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Nathan Caroland

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Everything posted by Nathan Caroland

  1. Oh gawd - hate to hear that sort of BS. Also one of the reasons why I went with the software that I am using for this site. It wasn't free (whooboooy, not even close) but it certainly doesn't have all the holes that the free software that these other forums are using does. And to be honest, it kind of blows my mind that someone as big as Reaper (and a few others to think about it) use free software to run their forums, when if you look into this stuff, it has a goodly number of security issues which you can find out fairly easily which I'm assuming the script kiddie did as well.
  2. :rippedhan (laughing) Ack, have to come in here and edit as Maya beat me to posting. Was posting about the 'BS charges' up there by Eric. Heh.
  3. I like the miniature overall - just not the holiday 'theme' it has. As for hacked - where did you see that Eric? I just droppedc over there and everything seems to be working, though the forums do say they are currently 'upgrading'.
  4. If you want Mosch, I can pick some up for you (or order from Wyvern Games LLC - very nice people) and see about getting you an order of paints of there at the actual cost of S/H and all that. None of that added BS in charges.
  5. Haven't heard of that one by Wies and Hickman - might have to pick that one up. Thanks!
  6. I like the idea. A bit of fun with a pinch of direction (as you said, nothing completely pointless) in order to tell out a story. Anyone else interested in this? Maybe get a group of individuals and have to post in order and given a certain amount of time to do it so that there can be some controlled direction. Thoughts?
  7. I'll be picking up a couple of the relief miniatures on principle alone - not a bad bit of work either, and I believe it is Jason Weibes work if I'm not mistaken. Holiday Sophie I am less impressed with. I think it would be a great miniature on its own without the holiday stuff. Interesting to see what type of paint jobs come up from it. Is this one 28mm?
  8. New releases from Steve at Spyglass miniatures. Fantastic miniatures and stuido paint jobs, but I'm most interested in the scarecrows (great for the Rotten Harvest contest .. hint). www.spyglassminiatures.com
  9. I've been looking at the prices out here on the W&N 7 and these sables and they all seem to be universally EXPENSIVE. Maybe its just the places I'm looking though. Is there a good place to pick up supplies online (in the US for me of course)?
  10. Hell, well if you entered the last contest you might have had a chance as Andy donated one of them as the prize for the Best of Show winner. Interested in a few of those sci-fi ones myself actually.
  11. You know, I've seen that movie but I'll be damned if I can remember him killing someone with a teacup. What/when/where? Gonna have to watch that again I suppose (wasn't as good as the first one IMO).
  12. Thanks for the tips gents. I'm off to pick up my DaVinci brushes later (actually, looking at the clock - probably tomorrow) and I honestly can't wait to give them a go, though that being said, its not likely to improve my painting (chuckle). I've got some of the soap stuff, damned if I can remember what it is called, but I think I'll go about keeping them cleaned and conditioned like suggested here, especially with $25 brushes.
  13. (laughing) Welcome to the site Finn. As for my children - the are reading fools. I think what really helped them out is that the oldest one had a few years alone with me and mom and everyone paid extra attention to her as well as giving her learning tools (toys, books, leappads .. etc) and when the other two came along and our oldest went to school, she would come home and 'play school' with the other two, giving them her lessons for the day as well as homework. Truth be told, I never gave it much thought other than 'awww, that's cute' but I think that is where it started off. None-the-less - very pleased with it. And yes Eric, you are quite correct on the GA situation sadly.
  14. Depends on the hacks, and to be truthful, I haven't looked yet (bad Nathan ...). There is a chatroom indicator I'm pretty sure that I have seen recently and there is also a 'paging' service that I can install on the site for when you see someone and you want to 'page them' to come talk to you (essentially, a pop up jumps up on the other side with a one sentence message). My web guru is off taking care of real life sadly, but I'll probably be able to muddle through it here. I'll take a look at it in earnest this week to come and see what I can come up with without 'killing' the site due to stupidity.
  15. Thanks Ritual for taking the time to post these. I like the Curator - the rest of them ... meh. That first one though I think I'll have to cough up the $$$ to get. Very nice, and gread paint jobs as usual.
  16. Kev White has been very busy with his zombie line - here is his latest installment - they look fun, and the kids are great.
  17. Magnificient Egos has released a whole slew of new miniatures. http://www.magnificentegos.com Pincusion - Dart Throwing Assassin Angro, Barbarian Dwarf Eligon, Assassin Avril, Winged Elf Lady Wall of Stone (???) Wall of Ice
  18. Four new releases for the Chronopia line of miniatures from Excellsior Entertainment. I don't quite understand the novice shaman, I can't quite figure out where his head is, or what goes to what. Maybe I'm just tired. Desert Wolf Warriors Goblin Spearmen Novice Shaman Risen Skeleton Archers
  19. (laughing) Please ... please do it! Pokemon, Spongebob ... hell even a Ninja Turtle!
  20. As usual, I'm damn jealous - especially consider the rest of us schmucks use free flow, $100 brushes and all this other stuff and you do it all with cheap arsed GW brushes and water. Arrrgghgh! That said, I would really like your hair receipe for the blond lady up top there and the armor receipe for the wood elf. What are your plans with the banner itself - I know you have shied away from freehand in the past.
  21. Fair enough and a fair reply - I'll be interested in bringing this conversation back up in the future. :tongue2:
  22. Don't know how the heck I missed this thread. You should upload a bunch of this to the galleries Gi6ers. Like the Alice - think she needs a different base though. Cyberfella from the TT contest - good job, bit shiney for me though. Zombie hunter is a fun one. White Trash girl at the bottom is a fun one as well. Others don't really 'do' it for me, but they are good pieces none-the-less.
  23. It's part of their 28mm line. $4 is a bit much? What would you pay for something like you would get from Heresy, Hasslefree, Spyglass ... etc? Or is it due to the quality and style? I'm curious.
  24. I like those old pop tops - got three or four of them myself still from WAAAY back and I love them. Any way to buy those empty? Hell of a paint pallet Eric - use a plate myself.
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