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Everything posted by Peterdita

  1. Been using this trick lately and its MEAN! Take a Samurai punk zomie, Have the totem turn it into a spirit, heal it up with Karai/Datsue-ba/Totem. Now you hava a hard to wound spirit with paired cb7 katanas. You can also now switch this with other spirits so it can flurry, oh and don;t forget to have a seishin (2) +2 cb buff spirit, so you now hit with paired 9s. So nasty...
  2. @Tang: Hahahaaa they ran outta slottas? LMAO. /Fail.
  3. yeah, sometimes I bitch & rant. :goodbad:Got mad love for Wyrd, I'll try and contribute more around here in positive way and I'm sure it will be returned as it always has.
  4. and yeah the signature size is areal turn off. I have no clue what on Earth/Malifaux makes people think I want to scroll through 4 posts a page because they have three rows of masters on their sigs that keep taking up all the room!!??! Seriously... I thought Wyrd did something about that, but I guess not, because I still see sigs that take up half my screen on a post thats just a:
  5. I hear ya Tang... Wyrd minis got me back in the hobby couple years ago and I thank them so much for that. I've rediscovered a love of mine and this place used to be the place I would come and talk with others about that love and talk to people with the same interest as myself: building, converting, painting miniatures. It was a great place with some really helpfull, friendly people. Then comes Malifaux. And I'm happy for Wyrd and the games is awesome, I play it at least once a week and still find joy in the game. And the Wyrd folks deserve the fame and hopefully fortune for all the hard work they've put into making their dream a reality. But the boards are just too busy for my taste these days. It's like my favorite dive bar turned into an all ages club with no cover charge. I rarely see some of my favorite painters posting, discussing, sharing tips and step by steps anymore. In their defense it seems like when someone of good talent offers help or posts something they get flooded with questions that may or may not be clearly stated, or already answered in the thread etc. IDK, Just seems like its too crowded to really get much helpfull, consistant feedback these days. I'm okay overlooking the rules section, I just don't click on those threads, no big deal, I saw that one coming. (And I do ask questions in the rules threads from time to time, and truely thank the marshalls that answer them) blah blah blah, I'm babbling and have said my peace. I found a new forum to get great advice from friendly people so I'm in the hobby and still happy. I love the Wyrd contests and check the boards reguraly, its just too populated for my tastes of a mini painting forum.
  6. AWESOME! Love the Palli antiZombie. and Tang, the modular dungeon looks soo cool. I wanna play!
  7. Here's a cool thread with more details and these pics: http://www.wamp-forum.com/VB4/showthread.php?4079-Super-Dungeon-Explore
  8. Resin? Metal? Some sort of new medium made from old recyled NES Zelda games?
  9. a location and time would be helpfull...?
  10. Do spirits (onryo) do half damage to themselves? I would assume yes since the razor sharp fingernails aren't magical. I got self loathed last night and I didn't think they did full damage to themselves. Also is the Waldgeist "Uproot" considered a "Move action" for the purposes of "Denial of Sanzu"? Thanks.
  11. dog charge to Bette aint a bad plan. I'vebeen known to use it when I run Bette. Just ahve to keep that 10 in your hand. Also about the high crow, if you have and 8-9 of crows and are in a pinch you can cheat with that and burn a SS.
  12. Lose bette, gain punk zombies. Heck you can even lose Sebastian. I ran McM with dogs and punk zombies very effectively. Turn 1. dog moves up 6" Chihuahua activates w/MCm and "get the stick" x2 BP. McMizzle (0)scalpel slings up at the dog, gets a BP, cheat to weak 2 damage. (1) Discect the dog, by now even weak will kill it. So now you 8 BP(2 from totem, 1 sling, 5 disect) Now you can walk up more or do whatever you want. I find heavy hitters like punk zombies with paired 7s and good damage usefull vs Lilith and her black blood. a flurry from a punk zombie can drop a mature in one activation
  13. Great little swamp sir. Sounds like you learned a couple things for next the next ones you make. (as did I, so thanks)
  14. I play Karai and just battled the Vics, with Taylor and Misaki. The magic weapons sucked real bad for me. Others have pretty much nailed it here, so just don't try to kill anything near her, or touch her till you clear out her seishin. And don't expect her to stay still, she can jump around a lot! up to 18" to another spirit!
  15. na, na, there is a better one, @ a year or so since I've seen it. my search fu sucks.
  16. there's a thread somewhere about Malifaux characters and actors that would play them. It's an old one but its around...
  17. You can get pretty decent results with a basecoat of GW Boltgun, drybrush GW silver metallic and then wash with GWW Bab black.
  18. Keeper is Chuck Norris!!? OH $%!! I take it back! I take it back! @Darguth: cmon, you don't post pics of your "Hot Girlfirend" and not expect to get some flak.
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