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Everything posted by Ritual

  1. Ten years ago, I hadn't moved out of my parents' house... I had just met the girlfriend I had before the one I'm currently together with (since almost 8 years), and I probably thought that relationship was turning out pretty promising (little did I know...). I spent way too much time on bars and clubs, way too much money on drinks and most likely drank too much as well. I didn't paint then, as I thought I had quit that for good. I studied at the university in Stockholm and probably worried about my upcoming masters project. I had hair... I like my life quite a bit better nowadays, I must say. Despite the hair...
  2. Annoying music, stupid name, annoying music... did I mention annoying music?
  3. Thanks, Jess! I would have searched for it myself, but I didn't know what to search for. It's probably the Elephant Man I'm thinking of... I've seen that one I don't know how many times. I've seen the others too, but they haven't made quite the same impression on me.
  4. I know I've seen a film with that music in, but at the moment my memory seems empty. Anyone know what film it is? And yes, this is a bloody impressive diorama. The figures as such aren't that great, but the whole thing in it's entirety is mind-blowing.
  5. Using the word "wargame" so frequently is a bit off-putting... IMO.
  6. I have no qualms about the prices on the SmartMax minis, and I've not even seen them in hand.
  7. I think it's a very nice miniature. It's a simple design, but Raul's sculpting skills make it a great miniature, IMO. Here's some alternative angles: Yes, the sword is a bit big and I wouldn't have minded a slightly smaller one... but I still like the miniature.
  8. :imsorry: If it's any consolation... my own hopes were right up there with yours. At least there's some previously unseen pictures and we know what the buggers cost.
  9. Hmmm. I'm not sure the site is entirely finished... I can't seem to actually order anything... :hmmmm:
  10. http://www.smartmaxstore.com/ People have been ecstatic about this line of miniatures for a while now, especially since some lucky bastards could get their mittens on their products at Salute last weekend. Now, the gates are open to everyone!
  11. Sculpted by Raul Garcia Latorre. On pre-order now from the CMON store. This will be the miniature for the May CMON competition with prizes awarded from Enigma.
  12. @Malebolgia Yes, it seems I did... Thanks!
  13. Kraken Editions have launched their new on-line store. http://shop.kraken-editions.com/index.php Here you can buy all their products, both for the Alkemy game and from the Artefactory range (minis, accessories, Jérémie's DVD etc.), Wyrd Miniatures and Degra Miniatures. Earlier you've not been able to buy the Alkemy directly. They've also released a batch of new Artefactory stuff to coincide with the store launch. King Maulg Sculpted by Allan Carrasco Lion Bust Sculpted by Jean Jacques Delorme Khaliman Portal Three different versions. Sculpted by Allan Carrasco Aurlok Totem Sculpted by Allan Carrasco Jin Post Sculpted by Jérémie Bonamant Teboul Lion Statue Sculpted by Allan Carrasco For the accessories, I'd assume the bases aren't included.
  14. I think Moa can tell you more about this game and miniature line.
  15. They should realise that the SWEDISH speaking market is where it's at! I know, at least two or three who would be interested.
  16. Good to know, Rob! But I'm still angry that you've got these minis and I don't! :hmpf:
  17. Saw that one earlier this morning. I think it's bloody fantastic and I'm getting one as soon as SmartMax get their online store going. Curse all you Brits who were able to pick this up at Salute!! :motz:
  18. The full set, including some sort of portable spray booth, cost 235 euro and the one without the spray booth costs 185 euro.
  19. I prefer more like a "McGyver" feel.
  20. Yeah, that's exactly what I would do. I already have a steel case that I bought cheaply for a completely different purpose, and a very compact halogen desk light. All I'd need, if I would need a painting kit for travelling, is to get some plastic boxes to store paint in and something to protect the minis I'm working on.
  21. Do you really need to "put it together"? Just stack a couple of plastic boxes inside the metal case. You can probably find a selection of boxes that fill out the space neatly, so that they don't bounce around while carrying the case. I am also quite sceptical to how comfortable it is using the case as workspace. I'd prefer to spread my things out a bit and use like an old newspaper or something as surface protection. This one raises the work area too much over the desk or table you use. I'd not be comfortable working like that.
  22. Buy a similar metal case from a DIY store for a few tenners, a few plastic boxes, a compact desk light and you've got most of what this set offers for a fraction of the $$.
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