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VSquared's Thread of Really Stupid Questions

Viktoria x 2

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Hi, all--

Today I bought the rulebook and a box of models. I've only played one demo game, and I have forgotten a lot of what I learned (because the game moved pretty fast, which I like, but it makes things hard to remember)...

So as I'm going through the rules and my models' cards, I thought I'd make a thread and ask all the really stupid questions I have here so as not to embarrass myself with 400 questions during my first real game night. :D

Let's get it started:

1) If I have a model with an action MI 5 (mask), does that mean I have to flip a mask in order to hit (or cheat fate for a mask)?

2) If I activate the Student of Conflict's "Sisters in Spirit" power, is this like a teleport (pick the model up and put it in base contact), or does the model have to physically move (i.e. enemy(ies) can block the model's path)?

There will be more. I guarantee. :D

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1) Assuming you mean the attack action looks something like this:

(1) Hug (Ml7:masks / Rst: Df / Rg: :melee 2)

No, you don't have to flip a mask to make the ability work. The mask right after your Ml stat means your final duel total is considered to already have a single mask in the pool. So for example, this ability, which is on Teddy, will automatically have a mask in the total, meaning that Teddy can automatically Trigger Peekaboo! whenener he successfully dmgs an opponent with this attack, provided the enemy doesn't have an ability that prevents it.

However if your attack looked something like this:

(1) Lure (Ca8:masks / TN: 12:crows:masks / Rst: Wp / Rg: 18)

You'll notice the TN requires both a mask and a crow. Your attack stat gives you the mask, but in order for this opposed ability to work you must also have a minimum of a 4+ of Crows to succeed in using the spell, and whatever the # of crows you use your final duel total must be higher then the defender's total.

Does that make sense to you?

2) An action that causes you to "Place" a model is essentially like a teleport. You pick the model up off the board and "Place" it where ever the ability tells you too. So in the Student of Conflict's case as long as she had LoS to another Sister in 6", she could use her ability, the other Sister would get picked up and placed in base contact with the Student of Conflict, ignoring any terrain or other models that were in the way, as long as there was enough space around the student of conflict for the "Placed" Sister's base to fit.

Again does that help?

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The mask right after your Ml stat means your final duel total is considered to already have a single mask in the pool.

Okay. That makes sense. So I'm considered to automatically have a :masks in the final duel. What if I have two triggers on that attack? Like this attack has an attack that triggers on the:masks, so she gets to use that automatically, but she also has one that triggers on a :crows. So if I flip/play a :crows, do I get to trigger both (since the one ALWAYS works)?

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Only one trgger can be used at a time.

So for example a Young Nephilim has 3 triggers associated with its Talons attack.

2 of them require a single mask to activate, and 1 of them requires a ram.

Talons has a mask built in, so when the Young Nephilim hits and fulfills the other requirements he can choose to automatically use either Flush Out or For the Brood, but not both.

If he hits with a Ram he can choose any of the previous triggers, or Blood Frenzy.

But in the end, even though some of his triggers are built in, he can only choose to use 1 per attack.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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Thanks. That's very helpful.

Given these responses, Ronin are looking better and better. :D I didn't realize, on first read, that they basically get to automatically disengage every time they hit...

Unless it states that a trigger must be declare if able, you can also declare no trigger, even if you have the suit. More often than not a trigger will be helpful, but there are times you may wish to declare no trigger.

For example, if the December Acolyte stabbed a model with Hunting Knife, and did so by flipping a :masks, he could declare the Into Shadow trigger which requires the :masks for a 4" push, but if he wants to stick around to knife the model gain, he can elect to not declare the trigger and just move on to his next attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another stupid two questions, now that I've played a few:

1) Can my Hired Swords crew hire Ten Thunders Archers?


2) Is this a good idea? 

I'm looking to expand my crew a little, and the thing I've found is that I often wish I had a little more shooting than I do (or, at least, a little more accuracy to my shooting...). I want to add models, but I also really want to keep the visual theme (so hiring Hans, for example, is out). Ten Thunders Archers seem like a good fit, but I can't tell if they have the "Mercenary" tag or not...

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Well, that's unfortunate. 

All of those models are too far outside of the way I want this crew to look, which is vastly more important to me than the way I want them to play. 

Guess it's just more Ronin for me... a couple more swords never hurt anyone, I suppose. :(

(EDIT: Wait. What about the stuff in the Misaki set? It's in the store under Outcasts. I presume they could be hired? Are there any good ranged models in there?)

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Additionally, is it the the fact that they are metals (the models suggested by Fetid Strumpet), or what asthetic are they failing to meet for your crew?  If we knew, our suggestions would likely be more helpful.  Then again, sometimes there are modles just don't do it for you which I understand, even if there is nothing one can pecifically articulate about them, I realize.

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(EDIT: Wait. What about the stuff in the Misaki set? It's in the store under Outcasts. I presume they could be hired? Are there any good ranged models in there?)


Torakage have Shuriken, but they are only Sh5 at a 8" range, does have the posssibilty to throw three of them with Rapid fire though.  I am not sure you would want to pay 7SS for a Torkage, as some people have a hard time for them at 6.

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I like the sort of Japanime aesthetic the Hired Swords box brings. I want to keep the crew sort of vaguely Asian-looking as much as possible. So here we're looking for swords and clothes. 

Hans is too steampunk. 
The Friekorps are right out. They don't look anything like my crew. 

Killjoy is really out, for obvious reasons. 

Convict gunslingers are too Wild West. 

Does that help?

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The Ronin never had the Asian look going before their new sculpt, but got it in the new one, so I guess it's possible there may be old models that get a cultural shift, although I would agree with Thaarup that if the Asian aesthetic is what is most important to, a change to Ten Thunders may be in order.

If you really like the play style of the Viks and want an Asian look, I would recommend customizing our our Outcast models or getting proxies from other lines that have the look you like.

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