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Everything posted by witchfire

  1. with the right paint job they could be very nice
  2. the last one gives me ideas for my left-over imex hexagon parts
  3. i saw a pic of somekind of animated armor/steam powered golem called Vambrace , in the Preview magazine a few months back but i cant find it on the Ego's site . did they release it yet ? & i agree the hammer & the monk are rather nice
  4. the tharns were in the monsternomicon in 2002 but then werewolf barbarian were seen way before that in Werewolf: the apocalypse
  5. only if we can prove that the monsternomicon pics pre-date the release of the rackham mini any way it's a moot point since i dont play conf. & my hordes army wont be the circle
  6. they're true to the monsternomicon pics & that's what counts when making a minis based on a monster book i guess
  7. what about the dungeon seige movie , now that will be crap
  8. do you mean that one ? i'm not sure but i think she was sculpted by the hasslefree guy for PP
  9. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  10. when i was a kid (long time ago) i watched an an episode of "the outer limits" that's the old black & white serie not the new one mind you, in that episode there was those big (about a fout long) alien ants with sorta human face that were attacking people for years after that i checked under my bed before getint out of it because i didnt want one of those thing biting my ankles
  11. at least there not minis of british soldier kicking kids in the head
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