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Everything posted by Spacemunkie

  1. Cheers folks. I rarely 'plan' what I want to do with a mini. I have a general idea and it evolves from there. The hair was going to be much deeper and darker (I was going to glaze the colour as it stands right back to a very deep red using red/brown/black ink...), but I really liked him as a fellow 'ginnah' and it draws the eye to the face. As for the base, the warmer colours were indeed designed to contrast the cold colours on Bish himself and make him stand out. The skin was originally much more grey and washed out, but it was far too subtle for my tastes, so I blitzed it. I even considered a very pale green-grey - almost zombie like. He definitely has the feel of Crow-like undead about him. He was a pleasure to paint, and like all of Edgar's sculpts, is clean and well detailed without becoming self-indulgent and dictatorial to the painter. The arms in particular on this chap are worthy of a mention. Powerfully done and a real highlight.
  2. He's almost excellent, but there's a few things that annoy me. The axes aren't great, and why do barbarians sport such finely wrought filligree on their armour?? Too fancy for this brute if you ask me. Why do sculptors feel the need to cover EVERY surface of a mini in elaborate detail? This one would definitely have been far superior with less 'bling'. Bloody filligree. Should be banned on minis. Pointless detail that just spoils what would have been nice areas to paint. File it off!!!
  3. Neither are the guys from MSB. Apocalypse are shafting them royally and soilling their name at the same time. They are apparently having problems getting any form of contact with Apocalypse themselves, and this is to get back their greens, masters and moulds. Utterly shoddy in anyones book.... Let's hope it Apocalypse that pays the price, not the people with the talent.
  4. I was going to make a crack about choirboys. But I won't. It'd be inappropriate. :goodbad: You got any of those Jim Bowen ("lovely, great, super, smashing....look what you could have won") minis Jim? They are HUGE chunks of lead!!
  5. Just a word of warning here folks: I'd be a little circumspect about ordering from Apocalypse at the moment. I've had word of many problems with MSB orders and that they are pretty well trying to shaft the MSB lads. I'd see if you couldn't get them direct from MSB if I were you. Probably won't happen at the mo, cos they can't get their greens or moulds back apparently. Bummer
  6. Yeah, I'm a mad fan of his zombie stuff. Fantastic cityscape to play on too. The man also has a remarkable DVD collection
  7. Check their site out Nathan - they're looking for people to distribute their stuff.... Could be another money spinner.
  8. They really are getting it together in this scale now. A lot of their earlier stuff was not good once you had it in hand. These ones look cracking - especially the toad-dude. Looks like they're ditching Apocalypse too. Good move, the guy was a bell-end.
  9. No more miniatures. Please. I would like one of those nice new Alfa Romeo Breras though. The 3.2 V6 looks the absolute business. Fat chance... :mad:
  10. Vikky can f*** off now. Just sliced a flap of skin an inch long and finger width wide almost straight off the top of the middle finger of my left hand.... :doh: OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Good job my missus is a nurse. What an idiot. Still, at least it's my left hand. And Vikky is finished. Although her hands came off when she leapt out of my hand and flew across the room. Bugger.
  11. That's brilliant! I haven't seen that fella before. It's presumably a decent size, not the minute effort GW put out... I can feel a conversion coming on though.... He definitely looks as if he's taking a dump
  12. A champion idea Eric. Still got some Necromunda guns somewhere. And some Heresy and Hasslefree ones. Shall have to do another one. Can I cut her head off too? I want to give her a helmet...
  13. Just steer clear of cliches. There's far too many 'standard' concepts out there that everyone and their dog seems to do. I'm personally a fan of 'survival horror' and I reckon that every Wyrd sculpt fits into that so far. But you need some guns. Power tools are good too. But definitely guns. I almost hacked Vikky's swords off and gave her a pair of 9's....
  14. Nope, does nowt for me either. Stance is a bunch of arse and the rider looks dodgy. Where's that Hasslefree dragon? That'll be nice.
  15. Looks damn fine for a collectors action fig to me. Dunno why GW haven't licensed their stuff to a toy manufacturer or developed a cartoon. They could really milk 40K if they wanted to by marketing it more heavily to kids. Surefire way of flogging more minis too.
  16. Personally, i won't even bother for less than 10 quid an hour, and then I'm doing it more for the love than the money. There are some real cheapskates out there, so I don't get many takers More minis for me :peace:
  17. Gah! Harry bleedin' Potter can do one. The first three movies were forgettable arse. Can't see this one being any better with the director they brought in for it. Just another SFX vehicle.
  18. They're not dead. Chris is still about, just busy. I'm sure they'll do something with it sooner or later
  19. Yep, unless you want to work for less than minimum wage, do it by the commission. And make it worth your while. If people don't want to pay the price, sod them I say. It's not as if anyone makes a killing or manages to rip anyone off painting minis is it?
  20. I quite like them - they're definitely reminiscent of something like Heroquest from the 80's. Although some of the anatomy is a little off (BIG hand!!!), their simplicity and style is quite endearing, although Spyglass do that sort of thing with much more skill and grace. Some sculptors and companies seem to want to go over the top with detail these days. It's the sculptural equivalent of a ten minute guitar solo and can get a little boring to paint because you are almost entirely dictated to.
  21. It's a shame, because it did look very gorilla-like when it was naked in the WIPs. The clothing has spoilt it for me. It'd look less exaggerated without the loincloth too.
  22. I really like it - very well done. The only niggle is the legs, which looked great on the 'nude' WIP, but which have come out looking a little odd now he's dressed. Other than that, he's awesome and I want one
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