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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. It says something that this poll is the toughest decision I've had to make today.
  2. Agreed. I had the same problem with some of the Rackham models, in their heyday. Seems Privateer is looking to claim their crown.
  3. My secret superpower is that I have never had the hiccups. So, uh, yeah.
  4. I note that even rough sketches of upcoming art, or concept art for figs, can make for a nice desktop to someone with more artistic skill than I.
  5. (OK, *that's* how you get an avatar to work properly. Sheesh.)
  6. Oh, man. I remember that flick now and then, and can't decide if I want to rewatch it and risk it not being as cool as I remember. (Er, the first half being cool, that is. When we don't get what's going on.)
  7. I'd been attracted to the cool Wyrd models for a while now, but able to resist their siren call thus far. However, last week I played a demo of the new rules, (thanks skrivanek! ) and man, charming. And now that I'm breaking into the background, I fear I might be sold. So, here I am! Eager to read more and learn more.
  8. I've only just gone through one test game, but regardless of the other factions, I doubt I will be able to resist the awesomeness of the Guild. So many groovy models, and a playstyle that's up my alley...
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