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New Crew - Your opinion


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Just had my first game of Malifaux and ill get into it. Made a crew as well.




+Disguise 2ss


Katanaka Sniper 7ss


Ototo Rare 10ss

+Call the Thunder1ss


The Lone Swordsman Rare 8ss


Torakage 6ss

Torakage 6ss

Torakage 6ss



+ 6ss Soulstone Pool



Okay now tear it apart as it is my very first try.


Maybe I should add that  I will include Archers at a later stage replacing Ototo and 1 Torakage with 2 Archers.

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It all depends on which strategies and schemes you are chasing, and what faction you are fighting.  Next most important is using what you like fielding, if you  are not having fun what's the point in winning? 

I like Shang with Misaki, some people don't.  

With all of those Torakage I would fit Smoke and Shadows in somewhere, other people would not.  

The Snipers are ridiculously solid pieces and you are allowed to have two.


With Ototo, The Lone Swordsman and Misaki the Archers can be a good choice, shadowing them and then firing into melee.


It all depends on how you want to play the game.

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The Archers are indeed intended to cover the brawlers.

The Sniper is so far my favourite model but 2 in a friendly game is a bit OP imho plus I like variety.


I certainly need more games and experience to have insights like those you posted but I am really looking forward to it.


Edit says: Thanks for your quick response.

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I run Misaki a lot.  I run her with Staking Bisento and Misdirection.  Stalking Bisento makes her extra killy, and Misdirection just great especially when she gets swarmed.


Disguised is limited though, so you can have both on her. FYI.


I haven't had that much luck with my archers.  They have killed a few models for me, but they usually end up getting shot by a model with better shooting stats or just not being in a convenient place (the latter is my fault no doubt).  Yamaziko is a big favorite of mine, but she dies quite easily.


Oiran are pretty good; they do well in melee and they have a lure (albeit not a good one).  An extra bonus is that they can't be charged.


I also use Shang, mainly for his healing ability and for the draw/discard at the start of each turn.


Lone Swordsman is supposed to be pretty dang good, though I haven't tested him out yet.


It really depends what crew you're playing against and what your schemes and strategies are. 

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