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The tale of Mr."C"


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This is a story of what happens when you take a joke and just keep running with it.

So long ago I used to own an ork army, but when 6th edition came out it killed two of the three lists I owned and I was never playing the third list again after using it for an extremely long tournament. So I sold the army to some of the locals, primarily Mr."C". Since the money from the army was going towards getting some terraclip terrain to play Malifaux easier I told him I'd name a building on it after him, thus began the recurring terrain feature of a bar named "C's No Evil". After getting a hold of more books a recurring joke was that he should play because he was already a model in the game (Guild Captain).

Fast forward a few months and I finally had enough players to run a beginner league. For the league every week I'd start it off with a fluff piece to setup what the scenario was for the week. This was a reference to how Mr."C" would always setup the 40k tournaments by receiving your orders on what your mission is. As it was a beginner league I set it up that you were just arriving in Malifaux and had little money you followed a rumor that there was always work at the "No Evil". Thus Mr."C" the retired captain turned bartender/crimeboss became your weekly quest giver after you managed to come back alive a few times. Most of the dialogue from the league were references to several "C"-isms, such as Ol'Strokey and "Take off your damn hat". The joke was to read it in his voice for added effect.

Fast forward again and Mack puts a call out on the the TtB forums for character quotes, and I submitted several lines from my league. Which then lead to this.

Just so you know, I used Mr. C's No Evil as a tavern in my game. It's near the boarder of the slums and the higher class bits of town. Mr. C quickly became a serious mover and shaker in my game... with a dark secret!

I thought it was pretty funny that an in-joke had ran far enough to possible get him made a cannon character.

Fast forward one last time, and I managed to get my hands on a Captain model from somebody planning to re-buy Lucius's box in plastic. So I paint him up, ask Mr."C" what his IG's regiment number is, and free-hand a crappy little Aquila on his back.


The only complaint on the model was that I didn't sculpt a cummerbund on to the model to cover the gut. Other than that we all thought it was hilarious. So after getting permission to post the comparison shot outside of the local group, I decided to post it on the Wyrd facebook group, and learn this.

Canon Campaign Spoiler... Mr. C, the owner and operator of Mr. C's "No Evil" saloon... totally beheaded by an executioner on order of the Judge.

Moral of the story:Mack Martin is an asshole.... Also TtB plot hook for my players after we finish playing out the league story. Now to wait for the perfect moment to break the news to Mr. "C".

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I had heard about the use of Cs No Evil Saloon in the campaign, and I never got the reference (and rightly so at the time). Then I saw the above image, which I thought was neat as an homage to this Mr. C, but I never put 2 and 2 together. And now this! It all fits now. :)

~Lil Kalki

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