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Posts posted by katadder

  1. way to beat collodi is ban DMH :D 
    Otherwise he is probably the most unbalanced master in the game and as I have used him its tought to do as he will just out damage your crew totally. 
    Go for anti-armour for sure, or high level of attacks. and as others said try and do your strats and schemes if he allows it

    • Haha 2
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  2. I couldn't tell you everything that's out of date but some opponents have tried things and I'm like what so we check the pdf and shows differences.

    Couple of things I do remember that were not rules - teddy in a crew with kade doesnt get his discount. And when building a Ramos crew it charges tax on constructs that are all versatile with him.

    Some rules things are out of date though

  3. If for example Marcus throws a beast into a charge using his trigger from call of the wild, can that beast use triggers on its attack? 

    my thought is no because its an action caused by a trigger and actions caused by triggers cannot themselves use triggers.

    however my opponent said the charge is the action off the trigger and the attack is generated by the charge

  4. 5 hours ago, TeddyBear said:

    I don't know if this can help, but imo fitsimmons is unmissable piece.

    Htw e dmg reduction 1 for all m&su in aura, more better than medical (you already have mouse for healing)

    You might want to play with two gunsmith, for their armor ignoring, instead of captain and his shielded ignoring.

    A list i was successuful with, was:






    2x Gunsmith one with Magical Training

    Almost my list although I put magical training on both gunsmiths for redundancy and shielded :D

  5. no compared to zoraida - she can obey 1 model twice if she hits the trigger -collodi can obey the same model 3 times whilst damaging them, imagine that in cursed idols - take damage from collodi, throw the idol, take damage from collodi, move, take damage from collidi, throw the idol and die. 
    I say this as a collodi player that hes not balanced and so DMH should not be allowed

    • Agree 2
  6. Detonate charges - requires you to get scheme markers down and not within 4 so possibility of staying together but not always
    Breakthrough - if you push through together then the enemy is probably near or you have won already, so if they are near cannot score, so need them to spread, so spread your crew
    Harness leylines - whilst possible again you are encouraging enemy into one area probably denying your scheming
    Search Ruins - normally need to spread out
    Dig - can require it if need to interact and not be engaged by entire enemy crew
    Hold up their forces - needs to be 2 separate models so if all in a bunch this is less likely
    Take Prisoner - again you need to spread the enemy out so if you are bunched you are probably denying yourself this
    Power Ritual - unlikely 1 model no matter how schemey can do this as has to get to 3 seperate board corners in 5 turns (widow weaver maybe)
    Outflank - as you say
    Assassinate - if you are keeping your crew concentrated then so can they meaning you have to fight their entire crew to get to leader
    Deliver - easy enough
    Claim jump - requires you to be near centre, but not enemy, unlikely if you are all clumped
    Vendetta - again similar to assassinate, depending on target, do you want their crew concentrated too?

    So out of 13 if you are clumped you have made scoring a majority of them much harder as some require no enemy near, others allow enemy to clump to deny you (and if clumped then prepare for blasts). Also alot of shooting moderates are at 4 now, so i will just cheat in that for 1 less damage and keep severes to hit you again.

    Turf War - need to spread out if you want 4, you cant protect them all as people need to keep heading out when you lose models
    Idols - who knows where they will turn up, need to spread out
    Plant Explosives - needs them 6" away from other markers including enemies so requires a fair bit of spreading out if you want to score
    Reckoning - do as you wish

    really think you need to rethink how you play some of these games if you think titania can protect the majority of her crew and you still score or at least score enough to win. if you are all hanging around titania then you give your opponent the rest of the board to play in, making it much more likely they will win by avoiding your deathball as you dont have to kill to win in malifaux outside of 1 strat and 2 schemes.

    Not sure what timezone you are in, but get yourself on vassal and we can run through games ;) 

  7. If you are keeping your crew bunched to make use of cruel disappointment then you are  not doing everything really.

    If they spread out to do schemes and strats then they can be taken down.

