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Everything posted by Brandu

  1. Was thrilled till I saw the Puppet Wars board. My Lady took one look at it and said: No. She loves the puppets... it's the board she doesn't like. And Candy. We finally have a possible date for Fugly Marcus Avatar
  2. My wish list for tomorrow is an Avatar mini for Marcus that isn't fugly. Jay, it's a valid comment in this thread. :rofl:
  3. I agree with Memento Mori, but with opposite reasoning. :paralyzedpuppet I usually paint the base and the model at the same time unless I'm cutting off the tabs and pining to a malifaux base, in which case I paint the two items seperately and then pin/glue when complete. It's all a matter of personal preference really. -Brandu
  4. I glue the arm/whatever in place and then use a small bit of GS to fill the gap. I tried doing the 'wad' method once... never again. A little GS can go a long ways, and you're not trying to hide any details, just fill a small gap. -Brandu
  5. Beer Goggles are a registered trademark of Duff Gardens (a Subsidiary of Duff Brewery) and can be purchased from the licensed distributor, Bart Simpson for $9.95 each (or 2 for $25.00) edit: If I get this Avatar, I'm going to make sure she has seven dolls in her group: Sleazy, Queasy, Surly, Edgy, Tipsy, Dizzy, and Remorseful (the Seven Duffs)
  6. Wow, a negative comment from Wodschow. Who'd a thunk it? <sarcasm> I pesonally like it. Only thing i would suggest is giving the 'outside' player an unbalanced +1 (or amybe +2) due to the fact that he has further between workshops than the inner player.
  7. http://www.puppet-wars.com/maps.html?MN=No-Puppets Land&MP=Two-Players&MU=false&M=6,7,9,11,12,15,18,22,25,28,30,33,36,41,43,45,47,49,54,57,60,62,65,68,72,75,78,79,81,83,84&WB=0,5,44,46,85,90&SW=40,50&TN=2,35,55,88&TM=16,74&TF=3,87 First try at a mean map Brandu
  8. Been considering this... Anima Tactics Dark Starter https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=popup_image&pID=2&zenid=69aa9602af28308f4fc27e91ed55c60e
  9. Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent, and out the door I went. Now to stay on topic: Lady J is going to be a nightmare to transport. Pandora, probably not much better. Marcus... well, suffice to say, I can still make my Lady giggle if I mention that mini.
  10. So it would be a 4:masks:masks. Thank you. -Brandu
  11. Yes, I read the part you're refering to. Trying to make sure i got it all right. It also says: "When an Ace is Flipped or Played, you may Flip an additional card and replace the Numerical Value of the Ace (1) with the Numerical Value of the newly Flipped card while keeping the Suit of the original Ace." My question is, It 'replaces' the suit when the second card flipped is another suit. So a Ace:masks +4:tomes = 4:masks OR is it = to a 4:masks:masks? Does it ADD a second :masks only if the second card flipped is a :masks? Ace :masks + 11:masks = 11:masks:masks I's got confused -Brandu
  12. Puppet Wars: "An Ace has a Numerical Value of 1 and double its shown Suit Value. Question: I flip the Ace of :masks, If the additional flipped card is (for example) a 11:masks is my final value = 11:masks:masks? -Brandu
  13. very nice. Best of luck, looks like someone has already bid too...
  14. Can we get something (anything) on gameplay for Puppet Wars please? I'm buying the whole set, that's a given. Would like to know how it plays though.
  15. My Lady took on look at it, her eyes widened and said: "ahhh.... No. that's gonna be a stone cold b**** to transport." -Brandu
  16. Have to agree with comments about the "umongeous" arrow. First thing to go when I get my set is that thing.
  17. I'm known for flipping the Wyrd people some crap from time to time, but Nathan is spot on. Rulebook needed: Malifaux Rules Manual. $15.00 That's it. It's the only 'Rule' book you actually 'need'. You want the fluff and other pretties? Buy the first Book and Rising Powers. V2 Cards: The ones that have changed are available FOR FREE on the left side of the screen you are looking at as a download. If it's not in the PDF you don't need another card. You want a 'crazy amount of outdated books? Go play WH or WM....
  18. Well, it would be Wyrd anyways....
  19. Thought about it for a bit and decided to go with the old standby of foam-core for walls. Work in progress after about 2 hours. Base is 1'x2'. Walls are 2" high There's a line of 4 headstones by the open grave, but they're clear plastic (for now) and hard to see. -Brandu Front side Back side
  20. Anyone know where to find fences in scale for use? Not the 'split rail' fences but the metal looking ones like would be found around a gothic looking graveyard. -Brandu
  21. Whooo-hooo! A cookie! Nope, not Tina, but SnowStorm should be. Back on Topic: Francisco to Henchman status by the fluff? A bit on some of the Lessers perhaps? eg: The Ronin, Molemen Myranda! You know I don't recall seeing anything fluffwise concerning her... Conspicious by her absense? -Brandu
  22. No, as in the teasers that were shown in book two. Pandora is already a certainty. Perdita, almost certainly I'd say 99.99% Lady J. Do you really think that the main leader of the Death Marshals is going to have an issue with being Buried? (sides, buried doesn't mean killed or sacrificed in Malifaux, she's still in play) Sonia, more than a good chance. Males: Hamelin: he already is one. Nico - more than likely. Off the top of my head I can't come up with any other definite ones except for maybe Seamus. Would like to see Seamus as an Avatar and Molly as a full Master. Look up the definition of the word Avatar -Brandu
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