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Everything posted by Frenchkid

  1. i don't think there was much idea behind that gollum jeremy did. It was done in three hours the night before the event for fun, so I don't think you risk too much by trying out somthing similar. Plus you shouldn't let some *censored* spoil your fun of the hobby, do what you feel like and if some people don't like it..... to bad well my 2 cents anyway
  2. Well you could buy a mac, hard drive is sure to work fine. Same can't be said of MSN on mac though. Seems that computers are bound to give us our fair share of frustration and stress. And the worst part is that I'll probably spend most of my life in front of one
  3. I agree with eric on the lack of transition between scenes. Gota say they left quit a few things that I think needed to be in there. but overall it's not that bad a movie. enjoyable to watch without beeing somthing that will go down in movie history.
  4. Let's see, I'm no sport fan so going by what I seem to recall from the last one and what I eared since then. semis: France, germany, s.Korea, brazil. Final: France germany Win: well don't know if that's a reasonable guess but have to do it --> france !! :peace:
  5. Well I have no probleme with any kind of nudity. Probleme is some people do, and we live in a society were everyone has to be 'happy' (disney world with the death penalty is a good way to think of our society). Thus workplace trying not to get in trouble and not allowing anything that might offence random puritan employees. As for the art argument I'm not sure minis are really works of art, but that's another thing all together.
  6. Mini looks great, but gota agree with spacemunkie on the fligrees, damn anoying. As for resin, it paints the same as metal, but is easier to clean up, and to convert, nd a lot smoother. But some people (including me) actually like the minis to be slightly rougth. Realy smooth minis are pain to paint
  7. damn you cedric, you have way too much time on your hands. Churning out all those cool minis :tongue2: Idea looks cool, wish I had time to try it out, but not gona happen if I want to present somthing in the french GD. Good luck to you guys, and don't forget the WIPs
  8. ooooops , my bad. Used the french spelling there.
  9. aarghl, How could I forget that :argh: And of course my favorit band : Indochine They're releasing a new lbum soon :thumb: There hope that makes up for it
  10. :argh: @cedric: sorrry couldn't resist :angel:
  11. Hey all, this isn't exactly all new. But I don't think a lot of people have seen this so here goes. The well known sculptor Gael as decided to launch his own line of minis: Mandragor miniature. It as lauchned yet because gael is waiting to have suficent funds to do so with a minimum of risque. In the mean will you can go and visit his website to see the greens of the upcoming minis. http://mandragoreminiatures.free.fr I'll probably be getting a whole bunch of them when they come out because they definetly look yummy
  12. Maybe that spelling them right could have brough up more info
  13. I'll listen to pretty much anything short of rap and R&B ( well actually I have some good rap that I listen to, way better then the MTV sh*t). Latly I' been looking arounf for french "nouvelle scene' ( don't think there is an english term for that kind of musique, but most of the groups aren't that well known). For the names if you want to look into it: Mano Solo, les ogres de barback, un air 2 famille, Yves Jamait, ect. And I'v been redescoering rock. Couple of bands out there that I hadn't heard before but that are quit good. The subways, My chemical Romance, Simple plan ( not as rock as the other two but still pretty good).
  14. Here are a couple of pics of some new illyade minis in the flesh ( as opposed to just the concept art). News was taken from creafig. The aeromancienne: chevalier d'infortune 3: chevalier d'infortune 4:
  15. well I just ordered her yesterday. I'm having probleme resisting cute limited edition minis. It'll had to my young lead girls collection :dancing: the gun seems to be a bit oversized but that's not really a probleme for me, it's not ugly when looking at it, and since I'm not a 'realisme' fan it dosn't bother me.
  16. rackham minis are nice to look at, but most of them don't scream "Paint me !!" ( well that might be a good thing, means I don't have to go to the doctor for a will ). But I think they should have kept the original designs for the orcs. The own that had a more crocodile like face. At least it was a change from all the orcs you could see out there. Now they just seem to be the same as the Gw orcs dressed up with the ogre's outfits.
  17. @cedric: Humm the french man in you is coming out ( expet for the bowing part, that never works anyways :hmmmm: )
  18. I loved halloween when I was in the Us. In france we used to have qui t a number of people doing it in the neigborhood, but the past two years less people have been doing it. And this year it seems even the stores have skiped halloween to go straight on to christmas. The other day I was going to the supermarcket and they had the christams chocolats out and the countdown calendars on sale :AR15firin
  19. Thanks for the article eric :thumb: And having seen jeremy do the same thing by really hot weather ( 38°C ) I have to say that it's possible to do it under any weather.
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