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Everything posted by blkdymnd

  1. judges hat looks really slick. Looking forward to the progress
  2. agreed, half the time my basing is more extensive than the model standing on it That said, I'm sure some static grass will find it's way in places on these models at least.
  3. Agreed, it's a hobby for some and for others it's just a game. Organized play can be catered to both groups, with an emphasis on the former pretty easily.
  4. Those are looking awesome. I absolutely love the red cracked bases. Great stuff
  5. Could there be anything else for the Lady's crew? I am impressed with the more unorthodox metal inserts, instead of the normal resin. The resin's great, but fragile. After getting these together, they have some nice girth to them. Can't wait to get started.
  6. Well, I got models and base inserts and I'm ready to go. Not sure how long this will take me, hopefully not terribly long, but I'll take you through the journey of at least my Lady Justice box and hopefully by the time I get finished up (or hopefully well after I finish up), the rules will be ready to go for my freshly painted crew. So first things first, the assembled crew that is drying tonight. Tomorrow will be the black basecoat and I will go ahead and start with the Lady herself. More to follow soon....
  7. I would say painting should never be a requirement but should always be highly, highly encouraged. Some people will either just never have the time, be very self concious of their ability or lack thereof to paint, 3 kids and a wife (I'm there, but I still squeeze out time here and there), and some are just interested in the gaming aspect of it. For those reasons, someone shouldn't be refused a tourney because of that, but should have no shot at becoming the overall winner without it. But I do agree, it's a travesty when a company doesn't try to steer it's players into the complete hobby aspect.
  8. Congrats! Now please register your legal union with your local Guild post.
  9. And just think, the less children we allow, the less annoyances you have on your long business flights around Malifaux.... you're welcome...
  10. The side with the paddywagon's ready to pick up all you drunken bastids as you come out of the hall
  11. Or the Guild optimist would say, not full :proud:
  12. Thanks for the heads up Jabberwocky, just what I was looking for
  13. Are there any links to background info on the game? I'd love to bone up on some fluff until the rulebook comes out next month.
  14. Yeah, for steampunk, I'm totally digging the hair. If you don't like the hair, you can't really play a game with Samurai Punk Zombies, can you?
  15. Incredible stuff, nice work
  16. *Edit* Lavron Yor beat me to it by a second or two Quickest and easiest way? Gloss varnish. I have used them extensively on swamp bases in the past and I think they do great. Use about 3 colors of brown/green (or whatever you want the land "under" your water to look like) and gradually work your way out from light to dark from the shore, deeper water should be darker. Or you can just blend the colors to make a murkier or opaque look to the water. After that, I add about 5 successive gloss coats to really get a good gleam and if you notice in the first pic it actually slightly reflects the model. In the 3rd pic, I used about 3 layers of Elmers Glue, let each layer dry clear-ish and then glossed over that.
  17. lol... thanks guys! He is a very delectable vanilla swirl... or some call it little boy
  18. Howdy all, I'm looking forward to getting in on the Malifaux fun myself now. I have picked up my Lady Justice box and my buddies Ramos box and we're ready to go once the rulebook hits. I watched the Youtube demo's of the game and it looks easy and streamlined for what skirmish games usually have to offer (no tedious modifiers and such here it seems). I'll try to post my Guild box once I get them painted up and wish I could get to Gencon, but being on the Westcoast and now as of Tuesday having a new baby in the house, that ain't happening this year, hopefully next year. I am on a million forums and recognize a few names here. Can't wait to see this game get moving.
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