for 30 days. I suggest using proxy models to play, but if you have no suitable models, you may print out proxies for free.
  5. P.s. - there is a rumor that a proxy / trial system will be available soon. Will keep you posted on that. P.p.s loaning models between gaming groups and brothers in arms is / will be free. After market transactions will cost a nominal fee to cover the administrative cost of permanently transfering troops on the server.
  6. You're friend can make a second account, and swap models between his two account in order to loan friends an army. The game really is most fun with two people who have their own armies. Reason being the units level up and can be spec'd differently. So you're crossbow unit can play different from mine based on how you spec them out when they level. Also, a feature will soon be deployed where gaming groups will be able to loan models between each other. This feature will be activated post GenCon.
  7. Yay!!! You were wrong Not to give you all my life story, but I've been involved with this game since last gencon. So far it highlights everything I enjoy about mini war games, and removes everything I don't like so much. Here is a link to the wiki if you would like to find out more http://ex-illis.com/wikien
  8. Is there a painting requirement?
  9. I will be taking my figs to adepticon. Hope to play some games with you vuys there.
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