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Bad Timing?

Sam Wayne

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I discovered Malifaux within this week and am very interested in learning how to play. I am interested both in the skirmish game and the rpg. It just seems like I have very bad timing as we are in between 1.5 and 2.0 and I'm not sure how this would affect my decisions on faction ect. and of course, the rpg has yet to be released. Any advice for where a player would be "safe" to begin at this time? What models will be relative in 2.0? I see upgrade materials are available for 1.5 but as I don't own any 1.5 it seems I should wait until 2.0 materials are released. Any advice?

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I recommend the rulebook to begin with, that's out now (although it's in high demand) - M2E is the official version (aside from some tournaments). There are a bunch of crews in there, 3 for each faction, and you can always proxy a few to see what style of play you like.

Do you have any models or characters currently that you like the sound of?

Basically every model that was in the old edition will be in the new edition (though two minions became masters and can't be taken as minions any more), some in that first wave (in the book) and some in the current public beta (downloadable from the forum, but changing a bit each week - if you want to help shape them, go for it!). It'll just take a little time for them to come out in plastic.

The other option is to get arsenal packs, which contain all the stat cards and upgrade cards for a faction and allow you to use them without having to get the new plastic crew boxes.

I recommend the rulebook and maybe a fate deck though, see if there's a community near you with a henchman who can help you learn the game (you can often use some of their stuff to play), and give it a try first to see what you like. From there, you can expand with new models, or old models and arsenal packs, however you prefer.

Also, welcome!

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If you can, get the current M2E rule book. It is in high demand, but any model in there is complete. Before deciding a faction, take a look at the Malifaux main page faction entries. While most of the data there is from M1.5, the lore and general play style is unchanged , do you can still get a feel for the masters. Pick one you like the most, then look at the rest of their faction . Most likely , you'll like there other stuff. If not, you can still play what you want to play. This actually isn't a bad time, as every model is playable between the main rule book and the current beta. You could even test the waters using the beta if you want to.

For lesser popular factions... Gremlins right now I guess ? Many of their models are not released yet and they are comic relief. I wouldn't pick on popularity though. Find a master you think is cool then play him/her.

Edited by Claymore65
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I've never played a miniature skirmish game but I am familiar with them. I have collected, dabbled in painting a few miniatures for rpgs. I like everything I have seen so far- I would be interested in playing a lesser popular faction. I like to be different.

Having some RPG experience will help, especially if it was a game that used maps for it's combat mechanic. The main difference between Most skirmish games and RPG's is the lack of a grid. Ranges and movement are all measured from the model's base edge (which is why base size is spelled out for each model).

Popularity will really depend on who you're playing with. All the factions have good representation and support game wise, so it's going to depend on who's playing what in your circle of players. I only have one regular opponent right now but he's got a lot of masters between five factions (Arcanist, Outcast, Ressurectionist, Ten Thunders and Guild) and I have Arcanist and Gremlin faction masters. So for us, Neverborn is the "unpopular" faction.


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