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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I assumed it was a 54mm, but at 35 that's pretty amazing.
  2. I've tried the 7 sins one. It's interesting and fun, but I haven't figured out most of the sins. I only got sloth and anger. Also it takes a lot of time.
  3. I appreciate it, even though I think you are evil for putting it there and sucking away more of my time. I WILL kill more santas!
  4. Never having seen the movie I'm sure I'm missing a lot. The only one that appeals is the front guy.
  5. I spent like 45 minutes this morning playing that Apple Hunt game and completed it with a much higher score than Duende's, only to have it not record because when the new window opened it didn't keep me logged in. The game is cute but too easy and frustratingly slow to watch the damn apple bounce.
  6. good pose. I find pom pons particularly hard to get looking right.
  7. This post is almost a year old and that Indian Maiden is still in the "coming soon" section.
  8. I also have no idea what you're talking about and have never played any version of FF. Still, I have found that often with foreign language films it's better to watch them with subtitles, distracting as they may be, because the original actors own voices are so much more expressive and coincide with their facial movements - even anime. Oh, and Cindy, Sephiroth is a villain, right? Sexual ambiguity and androgeny is often a symbolization of evil in Chinese and Japanese film. I think it was Swordsman II where the villain actually changes gender a couple times in the movie.
  9. That cop would have been great for my Heresy v. Hasslefree diorama.
  10. I like them both. The dwarf lady looks a bit like a kid trying out dad's toys.
  11. I don't think I can take advantage of this one, but somebody better buy and paint this guy 'cause he's very cool. (Host Battle Frame - Superfigs)
  12. The appearance is that the dear Miriam letters are answered by a computer program. Hilarious whether intentional or not.
  13. I just hope he wins and uses the money to fix his teeth. I'm not sure how much was editing, but it's pretty clear no one was expecting that quality from that guy. I mean he sells mobile phones! He looks a bit of a shlub - shirt rumpled, suit doesn't quite fit - and belts it out to a standing ovation. One thing to keep in mind is that he was probably preceded by something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldPS5q_28Rc&mode=related&search=
  14. Can't blame the mini company though. They are using old 1980s FASA art as the basis.
  15. Both are surrounded by water! Oh, wait. That makes no sense.... As to the second one, it's the outside. I know because I have had my hand on the inside of a cow and while full of nobbly bits, it wasn't actually hairy.
  16. 9 Because when you stick "be" in front of it - or, head it with be - it becomes "benign" or "even-tempered".
  17. If only. I love Wyrd (and CMON) because they connect me to people who share my hobby. At the same time it's depressing because you all live so far away.
  18. Like the crazy guy, but I think I'd have to see a painted version of the wolf as I can't make out his hands at all.
  19. Yeah, they've done way better with Viridians than they have with Junkers. I don't despair at the loss of I-Kore when I see stuff like this.
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