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Posts posted by katadder

  1. hmm, well I have been using the same raspy crew for 4 of my first 6 tourney games and the other 2 used the same marcus crew so people could deduce what I am going to use (especially as marcus is my favourite but doesnt always fit the schemes).

    however if you look in my bag you will also find kaeris and a crapton of mercs as I run outcasts including misaki as outcast so that wont help you at all.


    as I usually finish quite quickly i also get to wander around watching other games, should this be banned as I am getting insight into some opponents crews in theory?  although for me so far I usually decide a crew depending on schemes then only change it depending on enemy faction (neverborn declaration for example)

  2. just wanting to check we did things in the right order after a game.


    It was a december acolyte vs a witchling stalker


    december acolyte hit in melee, so witchling stalker failed a duel allowing it to close


    acolyte did damage killing the stalker and triggered into the shadow which says after damaging he gets to push 4"


    we assumed that after damaging and therefore the triggered push happened before the death of the stalker therefore saving the acolyte from damage, is that correct?

  3. one thing to note coming from the systems you mentioned, malifaux isnt about the killing, you can actually still win having lost all models (saw this myself last night in a game I was watching) so its alot about building your list for the schemes and strats than traditional list building.

    that being said I do have 2 generic arcanist lists I have been using to great effect in tourneys no matter the schemes or strats

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  4. as the masters never seem to come with general upgrades its unlikely to expand into them. yes there are plenty of masters i want, but then they come with all their cards so dont need the arsenal boxes. its literally for 3 cards from wave 2 but needing 2 boxes. 


    could do with an arsenal box that is general upgrades for all factions

  5. have faced summoners myself and pulled out a draw but it was an uphill battle, saw 3 summoned hanged, 3 punk zombies and endless hordes of mindless zombies and all coming in without slow due to nico and his totem.

    the hanged as a summon is quite horrible though due to suddenly appearing somewhere nasty to use his half wounds no healing ability, but the rest isnt too bad really.

  6. why have possibly the best looking models with lure got the worst lure? everyone else has built in suits so even the dead belles are better at luring than our ninja geishas, is it a mistake they dont have the built in suits to cast this easier?

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