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Nathan Caroland

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Everything posted by Nathan Caroland

  1. Yeah, see him up high waving on everyone. Sounds like a plan (you need to hold onto that bugger, win a GD, then sell it - heh). As for the gems, one of these days when you've got time, you'll have to show us up a tutorial on them. One of my many weak spots.
  2. Beautiful piece Eric! What are you planning on doing with the base - keep it on something as small as what you have it mounted on now or do something 'display'. Either way - lovely use of colors and I know it is probably a small thing to notice overall, but I love the gems on this.
  3. Huh - must be the seventh book then she said someone is supposed to die. Bugger if I really know - just caught it in passing.
  4. Cedric (greenstuff) beat me to it. Kat has some very good tutorials on doing fur and some of the better known painters out there have thanked her for the tutorial so I guess she must have done something right (heh). Tell her to get her butt over here and enter the Rotten Harvest while you're at it.
  5. I don't think anyone really questions so much her ability in sculpting, though that being said, not everything being sculpted is by her. She has a partner now who I believe did the Demon and the Giant (if I recall correctly). Its the whole tube to the bum (or general vacinity) that has me scratching my head. The breasts are odd as hell, but I figured it for a WIP so I didn't much think about it as I've come to find that what you see in a rough WIP doesn't always equate to the finished product. Personally - I'm damn curious to see where she is taking this. Maybe it will make more sense when she's finished. Maybe.
  6. I do like the fact that things tend to get darker. I was reading somewhere that the author did an interview and said by the sixth book (I think that was the one) that a major character will die and that things get decidedly more 'deadly gruesome'. Visuals are always nice of course! BTW, what book is she on now - fifth one published?
  7. Hey folks, The idea was floated a little bit back and expanded upon recently upon the idea of having a group of individuals work collectively in writing a short story (or not so short). This would need a minimum of three individuals, though more are obviously welcomed, with a dedication, imagination and a fairly good grasp of the english language. Once the individuals are determined, and we can add more as people become interested, we would need a schedule that allows for the individual to have time to work on the project, but at the same time, get their part 'finished' within the aloted time. I believe a week per person is sufficent initially, though obviously not everyone need take the full week to finish their portion of the works. For example, lets say that I start the story on the 10th. The next individual in line has until the 17th to finish their portion of the story, but they do it considerably quickly, finishing it on the 13th. The next individual now has until the 20th to finish their portion of the story, etc ... When writing, continuity must be kept with the general direction of the story, meaning no having mortal enemies in one paragraph, only to have them lovers in the next scene (unless written extremely well - heh). Characters, scenes and scenarios can be introduced by all involved and it is the job of everyone to keep with the 'spirit' of the individual or scenario as closely as possibly though with your outlook and personal twist to it. To start off the collective story, we will need a general setting, genre and scenario to provide initial direction, and from there it is up to the individuals to flesh out the story and to guide and bring the readers into the story. This needs to be a unanimous decision amongst those involved, with the understanding that those joining later must also keep to the story. New stories of course can be started. Some of the thoughts I have had I will list below. I'm open to thoughts and suggestion. Please chime in. Modern Day Magic . Much like the Maggie Sinclair story I have started in this section, I have found myself increasingly interested in the modern day with a twist of fantasy, sci-fi and magic all rolled into one. Magic is back (or maybe never left), critters, creepies and things best left in the dark are once again free to roam the world, though many never know or understand the dangers around them. Wizards are real, magic is deadly, and of course private groups, corporations and the goverment run their own experiments. Think of Shadowrun, though scaled back a bit. Dark fantasy, where sharp swords and quick spells decide whether you live or die. Adventure is to be had and power to be taken for those with the cunning and daring to take it. Perhaps a swashbuckling coastal pirate, a young fledgling wizard learning his way in the world, or a hardened warrior looking for his destiny. Brutal Horror. There are dark things in the forgotten places, waiting to come forth and sate their thirsts and hungers on the pain and flesh of mankind. The mental patient who sees too much, who knows too little, and the knowledge she has learned has turned her into a lunitic. Or has it? The Far Future. Man thought it had conquered the universe, had learned all that it needed to know, had explored and exploited everything there was. The were wrong, and now, mankinds civilization is nothing but a dead shell of what it once was, with colonies and bands of refugies making the best of their lives as one by one, they are hunted and exterminated by 'them'. Just some thoughts. Obviously there will need to be a bit more work to flesh out a general direction, and I think the input of those involved is going to be needed in order to make the decisions needed for inclusion in this. Do we put a timeline on this? A length? Writers are allowed to write as much or as little as they want, or no more than XX amount of paragraphs or words? Thoughts, suggestions, comments?
