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Everything posted by Hinton

  1. I noticed the toenails, but didn't say anything since I figured it had something to do with a game or something. Does it mean something specific or is it one of those inside joke things?
  2. supervike: Thanks! Wren: Thank you. I'm finding that faces are one of the hardest things for me, but I keep practicing. Illustrange: Thanks for the tips, but I'm doing all that: two light sources (although, both are incandescent bulbs - maybe that's part of the problem?) and macro setting. When I take the picture, the camera is sitting on the table; I learned to not hold the camera. I also set the WB for incandescent light. I think it's just a cheap camera. Frustrated Father: Thanks!
  3. Beautiful work, flynn. Amazing paint job with some very nice highlights. Well done.
  4. The sexy ones are fine; however, this one looks the way an evil witch should: full of malice. Looks like it might be fun to paint.
  5. Hinton


    Hi Donnie and welcome to the forums.
  6. Here's my lastest work. It seems that no matter what I do, the pics turn out a little blurry. It may be the camera, but there's no way I can get new one for a long, long time.
  7. Do we need to send a donation of small boxes to cdukino? Sometimes it doesn't matter how well you try and protect a package. Things like this happen from time to time unfortunately. And sometimes, I wonder if it's an accident at all.
  8. All you got was an empty enevlope? That blows! I'm sorry you had such a crappy day. Hopefully it'll get better.
  9. Just got back from taking my daughter out. She only chickened out at one house (they've set up a haunted house in their garage and she refused to go near it because of the spooky noises) and got quite a bit of candy. She went as a half human/half vampire that's decomposing; her idea, not mine. My camera's dead, so I didn't get any pictures, but the make-up turned out nice; pale skin, rotting flesh, open wounds and all that. We both had fun, even though I didn't get dressed up this year. Frustrated Father: I want to Trick or Treat at your house! And happy birthday to those that share it with the best holiday of the year!
  10. Everyone have a good night and be safe!
  11. I was thinking the same thing, but then Mohinder (the son) said in the episode "Collision" that he hadn't shed a single tear since his father's death, not even when he claimed the body. He says "They showed me three John Doe's before they finally found him. My father was 'misfiled'." But who knows? It is a TV show; anything can happen. The dad is getting interesting. At first, I put him in the same league as the "Cigarette Smoking Man" from the X-Files, but there's definitely something different about him. He knows what his daughter can do, but I think he really does love her so he's not doing anything yet. If his intention was to harm the "heroes" or if he was evil, then I think he would have done something to her by now.
  12. When I heard that people couldn't read in dreams, I thought "I do it all the time". Not entire books like Eric, but parts of them. My reading usually gets interrupted by something or someone in the dream. When I was a kid, I had the exact same dream every night for months. I was told that was impossible, but I did. And it was a bad one.
  13. Agreed. And it's that insanity which allows us to paint tiny little things with intricate details. I notice strange things and weird patterns all the time in all sorts of things, even if they're not supposed to have patterns. Yes, I'm crazy. :bird:
  14. I have't seen #2, but that clue gave it to me since I remember seeing a trailer for it. That was the one that I just couldn't get. That was fun.
  15. Wow! My work's been recogonized! :dancing2: Ritual: Yeah, that's me over at CMON. In fact, I'm registered as Hinton on every miniature forum that I belong to. So, chances are that I'm the only Hinton out there (I hope). Thanks for the tips. One reason I really like all of these forums is because everyone's so helpful. No matter if they're seasoned professionals or just enthusiasts like me, people are friendly and always provide constructive criticism in a very polite way. gi6ers: Thanks! I'm always a little hesitant to post my stuff because I'm so new to this, but I quickly learned how helpful people were. I've learned more from people commenting on my work than I have from reading tutorials. At least, I hope I'm learning something.
  16. I've introduced myself and several people have asked me to show my minis, so here they are; all three of them: This is my very first mini ever: Ragnor, Barbarian #2: Tyden, Female Barbarian #3: Tsuko, Male Monk That's all I have for right now. At the moment, I'm working on Laurana the Sorceress. I'll post pics when I'm finished.
  17. Thanks for the welcome all. I'll post some pics of my minis and the one castle I have done as soon as I can get a camera again. The one I have is terrible at taking pictures of minis (although I do have pictures of a few of them) and the castle (no pics of it completed; just WIP), so I have to borrow one from a friend. Just bear in mind that I'm new to both hobbies.
  18. What I'm waiting to see (if they decide to do it) is when all or most of the heroes get together in one place. If there's: Peter (younger brother) - empath (i.e. "takes on" the powers of others) Nathan (older brother) - flight Hiro - bends time and space Claire (cheerleader) - indestructible (well, pretty much) Matt (cop) - reads minds then, what will Peter be like? If Peter can use the abilities of others, and if he can use all of those powers at once, can you imagine what he'd be like? I'm with Akenmaat on Niki's alter-ego. If she doesn't have powers, then big whoop; there's nothing special about her. However, it almost seems like the "other her" is very strong and a hell of a fighter. Guess time will tell.
  19. I've been watching Heroes and I really like it. Yeah, it started out pretty slow and there's a couple of characters/plotlines I'm not very impressed with, but overall I'm liking the plot, pacing and characters. It's fun and interesting that, at the beginning, most of them have no idea what they can do and they're exploring those possibilities and powers. I really like that they're starting to meet each other. Hiro is definitely my favorite so far. I didn't care for Peter at first (too whiny, IMHO), but he's starting to get interesting. Niki's husand, D.L., has an interesting power and next week's show looks to be good since it seems we'll get a better idea of what Niki's alter-ego can do and possibly how she figures into the whole thing. What I wonder about (and yeah, it's probably too soon to start thinking about this): what happens if/when they save NYC? Do they go their separate ways to fight the bad guys? Do they stick together? Will there be some other danger that they have to stop? Hiro did tell Peter that they needed to save the cheerleader (thinking I'm going to make that my new sig, btw) to prevent everything. This would seem to indicate that there's something in addition to the nuclear explosion in NYC that they have to stop. Should be fun to find out; just hope that they don't let the thing drag out too long or let it fall apart, as so often happens to great shows.
  20. Since introductions are being asked for, I'll comply. As of right now, I've been into the hobby for about a month and I've painted a total of 3 minis so far. Even though I grew up playing RPGs and I knew about miniatures, I never got into painting them. Then, I stumbled across the Hirst Arts site a couple months ago and got involved in that community over there. One thing led to another and now I'm hooked on painting minatures and trying to build little castles and dungeons for them to populate. I don't play RPGs anymore (haven't for years) since the group I used to game with all went our separate ways. Some moved out of state; others moved to different towns. I would move, but circumstances force me stay here. As far as I know, there isn't anyone in this little Nebraska town that still plays or is even remotely interested in anything RPG-related.
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