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Everything posted by Skya

  1. I was asked a while back if I painted 54mm scale stuff and answered, "No, but I'm certainly willing to give it a try." Ever since I've found myself increasingly pulled at by the historicals particularily the medivals. Now this isnt a huge stretch out of my normal fantasy/steampunk tastes, but it has definately opened my eyes to a whole new world of options i would naver even have known existed otherwise. I do have to agree with Nathan though that what I'm playing/reading will dramatically influence my current tastes.
  2. Indeed. You know after the rpg version of the Nyss sorceress, I was seriously expecting cooler stuff out of these. Their faces dont even look elven to me, except on the chick and almost the one guy with a hood. They're too craggy. The bows are just bizzare and the fur trimmed cloak things feel more in the way then anything else. I know what it is, the cloaks dont follow the same movement as the rest of the figure. I love the studded armor, but I'm Not sure it makes up for the rest. I will say the greens do look better then the paint though, which is rather unusual. It's probably because the cloaks were done teh same color as the armor, makes em look flatter. As for the Claymore vs. Katana issue the RPG goes into the whole Nyss sword thing and they are very much supposed to be Katana.
  3. Oooo.. I like. For my personal use I'd probably swap the axe for a walking staff, but the lady herself is quite attractively done.
  4. As much as I've been very much wanting to try out those cool Everblight monsters, I just dont have the money to spend on a game that I'll play so rarely. *pouts* On the other hand, painting up my Cygnar stuff would be fun. (NO I dont really play Warmachine either it just looks at me, says "aren't I cool" and snickers at my lack of playtime) I'm a sucky writer though...
  5. Looks sweet. Maybe a bit over done on the green in the shadows. I'll have to give that a shot at some point.
  6. If they're the ones we had at SoCal, then they're really nice clear glassisg looking things with words etched on the back of them. Quite classy. Half the fun of GenCOn is harassing all the dealers
  7. Here. The miniatures stuff is under show highlights on the GenCon Indy page. The classesarent up yet but the painting competition rules are.
  8. I'll be there helping out with the paint and take and judging the miniatures competition as usual. Might even run a few classes, we'll see.
  9. I'll see what I can do for ya. Heading out now.
  10. Tonight I'm going out to listen to my little brother's band, Chosen Homeless. The last show of theirs I went to really rocked, so I'm very much looking forward to tonight. Now I'm just waiting for them to get a cd with more of their current stuff out. As for their music style, it reminds me of Evanescence. As for random stuff I listen to during the day, it's really eclectic. A lot of melodic female vocalists like Sarah McLaughlin, Loreena McKennit, Dido, Anna Nalick... mixed in with things like Matchbox 20, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence and Nicklback. Add a liberal smattering of Leanard Cohen and Sting and you have my typical mix these days. Hasn't changed much in a while honesty. I'll occssionally find something new and different to drop in to the mix. Devotchka is my current new odd ball that I really like. It's kinda like if you took russian Gypsy music, music from an old western movie and circus muic and combined it all into one. It's great.
  11. Their message boards do in fact specifically have a customer service section. If for some odd reason you're having issues with their forums send me a PM and I'll get the issue to them directly.
  12. The wags are Sooo cute, I tried to enter it in the Femme Fatal, but got told it didnt have enough of a gender to it even though I did my best to make it more umm breasty. The green gal is my avatar in the historicals forums but the furball seemed so apropriate for here. The nymph was painted long enoug ago that I couldnt tell you for sure what the hair was done with. I can make a few guesses though. At the time I was pretty exclusivelt using Vallejos. So I'm thinking it was probably English Uniform, Camo Black Brown, Iraqui Sand and Pale Sand. There were probably one or two others in there, but I honestly couldnt tell you which.
  13. Amusingly, except for the color scheme it is. It's a Belgian figure put out by Cafe Storme. They gave them away in French coffee tins the way we would do cracker jack prizes. Most of them are pieces done of historical figures often based on paintings. Very similar to another company called Mokarex who put out some very neat plastic fugures based entirely on French history.
  14. I tend to prefer the nice round bases myself. They add a more natural feel, but they do tend to get in the way while roleplaying. Always just a little to big for the maps. The base on that third one actually came about from me grabbing a random base, sticking the miniature on it muttering about not wanting to do up yet another green stuffed base. Viola! One river. Two actually her bodyguard Miguel got one as well though it doesn't look quite as good on him.
  15. And some of the 54mm scal work I've been leaning towards recently. She won a Silver in the painters division at the Chicago MMSI last year for those who are into the historicals scene.
  16. Wasn't sure where to put intorductions and all that so here seemed as good a place as any. These days I'm mostly doing private commissions as well as freelance work for Magnificent Egos. I help Paintmion out with the Paint and Take as well as the minis competition at GenCon so if you've bneen there you've probably seen me around Pretty much everything I've ever done that any good is up on my wesite at http://skya.shadowdragon.net , but I figured since I'm new here I'd go ahead and post a bit of my more recent work. Feel free to express all the comments and critisisms you'd like. I've been a proffessional painter and illustrator for many years now. If I couldnt take it I wouldnt be in this buisness. I couldnt resist painting up one of these when I first saw them at GenCon: And then I have this thing for wings and Sandra sculpts them so pretty... My most recent piece for Mag Egos, I had fun with the base:
  17. Having had this happen to me before I have found that depending on what was used to varnish (I generally use Testors Dullcoat) you can sometimes go back over it again with the dullcoat and tone the fuzz down a lot. Wont usually get rid of all of it but will usually make it a lot more reasonable.
  18. Purty mermaid. Must paint. Samurai chick annoys me because I really like the sculpting, but I can't stand the fact that she's armored everywhere except her belly.
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