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Paddyfaux the First - The Inaugral Irish M2E Grand Tournament


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The rulespack is now finalised, and is available from the Paddyfaux website: Paddyfaux 2014 rulespack

In addition, Paddyfaux 2014 will be a transatlantic event, with players coming from the US as well as Ireland and parts of the UK.

Tickets can be purchased through the site.

Interested parties may register their interest in this thread or by contacting info (at) paddyfaux (dot) com


James Desmond

Matt Dearden

Chris Brixey

Sam Brixey

Tom Brixey

Philip Healy

Donal Behal

Mark O'Byrne

Darragh Canning

Robert McCallum

George Preussel

Tera Huppi-Preussel

Original Post

Hi all,

Paddyfaux the First is scheduled to run on the weekend of St Patricks Day in Ireland, 14th March to 16th March 2014, with the St Paddy's day celebrations occurring across the weekend, and on the bank holiday monday. The website is up and running at www.paddyfaux.com.

It will be held in The Imperial Hotel on South Mall, Cork City, Ireland, right in the city centre, AND on the parade route on the monday. http://www.flynnhotels.com/Imperial_Hotel_Cork.

The event will be a 5 round escalation event Fixed Faction event, with the first 3 rounds at 40SS and the final two at 50SS.

Event cost will be E35 for the weekend, and will include event entry and a goodiebag, as well as achievement league entry. tickets may be purchased through the Paddyfaux website.

Expect various other small events and tie ins, and more information will be forthcoming as things get set in concrete.


Accommodation within the hotel itself is available, at a discounted rate of E109 B+B for a single, or E125 B+B for a double per night. this is a *very* nice hotel, and you pay for it...

Another, much cheaper option for accommodation is the Bru Bar and Hostel on Maccurtain Street, with prices currently in the region of E25 per night per person sharing for a private double room,however book early to avoid disappointment. The Bru is located less than 10 minutes walk from the Imperial, and not only has a residents bar, but is also less than 200 metres from the bus and train station. http://www.bruhostel.com/index.cfm/page/home


getting to cork, depending on where you are coming from, is relatively easy, with good road and rail links into the city, and Cork International Airport within 20 minutes drive (about E15 one way in a taxi).

St Patricks day is one of the major celebrations seen worldwide, and Cork is the second largest city in Ireland, with a concomitantly large and lively celebration. Expect this year's celebrations to be particularly jolly, due to it falling on a weekend.


Crew Construction: All wave 1 and 2 models and upgrades may be used so long as they are released in the final form by 10th feb 2014. The March 2014 errata and FAQ document will also be used.

Game Size : Games 1 - 3: 40SS. games 4 and 5: 50ss

Tournament Type: M2E

Number of Rounds: 5

Proxy Rules: Proxy models will be allowed as per the rulespack.

Strategies: Fixed strategies

Schemes : Scheme pool generated per round by TO. All players may select from the pool.

Painting Requirement: 3 colours minimum, no bare bases. Painting prizes will be available.

The rulespack is now finalised, and is available from the Paddyfaux website: Paddyfaux 2014 rulespack

Edited by Tograth
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  • 2 weeks later...


The website is now completely operational and can be viewed at http://paddyfaux.com/

Tickets can be requested through the site.

Interested parties may register their interest in this thread or by contacting info (at) paddyfaux (dot) com

Prospective attendees:

James Desmond

Matt Dearden

Chris Brixey

Sam Brixey

Tom Brixey

Philip Healy

Donal Behal

Mark O'Byrne

Robert McCallum

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

thats great to hear George, looking forward to seeing you and Tera at the event :D

---------- Post added at 01:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------


The rulespack is now finalised, and is available from the Paddyfaux website: Paddyfaux 2014 rulespack

In addition, Paddyfaux 2014 will be a transatlantic event, with players coming from the US as well as Ireland and parts of the UK.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Tera and I had an amazing time. Thanks Mike for running such a wonderful event! If you missed this GT then you really should be kicking yourself. This tournament had awesome sportsmanship, the most beautiful terrain to play on, and just wonderful and experienced players! I will definitely be coming again next year! Pictures to follow!