    Rougarou are only df4, bultungin are easy kills with no defensive tech. Outside of those 2 models the crew is fairly slow so they cannot do everything.

    Also outside of aeslin and titania the crew is a melee crew so again cannot do everything.

    All we can say is more games, more situations, different board set up, different strats and schemes, these will all show you that whilst good she is  not the powerhouse you seem to consider her

  8. 12 minutes ago, longfanz said:

    This is something I don't understand (maybe this is not the place to ask though). If things in italics are required to declare triggers and those are declared prior to resolve the attack, how can the burning applied with the attack used to declare the trigger?

    You're right, you cant get min 3 on 1st attack as i have pointed out to others especially after a certain podcast.

    Unless you have managed to get burning off a different attack somehow.

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  9. I think getting chompy in would be a 2nd turn thing.  So 1st turn you summon, walk focus, put some shielded on. Chompy walks, focus, lucid dream.

    Yes riders are squishy early on but he is df6 wp7 and unimpeded and fast so waiting a turn isnt too bad.

    Insidious madness can hide until you need them then rush forward and hopefully distract as well. They are also terrifying so can burn enemy cards. Or can scheme run pretty fast.

    Then depends on your cards for what summons you bring.

    Not saying it would work and need to test it out myself but if I was playing dreamer and opponent declared titania then that would be a counter build. It all depends on strats/schemes and opponents plays as well as your own of course.

    Play her some more, play as her as you are a nvb player. See her strengths and weaknesses and see what people bring against you

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Morgan Vening said:

    It's not unique, in that Toni Ironsides can also do it in almost exactly the same way.

    And regarding Seamus and Toni, it's really no different to any other Master. To get the fourth regular action, you're forfeiting your Bonus Action. Most Masters go 3+:ToS-Fast:. Seamus and Toni go 4.


    Kind of but Toni has to use up her resource to do it. Seamus just does it with no cost.

    Also Seamus gets to focus shoot that gun, then charge for still 2 attacks.

  11. Easy way to get chompy in with dreamer is of course use your nightmare and get mask trigger.

    Chompy can come from anywhere on the board then opponent usually has one activation to try and kill a butterfly jumping terrifying 12 chompy that uses soulstones before chompy goes to work.

    Then counter build. Probably a good crew would be reflexes on chompy, rider with reflexes, emissary, 2 insidious madness and a daydream. That gives 6 models that dont care about terrain and one you can teleport in from safety. 

    Then summon in other stuff, target gorar or autumn knights for low wp and get stitched etc in their backfield 

    • Agree 4
  12. 42 minutes ago, whodares said:

    So basicly you are saying that you were playing against lesser skilled opponents and won, so certainly there was no problem. That's pretty much what you're saying here, considering Nicodem got a major nerf and even then still remained one of the top masters in his faction. It's like I would be saying Yan Lo in M2E was fine for tourneys because I could beat the extremely casual players with it.

    Plenty of those options have been "Don't go near her markers Turn 1 and 2", which is not a viable solution for such a problem. If you can't touch half the board for several Turns because otherwise you fall into a trap, there just might be a problem.

    Other options have been more serious and I have given them feedback on why I do not agree with those options. You know, a discussion. It seems like your idea of a discussion is that there is this magical answer and not being convinced by it means I know nothing and must be a stubborn idiot.

    I think Titania is too resource-efficient for the amount of power she can bring to the table. Only Adran actually challenged that by providing other alternatives with similar options and I returned my opinion on why I agree/disagree with him with more examples.

    Not in the slightest, played against very good players, I just knew my way around nicodem and how to counter him,  seems I played him alot which is why was always happy to see him. Making assumptions again.