  8. That's a damn good thought Eric - surprised actually now that you mention it that no one has done that. Well, they did once, with the Sophie strattling a pumpkin (which personally I think is one of their better pieces). Halloween lends itself to so much more if you let it (one of the reasons why I'm excited about the Rotten Harvest contest).
  9. Thank you. It was a bugger to assemble to be honest (lots and lots of editing) but I figured having some options would be nice. Nice one Cindy - have to post that in here one of these days so we can see what you have (hell, need to post your gallery or some of your doodles on the site).
  10. That's a winged elf you silly! Tossing divinity out like that .. sheesh.
  11. I got to looking at these again and it looks like a bit of creative 'photoshoping' has been going on with the Goblin Spearmen. The one on the bottom right and the top left are the same - just looks like someone flipped the miniature in photoshop.
  12. The zombies have captured my attention for some time - especially since they started doing all the remakes on the Dawn of the Dead stuff - love them! On the Werewolf - you have those Rackham ones? Got one of them (Rackham) a bit back as it looked just too damn cool. I put it together and now I'm completely afraid of the damn thing (of all Rackhams actually).
  13. What I like about the scarecrows is that apparently they are 35mm, which as Steve said is that they are supposed to be extremely tall. Myself, I find the Spyglass stuff TINY in general, though well done.
  14. I'm laughing on this side of the screen (heh, can barely type really). I have no clue what this is going to turn into but I'll be watching to be sure as I'm damn curious where this line of miniature is going now and just what the hell is on someones mind to do the ... erm hose thingie. That being said, it is done well sculpt wise as everything is very smooth and clean. The legs do look too long though. Still, odd.
  15. Thanks Cindy, now if I can just figure out a way to make money off it (laughing). Seriously though, I have considered trying to write for a living (or more to the point, work on something for a year or more and try and have it published) but I still don't have the 'knack' of it down overall and would need a seriously good editor should I ever attempt it. That being said, I plan on exploring writing here in the future with a tad more seriousness. I've been published in some magazines, but nothing really special. I hope to flesh out Maggie a bit more, and some other characters, and have a bit of fun writing about them here. Thanks again.
  16. I like the idea. The whole story writing bit I have the time for at the moment and if there is interest, we'll go from there. I'll make up a thread for it here in the next day or so (looking at clock - sheesh, gotta work here in a bit). For the online game - I have done many of these since .... oh way back in 1990 when BBS's were the rage. I'll come up with something here in the near future. It is time consuming, but a lot of fun. I'll post examples of the work that I used to do. In the mean time, here is an old webpage with an example of the gaming and DM'ing I used to do. In the journal section, you'll find the story of the game as it was written, by the DM (myself) and the character interacting. Sometimes it doesn't flow as well when you read it (different styles) but it is a load of fun none-the-less. http://webpages.charter.net/frustrated/
  17. I think it is absolutely entertaining as hell, but I can't imagine the time and effort that goes into filming something like that, or much less something like the Nightmare Before Christmas or the Corpse Bride. Move them bit by bit ... bonkers!
  18. The latest installment of Harry Potter. Personally - I like the hell out of them and the kids do as well (I would go see them without the kids truth be known). Interesting seeing these kids growing up on screen though! http://movies.aol.com/movie_exclusive_harry_potter_goblet_clip/trailer_extra_large
  19. Alrighty, came across this tonight and I'm wonder just WHAT THE HELL is this thing? The whole tube to arse is ... well just wierd and the squating pose is ... well just wierd. Thoughts? Erm ... wierd. And no, this isn't exactly a review. Gotta come up with a WTF thread.
  20. This is pretty damn good! http://www.zippyvideos.com/2211085461087526/magic/
  21. Two new Forgeworld releases. Daemon of Slaneesh and a new fantasy Giant. Too bloody expensive if you ask me. www.forgeworld.co.uk
  22. Funny, I've never read Clive Barker or Stephen King. Might be something I should look into. Actually, I think I read the first 10 pages of the Stand but for some reason, maybe I lost the book, never finished the rest (which is odd for me). Myself, I just finished up the first six Nightside books by Simon R. Green. Really enjoyed them, though the sixth one was a bit of a let down from the first five as our intrepid 'hero' gets to the point where he is a really powerful bastard which for me, looses some of the charm of the character. Of course, that's all supposed to be part of the plotline as he is supposed to destroy the world (not giving anything away, you learn that in the first book easily enough) so I guess I'll go along for the ride to see where it ends. Reading the 'Dresdin Files' now by Jim Butcher - got six books to go through, though apparently I've read the first one at one time or another as I found out yesterday when I picked up the book. I'll still read it though to get a full story for the rest of the series.
  23. Link is on the front of the site - as they are supporters of the Wyrd Painting Contests (actually, truth be known, the knackered me into doing the Total Testosterone one and here we are today - blame them).
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