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This was my first ever Malifaux tournament. In fact it was my first ever wargaming tournament of any type. I have to say it couldn't have gone any better. A big thanks to Mike(Tograth) who ran it. It was him who made sure I entered, seeing as he's a good buddy and the guy who got me into Malifaux.


Friday afternoon was spent setting up the tables. We then went to a small traditional Irish pub for grub and beer. I think we ended up staying there a little longer than anyone originally intended and didn't get back to the convention hall until 10.30pm or so. I then played a game against the man who created the boards for the event. And a big shout out to him, the boards were stunning. Even people who came to visit who don't play any war games were impressed by them. The hotel the event was in had no problem with us being in the hall to all hours of the night. There was a University Ball in the hall opposite us and I think the staff were glad to see some peaceful use of their other rooms for an easy weekend.


Saturday I had two games and a bye. I lost both games that day, but it was still amazing fun. I've not played much Malifaux and both players I played (F3armonger being one of them with his Gremlins, and a McKabe player) really made the games for me. I was still getting used to my Vickys and made a few mistakes, but their assurances I was doing the right things and telling me that they enjoyed the games made sure I didn't mind any losses. It was all a learning experience for me and to know that the other players were enjoying their games meant a lot. Unfortunately one of the players had to drop out due to his daughter coming down with illness but this worked in my favour as I was glad to get a bye that allowed me to sit with my drinks and relax for a bit for a next few hours. (I was really tired due to a 6am encounter with a roast chicken. Lets just say I was really lucky not to have my entire apartment block enraged at me for spoiling their bank holiday weekend Saturday lie-in.)


Saturday night was an absolute blast. We went back to the traditional Irish pub for food and a few drinks, some of our local friends who don't play war games joined us. Everyone got on great which is a real testament to the friendliness of the event. We then ventured to a craft beer bar that us locals knew. There was about 15 of us arriving into a small pub about the size of a living room. Many fine beers were had, and one person said that even if everything went wrong with the weekend it would have been worthwhile due to finding an amazing local cider in this craft beer pub.


Needless to say I had a rough Sunday morning and was lucky that the games didn't start until later than the Saturday. My first game was against Tera in a game the whole tournament was eager to have happen. A Vicky-off: my Vickys against her's. There were a lot of people very interested to see how the battle of the glass cannons would go. Of course, myself and Tera had to confound them. There was no Vicky-off as we both played a very tactical game that involved a lot of maneuvring and feints and distractions. It was one of the most interesting games I've played as a lot of the time the threat of a confrontation against such powerful crews was enough to make your point and see that VPs were achieved. I think the most of the losses was a few Ronins.


My final game of Sunday and the tournament was against F3armonger again. He is an absolute gent and assured me that despite being a new player I was playing with my Vickies very well. I was a little fortunate that we only managed to get three rounds in (I remember there being a lot of models on the table between my Vickys, his Gremlins and 50SS) and I was on 4 to 2 in victory points by the time last turn was called. I think if we had managed to get in the fourth round F3armonger would have at least come back at me for those 2VPs to take it to a draw. It warmed my heart when at the end of the game he said to me, "I told you, you play the Vickys quite well!" That's all I could ask for from my first tournament.


The prize giving was a blast. The tournament had amazing support from Element Games, Urban Lasercraft, Secret Weapon Miniatures and Tograth's own additions (extreme useful decks of scheme and strategy cards that make things very easy for the players.) I don't think anyone went away empty handed, the players made sure of this.


I have to say I was worried coming into the event. I had never played a war gaming tournament before. I've been to many general gaming conventions around Ireland but was always free to do my own thing at them. This meant a few games at my leisure and a lot of food and drink. I was concerned that I wouldn't enjoy being tied to playing at specific times and the same game all weekend. I needn't have worried. The players and the organisation of the tournament made sure that the event was relaxed for the newcomers, that the old hands would get to practice their battle strategies and that everyone would have a good time.


Now it's time to take a rest for a week or two from gaming and then begin plans (and saving) to travel to the next Irish tournament in Belfast.

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