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Everything posted by redstripe

  1. I know in the writing I did for the book, I was really trying to emphasize the victorian (an urban setting distinct from the frontier "wild west" setting,) horror (especially cosmic horror,) and steampunk and retro-futurism. I talk a lot about the research done on the extinct culture of Malifaux (science being an element of Victorian and steampunk genres) and about revelations beyond the capacity of humans to concieve (a defining element of cosmic horror.) Haha, did anyone believe any of that? Man, I just wrote about a bunch of ice-cold femme-fatales and barney badasses kicking ass and taking names. I even had one of the characters invent a new curse word. Now, that's literature! (Oh, I also snuck in a reference to Mallory, in there. That's romantic literature, punks!)
  2. Yeah, yeah, this was all brought up during the beta test. As I said then, we can provide a rubber hand template for these players. It would, of course, be designed after my own hand. This hand would be intended for template use only! I could not be held accountable for other uses of the hand beyond those intended by the manufacturer!
  3. I still think the "Hand" template was the best idea. I mean, everyone's got a hand, right? Nobody's going to lose their template!
  4. It occurs to me that some song from Rasputina would be great, but I can't think of any one single that would be fitting.
  5. You should add Nightwish's "End of All Hope" from their Century Child album.
  6. Actually, the Twisted Zombies would be a great fit for mindless zombies.
  7. I probably shouldn't reveal my own bias, but I'm very fond of Sonnia. She was one of the first characters I wrote about for Wyrd and so her personality is much more concrete for me. She's a pragmatic, ends-justify-the-means kind of character. Lady Jay and Perdita might be dangerous women, but Sonnia's not only dangerous because of her martial ability. You never know what she's capable of. She's stubborn and fiery and she'll burn the whole world down to get what she wants (and she almost litterally does this.)
  8. I've bought a few pieces of yours in the past. I'm looking forward to your steamvictoriowestpunk scenery.
  9. I believe that name came from Hinton.
  10. Holy Monkey! I really love Guerrilla, but this may be my new favorite A.R.C. member. It's so spot on with the concept art. Love it.
  11. My new goal is to see how many times I can decapitate Bad Juju with the Steamborg Executioner in one game. I kept calling her Black Betty during the beta test.
  12. Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast
  13. There's more than just rules in there, dang it!
  14. redstripe

    The Kids

    <--- Red Joker avatar? No? Nothing?
  15. Wow, that was a really close race.
  16. The only real difference between named Minion characters (like Bishop or Rusty Alyce) and unnamed "generic" minions is that only one instance of a named character can exist in a crew. In all other ways they share the same compliment of spells, triggers, and abilities. The Steamborg, in particular, has one of the more impressive triggers.
  17. Please, nerdelemental, lets not derail -another- thread. OK?
  18. Lots of participants in this poll. And they're all neck and neck.
  19. I believe that all masters have a totem associated with them but also may choose a totem associated with their faction, instead.
  20. Haha! I love your new avatar, Nathan. Also, the minions in the Legion of Sorrows box will work for Lilith and the minions in the Lilith's Brood box will work for Pandora.
  21. I won't speak too much on the subject, but illumination on these issues should be forthcoming, when the book finally makes it into your hands. It may be subtle, but both of these subjects are covered briefly and are actually linked. For mechaace, reverse your line of reasoning, here, and see where you end up.
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