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Hobby Burnout

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I really like Malifaux but I have very few people that play it around here.


What I have been doing to scratch the itch is I have been inviting my good friend Lemming Stampede to my house and we play in my Living Room over some drinks.


Frankly it's been a blast. Maybe you should specifically ask a guy to play with you. Even if it is 40k ask one of your friends at the shop to dial it down, so you can play at the level you want. 


Also consider doing something different. One of the things I have been grappling with is my drive to play Warmachine is nearing an all time low. Why? because I don't like how the game is currently played. I have been dabbling in other stuff to try to hook back into that sense of community. It can be tough to remember your not married to this hobby ^^.

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