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Posts posted by katadder

  1. not a guild player but I dont see the strength in this list. Admittedly against me you wouldnt have your skeeter after 1 activation so that removes the masks (and I would probably have an abom in your deployment too).

    chances are your pigs wouldnt be able to get to me either (levi player with A&D - cant be charged, and rusty alyce - no charges ending within 3")

    i reckon I would 10-0 this list with my current average tourney list but I would be interested to see it on the field

  2. 7 hours ago, Ubeltaeter said:

     Hello to everyone.

    Dunno if similar question is for this section.

    Our local hechman declare next tourney as using GG2018.

    But some changes are ridiculous. Players get Tournament Points (TP) as always (3 for win, 1 for draw, 0 for lose) but then player can get up to 3 TP for painting (pretty subjective factor) and then after all 3 rounds each player rate each other opponent on scale 1 to 5. And after all player with lowest summary number get -2 TP, with highest number get +2 TP. So winning all 3 rounds you can easy lose to player who won single match ( 9-2 TP and 3+3+2 TP)

    Question is so: henchman can do anything he want or he must have some constraints? Next time nonsmoking player can get - 5 TP, for example.

    just vote with your wallet and dont go if you dont like it. I certainly wouldnt go to one like this

  3. Mostly been playing Levi but the last list I played into lady j on a ply strat was misaki.

    Declared Faction: Outcasts 
    Crew Name: outcast misaki  ply 50ss 
    Leader: Misaki - Cache:(3)
       Survivalist 1ss 
       Stalking Bisento 2ss 
    Shang 3ss 
    Yamaziko 6ss 
       Oath Keeper 1ss 
    Bishop 9ss 
       Oath Keeper 1ss 
    Johana 7ss 
       Oath Keeper 1ss 
    Sue 8ss 
       Return Fire 1ss 
    Hodgepodge Effigy 4ss 
    Oiran 5ss 

  4. I am thinking a Titania crew with her running royal indignation, fears given form and the forest claims all. She can survive most the minions quite happily and stand around in the middle of their crew turning corpses to schemes (or wasting their cards) using her fears given form and attacks to attempt to cause issues.

    might not work but it was something I was thinking of

  5. 18 hours ago, Seadhna said:

    So, her thing is basically "here's a threat that I might assassinate a model a turn, if the stars are right, probably"

    nah, not my cup of tea

    back when Storm ignored damage reduction she was a good pick against swarms and summoners, but even that was taken from her, sadly.

    You get assassinate quite easily tbh.

    Also apart from arcanist swarms and summoners she is still good as those are usually the only ones with armour and you don't run her into arcanist anyway as armour is bad for any misaki.  If you want storm misaki she is still regularly putting out 15 damage plus 3 lots of blasts which is generally 11 damage plus (depending on enemy grouping) per attack.

    Personally I don't use storm misaki anyway and do quite well with her in outcasts. She is good at not being tied down being able to charge and easily push away allowing easy undercover entourage or getting to enemy zone for marker placement then coming back to the fight 

    She's a combination of survivability, mobility and hitting power you don't get in any other master even if she isn't the best at any one of those things in outcasts.

    • Agree 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Seadhna said:

    I'm still having trouble figuring out what's Misaki's actual role in the faction.

    Her damage output is negligible, she has about zero synergy with any crew, she's only moderately survivable, so... what am I not getting?

    Viks are scary, Levi is reliable, Parker is tanky, Hamelin is Hamelin, Tara is synergistic...

    What's Misaki's thing?

    whilst her damage isnt on the viks level she is a threat and now with survivalist and marlena webster she can survive much longer than the viks can whilst in the middle of the enemy crew. also opponents tend to hang onto cards just in case of assassination etc or I have used her to charge in and threaten a summoner removing all his cards through assassination triggers.

    shes quite useful, just have to figure her out and try things with her to see what works for you

  7. I like bisento for the + to attack and damage plus possible free moves (with this in a misaki off against thunder misaki with storm my misaki won). plus everyone expects storm misaki.

    bishop walk 5 with 3 actions is not slow and also increases his charge range so is great. taelor isnt too bad either and with an increased threat range has to be worried about (although use bishop more in this list than taelor, she goes in my levi list and rides a kentauroi)

  8. I have been running this lately:

    Misaki: survivalist, stalking bisento
    Yamaziko: scramble
    Bishop (or taelor): scramble
    Sue: return fire
    Johana: scramble (will replace with marlena when I get her)
    Hodgepodge effigy

    also once have marlena I may replace yamaziko with a librarian for some heals

  9. 7 hours ago, Bengt said:

    I detest the practice of bundling models from several factions in one box. So even if the Fire Golem end up being the perfect "fix" for Kaeris I wouldn't buy Backdraft as gremlins are useless to me and it's way too much work flogging them on the side.

    Not super happy about models before rules either. This is not so bad as it will solve itself in time, but it sure stops me from picking up a product on release.

    I am with you on this. I want a fire golem but nothing else from the box so I doubt I will get it as I am not paying £40 plus for one model. its ok if you have a group that plays multiple factions but I only get to play at tourneys so cannot set up to buy with somebody else interested beforehand

  10. 48 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

    Pick up a Gremlins crew box now that you'll have a Henchman, Enforcer, and pair of Minions to use with it. That's obviously Wyrd's master plan for releasing boxes like Backdraft and Undying. 

    No thanks. The one faction that had never appealed to me.

    Also don't want the other arcanist things just the golem

  11. Is there any chance at all he will come out as a lone model as it's unlikely I will get it if it's only in this box.

    And before someone says sell the other bits, that only works if you can find buyers and there are not enough gremlins players compared to how many arcanists will be selling the gremlins half


    15 minutes ago, Erik1978 said:

    June sounds optimistic... still waiting for my January Benny Wolcomb. 😐

    I have 2 games with Mei Feng and not getting less excited about her now, but since I'm a fair and easy going Henchman, I don't play Arcanists, really hoping this is an Outcast or TT golem but it sounds like it's the blue. :)

    As it's am arcanist/gremlins box then I would say that's likely blue. 

    You might get foundry and be able to bring it into mei TT that way 

  13. 11 hours ago, Clockwork_Fish said:

    I would think Levi would be good in Supply Wagon because of cheap constructs on larger bases.  As a Guild player I’m pretty fond of Hunters for that job.

    Yes he is good at supply wagons as my Levi crew will put it well into opponents half on turn 1.

    Lazarus starts in base contact with the wagon. Vanessa commands him to push it. Lazarus then walks and pushes it. Kentauroi picks up a&d and drops him in contact with the wagon. A&d pushes it, walks then pushes again. Supply wagon is now 16" up the board 😁 you can now get on with killing the enemy crew.

    Declared Faction: Outcasts 
    Crew Name: Levi supply wagons 50ss 
    Leader: Leveticus - Cache:(1)
       Desolate Soul 2ss 
       Pariah of Bone 1ss 
    Hollow Waif 0ss 
    Hollow Waif 0ss 
    Ashes and Dust 14ss 
       Scramble 1ss 
    Lazarus 10ss 
    Vanessa 8ss 
    Kentauroi 8ss 
    Hodgepodge Effigy 4ss 

  14. Perhaps I'm odd but I don't own sandeep and rarely take oxfordian mages with my other masters 

    I agree with balgor that they tend to die too easily as well even with all the "defensive options" (wait until they activate, pressure the master so he uses his cards earlier then they are an easy df5 no defensive tech kill)

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