    Not a bad player myself you see, got plenty of tourney wins, even won my 1st m3e tourney (you can check my record on UK malifaux rankings if you really want) and that wasnt an easy pool. Certainly not the best though, plenty better but I know that and accept it, UK is a tough meta though and I can be surprised but that's why I am getting in as many games as possible now. Learn more playing better players than worse ones too.

    I also have rants after being smashed, you can ask the UK chat group about my bent models rants but they usually last about 5 mins (not 2 days). Then I go away, try and beat it, it play as that master to learn more about its strengths and weaknesses.

    Yes some people have given suggestions, you may not may not like them but maybe try them out. Play more titania, play as titania like I said above, learn her strengths and weaknesses from playing her or against her.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Gnomezilla said:


    Two-three games a day for several days running? How is this even possible?!?! :Teddy:

    Night shift worker and wake up far too early for own good 😂 2.5 to 3 hours per game. Also when off then off for 3-4 days at a time.had alot of free time for last 2 weeks as well

    Also vassal so can hit people up in multiple time zones (Britain, polish, Aussies, Americans). 

    I have no local meta currently so either go to tourneys when I can or play on there which is why I keep it updated.

    Has allowed me to see and try out so many masters and crews so hopefully less gotcha moments in the future

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, whodares said:

    I wish these players much succes in their short-sighted world. They are obviously too incompetent to even challenge existing quota and it becomes too hard for them to think outside of the box. I remember people laughing at me when I started talking about Nicodem. I remember people laughing at me on several occasions. In the end it  turned out I was actually right in most of those cases, yet all these butthurt monkeys don't like to hear that.

    Close to nobody has actually stopped and thought about what I was actually saying because "The beta test said no prob so she's ok" followed by "I can beat John Scrub so she must be ok" and eventually a "The top players are not using her, that must mean she's fine". Detach yourself from pre-existing judgement as much as possible and look at all the tools a crew has and how easily they can achieve their winning objectives.

    But that's probably too hard for many people and instead they like to go with the herd to feel cool and important. Much easier than actually opening your mind and having a discussion.

    I think when everyone is against you including known top players then theres probably a good chance you may be wrong.

    Me I had no problems against nicodem in 2e and actually was always happy when an opponent declared him.

    I also have no problems with titania in 3e, certainly not to your level.

    There have been lots of people trying to have a discussion with you and maybe open your mind but you have stuck to your guns and pretty much described yourself in the quoted text.

    As I said your 5 years of experience doesnt mean much unless it has some background.

    Even in 3e I have managed around 2-3 games a day for the last 10 days and more previous. I have played and won with titania, I have played and lost with her.i have played against her and won,played against her and lost 

    You talk about closed minds but plenty of people have given you options to beat her but always you have excuses and reasons why she cant be beaten and you are right. Yes there probably is a closed mind here but it's not the people you think

    • Agree 1
  15. 5 years experience by itself doesn't always mean alot. Nick Pratt here in the UK has that much experience but he's our top wooden spoon winner.

    If you had 5 years experience in a small pond then it's not necessarily good experience but as we dont know your background then saying 5 years experience doesn't justify anything.

    All we have seen is you come on here and moan about a master, completely ignoring all the opinions and options that others offer you comfortable in your opinion that you are right.

    The fact that everybody else seems opposed to you and this thread is even being posted as an amusement in other locations doesnt seem to effect your thoughts.

    Play against her, learn how to beat her by employing ideas posted here and maybe you will see she is not all that

    • Like 3
  16. As seamus is written he is currently a 4 action master as he has cause for celebration as a free action. In the cost it says he may remove a corpse marker on the enemy table half, doesnt say he has to do it to get an extra action. thought we were getting away from fast masters? Is this the case or does it badly need a rewrite?


    :ToS-Fast: Cause for Celebration 2" - -
    This Action can only be taken if this model is this Crew's Leader. This model may remove target Corpse Marker on the enemy table half .This model may take an Action. If this model removed a marker to take this Action, the generated Action may ignore any special requirements listed in italics.

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