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Everything posted by r2-j1

  1. "powerful magic of the southern states" :eek: Holy crap. I didn't know we had out very own brand of powerful magic. It must be powered by fried foods.
  2. I have been heavily considering getting a fleet together for this game recently. These are pretty cool but I think I like a few of the existing fleets better.
  3. These are pretty sweet. Then again I am a sucker for space ship minis. I've never actually gotten around to working on any though. One day I hope to rectify that.
  4. !Warning! Monowheel does not contain with the actual cool parts. Yeah these are pretty much awful.
  5. Now that is a double feature worth owning! Those usually have one good movie, and one movie you wouldn't watch in a million years. This one however has 2 total classics
  6. A Night at the Roxbury It's a stupid movie based on an even stupider SNL skit, but it cracks me up every time. I can sit around quoting this movie all day. In the same vein I really like The Ladies Man too.
  7. How can I acquire my own copy of this classic of western cinema?
  8. Indeed. It is the first thing these guys have put out that even half way interests me. The idea of a staple gun wielding baddie is pretty cool.
  9. Nope, I have both the first and second edition books, and second has been out quite awhile. All I can figure is that they sold out of 2nd edition books and are now reprinting them, and for some reason making a big deal of it.
  10. I wondered what the heck happened to you. Although I imagine I might know some of the root of it. Anyway, great to see you back, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
  11. What's the deal here? Hasn't this book been out for quite awhile now? I know I've had my copy for at least 4-5 years. Anyway it's a great book. I don't even play the game, but it might be my all time favorite rule book. The fluff and the art make it just a fantastic package and a great read.
  12. Yeah that was one of my first Ideas too. If only I had the actual minis.
  13. You know one day I'm going to crack and basically buy the whole set of these. It is just a matter of time. Each one is just so cool and well done.
  14. I'm guessing the whole Nathan being in Alaska thing is at the root of the general slowdown. I didn't realize the snake had been put out in regular release yet. I just primed mine last night. I should probably but that up the priority list so that some pictures of it get out there even if they aren't official.
  15. Very nice work for for such a short period of time. It seems like that reddish shade/weathering is all the rage these days. What colors do you use for that, and is there any special technique to it?
  16. I was jusy looking at this game yesterday at the store. Beautiful work. It all just feels so realistic and natural. They would probably go ape for this on BGG.
  17. Yeah I saw a little preview f this on G4 this week end and it is defiantly one I'll be picking up. The basically got all the original guys behind it and they are treating it as a sequel to the original moves. This looks really cool.
  18. This Is my Macy. I've been thinking about setting up an aquarium again.
  19. MSB Toys, Impact, and Crunch Waffle are the one that I have 5+ that are missing. Looking at my collection I have a lot of 1s or 2s from a lot of different places. Interesting.
  20. Oh yeah today is my birthday. I forgot. Thanks.
  21. I hit a heavy duty post Gencon case of miniature burn out. Fortunately I wanting to hit the painting desk again. I'm still not back in the mood to get back to the grind of army painting, so I decided to dig in to the "box o' minis cool minis I hope to paint some day" and have started a few. It is a nice break and it's helping me get back up to speed and try a few new things. So here are the first few finished pieces. First the Kraken penguin emperor. I feel in love with this mini the first time I saw it, and fortunuly was able to pick up a few copies at Gencon. He is just full of character. He is also very tiny. Next up a War Crow Goblin that a threw onto an order awhile back. It was a very fun mini to work on and I got to try out a few new things on him. All input appreciated.
  22. Must be nice to work for a big gaming company where this sort of thing goes on. Plus access to all your own company's games (my order for Red November was sent out yesterday squeeeeee!). Consider me jealous.
  23. Hey, I just finished the penguin too. Time for a penguin duel! (I think I just picked a fight I can't win)
  24. It is a nice little set. I have deadling elfball team so I may have to pick one up at some points. It not something I'm going to go out of my way to get though. I bet they sell a fair few of them for no other reason then to grab that versital multi piece cauldron.
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