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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. But I believe it's been updated - or I didn't look past the one pic before - that old link isn't working now anyway.
  2. Well I'll never turn down a free mini, but right now I have a backlog due to studying for the bar exam, and I just got some sweet Wyrd minis for participating in the Iron Painter contest and know exactly what to do with them once I have some free time.
  3. curse you and your evil link. Now I want to buy stuff I'd never heard of before.
  4. I'm always just a little bit tempted by the "Harbinger of My Hair's On Fire" Otherwise known as "why not to put a jet engine on the back of your head."
  5. Of course then there's the Spanish sport of angering some bulls and letting them loose on the population once a year.
  6. Seeing that harbinger up close, I think he would look great in bright flashy harlequiny colors.
  7. Well, there's an old Boardgame called Titan in which your armies move around a weird board but when they actually encounter each other you pull out yet another board and the individual army members and fight a little battle, then the winner goes back on the big board. There's no reason you couldn't do as you say, even with war games, and when a leader challenges another use some complex maneuver duel system like Gladiator or Lost Worlds.
  8. Cindy, Don't be silly. If you kick the ball, it's kickball. Then you run bases after kicking it. And if you're talking about that recent world cup, the half the time they were smacking the ball with their chests and faces. Maybe it should be called faceball. I like the idea about the team with the least hospitalized players wins - but I think the British already do that; it's called Rugby. Speaking of sport and the British - they got the craziest names. Why they have a sport no one can understand and named it after a tiny loud crop-eating insect. You don't see Texans out playing a game of "locusts" do you?
  9. But that's the point, isn't it? These would fit in with most games, just probably not Confrontation or anything using 54mm. As far as I can tell all others are reasonably close in size.
  10. Here's a pic I took back in April of some female minis next to a 1:43 scale car. Hasslefree Tiriel; Dark Sword Amazon; SJB Alejandra (CMON); I-kore Commander X; Grenadier female evil warrior (1987). I didn't have a Wyrd mini at the time but do now so maybe I'll do a new line-up. - I've since held Taelor next to the car and she looks just like she's giving directions anywho, you can see that the middle 3 all look about the same height, but if you look closely, the Dark Sword mini is standing on a hill so she's actually smaller. Tyriel looks shorter, but she's not standing straight, so hard to tell, but "scale" I would say is the same because not all women are the same height IRL. That would go for Commander X who, if you look at her eyes and the fact that she's on tip-toe is still shorter than Alejandra. Now the obvious difference is the old Grenadier mini who is actually 25mm from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. She appears to be a dwarf to these others. So the short of it is, I think I'd be okay if the 4 newer ones were described as the same scale, but if the old one was included I'd be pissed off. (by the way, most of my minis were the old size and when I got back into collecting boy was I annoyed) What about going for a more vague description such as "standard table-top gaming scale"?
  11. No prob if you're painting show pieces. I'd guess the vast majority of game armies out there are GW "28"mm. People see great stuff from makers other than GW and think hey, that would make a cool and unique hero for my army. But then they see it's not exactly to scale. They think how hard it may be to squeeze him onto a 28mm base and how awkward he'd look towering over the rest of the unit and they are put off. So, would it be possible to keep a photo on your site with a line-up of figures from various manufacturers? What if it was done in silhouette?
  12. You could combine them! Sure, I could use some of these in my Warhammer High Elf army. Why not? [edit] I just noticed these all seem to have been painted using only 3 colors: red blue and taupe.
  13. the testors thing is a much larger scale, but hotwheels are a much larger scale than the original Car Wars. In that, the cars were only 1 inch long. Someone did later produce little 1" mini cars for the game but I don't know who, and the detail was pretty slight.
  14. Really nice, though if I had them I'd cut off the head feathers on those 2 women of ill repute.
  15. sorry, my bad. I forgot about Pandora. I guess I put her out of mind cause I didn't like the tattered clothes, or the face paint. The floating is quite good though.
  16. Good point. What's an Ork skeleton look like?
  17. Supervike beat you to it on this one. There's already a thread: alpha forge aliens
  18. I think it's the first time I've seen a somewhat convincing floating figure.
  19. Yeah, you'd never get that mini in the US Senate.
  20. I've said before ho I like this race. The sculpt quality keeps getting better too. I don't get the "gopher" drone though. Looks more like a "dolphin" drone.
  21. Nice aliens. The humans on the page are awful though.
  22. Appears to be a satchel with a broken (or cut) strap - the nasty thief.
  23. That Naheulbeuk figure reminds me of the old stop-action animated Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer films.
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