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Everything posted by Jubilee

  1. Jubilee


    Is there anything particular you're looking for? I have a fair bit of it sitting in a box in my closet of shame, could probably part with most of it =)
  2. would love to get the aeromancer, but judging by the US shipping for ashan'tyr, I don't think I can..
  3. Can anyone tell me if the legs for the riders are sculpted onto the mounts for either the Orboros Tharn Riders or the Trollblood Longriders? Thanks! /ali
  4. so sorry to hear about the trouble, Maya! I have been meaning to get another couple of your resin display bases, so I will place the order soon =) /ali
  5. Considering that an undead critter is supposed to have less active nerve centers in the body, maybe platemail wouldn't be that bad an idea. I mean, if you could be killed instantly by a wooden stake to the heart, wouldn't you want at least a breastplate to protect you? Especially since you are now uber strong, uber fast, don't get fatigued, and wouldn't be bothered by the added weight of platemail? /ali
  6. The idea of big monsters destroying buildings, and destroyable buildings, sounds exciting; however, it seems to me either the monsters have to be pretty big to be bigger than the buildings they destroy, or the buildings are going to have to be pretty small.. or they'll be somewhere in between, but either way that means that it's likely neither monster nor buildings will be in a proper 28mm scale for use as either wargaming or rpg terrain/monsters. Since it seems unlikely I'll find many people to play the game with, the only reason I would get them is to be compatible with the other activities listed.. But random, meh. Maybe if they have 'building' boosters and 'monster' boosters, at least if I wanted some terrain I'd know I'd get something. But if they're all mixed together, that'd make me angry. however, I admit I used to get a bit of a thrill out of opening a booster or two of D&D minis (although that wore off pretty quickly, too..). /ali
  7. that foam altar thingy that's in the link below the preview on the left is darned cool, but I've never been able to find that thick foam people use for building stuff. Where do you suppose I should look?
  8. I can appreciate a vampire with a weapon after playing in an eberron game where a secret agent turned evil vampire stole a magical, sentient, evil sword and took off across the five nations and we had to chase him. I think the vampire AND his sword were doing level drain or con drain to us. Wheee.. Then we got the sword away and it started trying to subvert the party! /ali
  9. That is extremely disturbing. Well painted!
  10. It was the RMS Gory Reds Triad (bloodstain, clotted & carnage), with red liner for more shadows and clear red for final highlights. =) /ali
  11. sigh.. wish I could get some of those.. /ali
  12. Originally when Jim showed it to George, she had an emerald necklace, and I was asked to change it to a ruby to match the art from a dragon magazine cover.. and even though I'd rather have left it green for the contrast... it was like "omg George RR Martin might know my name!!! omg omg omg" so it made having to make changes not so annoying.. /ali
  13. I don't know what it might be. I mixed paints for the flesh, so it's not one of the reaper triads exactly, and usually when I mix flesh it's for "nonhumans" - so that might be one of the big differences. I also tried a new recipe for NMM. The reason she's not on an official Dark Sword base is because they didn't have bases done yet when I got her, so it was on a plain oval bit of metal. I'm still not sure what the official bases will look like. Anyway, I'm glad I'm finally improving.. /ali
  14. Hey everyone - I wheedled my way into taking one of Jim's 3 metal castings of this model at GenCon and actually managed to get it finished before the deadline! I painted her to match the description in the books (and art on Game of Thrones cards). Jim liked her so well that she's going to be the official Dark Sword version. He even showed it to George RR Martin, who liked it! *faint* George RR Martin might know my name!! <G> There are more images at my website. You can vote for her here. Comments? Questions? Thanks for looking! /ali
  15. what manufacturer is that second figure from? She's very cool, the subtle pink to white looks great!
  16. The 'limited edition' figures are also always priced quite a bit over the normal stuff from Freebooter. There's something unifinished/rough looking about the figurehead, and it doesn't seem to me just that it's supposed to be carved out of wood and weatherbeaten. There's something odd about the face of it, along the jawbone, especially..
  17. For those interested, the auction started today: Linky /ali ps.. what happened to the trading post section?
  18. Howdy! Originally, these ladies were called the Sin Twins, but I thought the designs on their coats looked like fireworks, and decided to make them my own. So now they are Jubi and Lee, the Jubilant Twins.. I painted these for Newbold World and they will be auctioned for Charity starting on Sunday, October 7th As usual, there are more views on my webpage. There are three places to vote for them on CMON: Together, Jubi, and Lee. Comments and questions welcome! thanks for looking, /ali
  19. I didn't get a chance to see more than a few of the winning pieces at the PP booth, so I was hoping there'd be some pictures to see somewhere.. Guess I will have to keep an eye out for the next No Quarter magazine /ali
  20. Is there any online coverage of the event? I haven't been able to find anything on either the PP boards or the website. If it's magazine only, does anyone know which issue? /ali
  21. Ah hah. I didn't understand what the term "3-up" meant. Thanks =) /ali
  22. Is that cold one twice as big as the last version? /ali
  23. Why would you find resin in your box 'o' lead? Shouldn't you be checking your box 'o' resin, or box 'o' chicken? /ali
  24. Well, everything else I bought has been accounted for (the things waiting to be sorted has been sorted), so it seems unlikely it made it home, and I can't figure out why that alone would stray. My husband swears he has never even seen the box; I'm sure I at least showed it to him before we packed to go.. I think I'm going to try searching the GW stuff out in the garage to see if it somehow got swept up with that during a cleaning frenzy.. /ali
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