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Everything posted by AntiZombie

  1. What did you use to cast them ? Casting is something that has eluded me.
  2. Hmmm, a chatroom would be nice. Another way I can ignore studying things that make my head hurt... But well I am clueless as to what has been said in this thread. The only one I can follow cogently is hayzel...
  3. absolutly, I'm the only one i hold to that standard
  4. i think Eric missed over in the other thread this so ill post it again . Overlord bunny puppet Ericj!
  5. Posted the picture of the prize. It will be on a bigger base as usual.
  6. glad i could provide some inspiration to paint (thats sometimes the hardest part )
  7. Overlord bunny puppet eric!! ( Please don't take my avatar away! :imsorry:)
  8. oh man, cloth bunny overlord Eric, that is perfect
  9. OH man, in my fraternity we used to serenade girls to Dream Dream Dream all the time (and if you replace dream with drink its a really funny song). Our other favorite was Blue Moon and Time of the Seasons
  10. Thank ye kindly, i don't think i would have had as much fun if i weren't working as much as i did. I didn't end up getting out on sunday until 430/5 ish. I forgot to set my watch for spring forward so i barley noticed hehe.
  11. Just an update, this is in one week. I will be posting a picture of the Ms. pack probably around wed.
  12. Hey all, just finished my stint at Pax east demoing Malifaux and super dungeon explore. You can read a review of the Pax- East experience and get a sneak peak at some cool SDE stuff in my blog: http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2011/03/pax-east.html
  13. i certainly wish i had a tablet. Ive only got the old fasion pencils and paper Tuesday does certainly have alot of talent. you should put tierras on your showgirl puppets
  14. Oh man, my new avatar rocks thank you Eric, please disregard any other drawings i submit cause im pretty sure i will be submitting more (i've been at pax east demoing things all day so i only just now saw it )
  15. someone wanted me to draw this so i did! cause i am horrible at deciding what to draw. Its not an avatar but it is a malifuax kitty! So i cant seem to upload the picture. Go here: http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j298/binx532/kittypuppet.jpg
  16. Eric did an amazing version of this. Go check it out on his mini link in his signature
  17. a but you forget that we are just Mr ( and Ms) potato heads to Eric the all knowing and seeing of the forums
  18. I don't need bribes I just need time and direction hehe.
  19. that would be quite cool, wyrd would be the first to do actual plushies ( though i still think a warmachine juggernaught plushie would be adorable) i would definitly buy one and make sure they are available as prizes for my tournements (The title of Pope of plushies would probably be handed out too)
  20. Cheese! And tuesday, all the puppets i draw have hair made out of yarn (BTW love your drawing)
  21. I vote gaki. I bet he is a funny looking puppet
  22. you should do one anyway i think we all just want to see original puppet drawings
  23. Having come back to my secret ninja castle i found the picture of the mysterious Hazelesque puppet found on the floor of the old Wyrd HQ, There was also an odd note that stated "no this will break game - E " So i think Eric is just trying to cover something up.
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