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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I agree that the not dropping corpse counters is an annoying development. In book one it was kinda rare but currently not dropping them seems to almost be the norm with all the spirits and nightmares and constructs and "does not drop counters"-shenanigans.
  2. They are really cheap, though, especially considering the reactivate on death thingy as that can be worth the approx three SS that they cost (since the Mannequin should be also counted in the cost). That, and Cassandra can also cast the Siren Call - paralyzation really rocks in some cases. So yeah, I think that performers are worth their cost. Also simply because they provide more Showgirl minions which is very good news for certain strategies.
  3. Ummm... that's why Ophelia is there. Did you read what you quoted? The whole idea of the post was to come up with an idea on how to get the avatar out as soon as possible while 1) getting Som'er into a better position and 2) getting some real use out of those Take a Swigs. You could fit three Piglets in there easily. I'm not saying that it's the perfect tactic every time but against slow(ish) crews in certain strategies I could see it working nicely.
  4. How's this for an idea? Ophelia, Rami, Pig Whisperer, So'mer and some other stuff. First turn, Ophelia gives Rami Rams, Ooo it's a girls Som'er forwards (as he won't be walking) and gets a reckless wound. Rami runs forwards, gets a reckless wound and shoots someone getting wounded in the process. Some random gremlin also runs up (Slop Hauler would be best but PW works as well) and gets a Reckless Wound, maybe for tossing slop real far. Som'er heals the wounded starting with Rami. Second turn, Som'er brings out the avatar and HW gives him reactivate. Now, I don't own Som'er (I've been playing with Ophelia), so I might be missing something but if it goes like this, the setup should mitigate the problems of turning avatar rather nicely in that Som'er gets to move on the first turn and has a full activation on the second. And he even does something useful with those Take a Swigs.
  5. "Hello ladies, look at your uncle, now back to me, now back at your uncle, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if he stopped breathing and came back from the dead a couple of times, he could smell like me. What's in your hand, back at it me. I have it, it's an enemy's corpse. Look again, the corpse is now a Steampunk Abomination! Anything is possible when your uncle smells like me. I'm on a horse."
  6. I would think that Dreamer would strike mostly on turn 2, maybe 3 if strategy demands it. But if you don't get the MZs turn 1, it signals to the Dreamer player that turn 2 won't get bolster so were I playing Dreamer, I would aim to strike then. Fog does limit the Lure-movement, so I would try to survive without it through turn one simply relying on the relatively long distance between the starting crews and since I should out-activate him, I can advance with Nico once the danger is over. I do like your approach to Nico as a dangerous Master in itself as opposed to the summoning extravaganza but certainly two canines are tolerable even in that approach. I agree that front-loading on the corpses through having five or six canines gives the opponent too much wiggle room in the beginning stages of the game.
  7. I'm using cobblestone bases with a worn look for my showgirls so there's a bit of rubble here and there. Now, I wish to magnetize my Coryphees but one of them is standing on one leg and magnetizing that is pretty impossible. So I want to pin her onto a piece of something that is large enough to magnetize so that I can move her from base to base. Now, the question is, what would that something be. At first I thought of a simple rise on the edge of some different sort of pavement but since the bases are different sizes, that won't work as a cross section. A modest pile of rubble would be the easiest solution, but there is very little of that on my other bases, so I would like to use it as a last resort. Which is where I'm hoping to prod the creative talent here for ideas. What to put on a cobblestone base? It should be somewhat thick but not too high so as not to overpower the other Coryphee on the duet base. Maybe about 3mm or so would be ideal. And wide enough to host at least to 2mm diameter magnets with some room in between them.
  8. Reaper just came out with a Wall of Fire. No idea about the size, though.
  9. Isn't that the very definition of a "bad model", though? Great summary though and saved me some money since I'm now convinced that I will be skipping Dead Rider. Thank you!
  10. Aye, the ease of adding her avatar is certainly a very happy bonus. Don't have the book three yet, but buffing sounds like it should work well with many minions.
  11. Nope, you clearly didn't get it. Try reading Silveri's post again and then your criticism. Also note that Silveri's point (the way the sculptors sculpt boobs makes them look fake) is different from mine as thread drifted (I would like to see as much variety in female sculpts as I see in male sculpts). Edit: for a guy complaining about strawmen, you deployed an insane pile of them in that post
  12. The third option would be, in this sort of division, "never big boobs/macho" and there haven't been any people of that sort. I mean, since the division described is "X", "X + everything else", the only thing left out is "everything but X". So the only valid way of leveling the particular criticism you leveled is if you are a "no big boobs, no machos ever"-type.
  13. True that. I'm just not quite convinced by the Judge. Not sure he is worth the 7SS. Aye, it is a lot. But it would allow her to act rather boldly. Besides, Lady J loves SS on melee defense flips. But yeah, adding a Watcher to the list would likely make it better.
  14. Lady Justice starter + Sonnia starter. Death Marshals and Witchling Stalkers are rather great for four SS so load up on them and then have two damage dealers in the form of LJ herself (with an impressive cache of 7) and Samael. Would this work as an all-comers list for casual games? I have Ressers for more serious stuff and more options so this would be a cheap force for something fun (since I have the LJ starter but haven't played with them any). And I could always change Sonnia into the helm if I felt like it (though I feel that this crew complements Lady J rather nicely). Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap Lady Justice -- 7 Cache Death Marshal [4ss] Death Marshal [4ss] Death Marshal [4ss] Samael Hopkins [8ss] Witchling Stalker [4ss] Witchling Stalker [4ss] Witchling Stalker [4ss]
  15. ...and? It's one of my better paint jobs and the first Malifaux mini I painted since I had a good idea for the paint scheme (different shades of off-white for the whole mini with the blindfold in strong red). It's not my favourite sculpt of the line or anything. I would like the sculpt better if it had smaller breasts as currently it looks sorta ridiculous. Also, as Tuesday noted, the garb is extremely silly for a warrior. Edit: eh, just for you.
  16. It could also be the American culture and its fascination with big boobs and a tendency to extrapolate specific likes as universal?
  17. And what has that got to do with anything? Your previous "/thread" comment didn't seem to have anything to do with anything, either. Did you know that the target market also likes space marines? Why aren't there any space marines in Malifaux? Would you like there to be? I seriously don't see the target market being "male 18-35" precluding variation in the female minis as I doubt that people are so desperate for the basic barbie minis that they buy everyone they see and somehow refuse to buy non-barbie female minis. I feel that the popularity of Belles is proof enough.
  18. Agreed! Has anyone been offended by sexy women in this thread, out of interest? As I sure haven't noticed such, but surely you wouldn't throw out such a comment completely randomly, would you?
  19. Not speaking for anyone else but me, but I do not find the trend in female minis offensive. I would merely love some variation as I believe that there are lots of fun minis to be had by changing things about a bit. Variation is fun. The idea brought forward here that I would choose male models as representations of myself and female models as representation of and ideal mate is supremely weird to me. I choose models based on their character (and the quality of sculpting) and there is character to be found in female minis that aren't the usual big breasted barbie doll perfections.
  20. Fair enough - I did get carried away. I got frustrated - the line that began that particular tangent was rather a harsh ad hominem from Dolomyte for seemingly no particular reason and stupidly, I admit, I responded in kind escalating it further. I apologize for my childish behaviour harsh words. They were not needed, nor justified.
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