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Hungering Darkness Vs Jack Daw

Soul Puppet


Okay, so this is the situation:

HD hits JD with his paired, magical tendrils and gets the You Are Mine trigger off. The JD player discards a card to keep him alive.

In the next turn HD nominates JD for Feast or Famine. What happens?

Some possible answers are:

1. JD cannot be affected by this, as it is not a Spell, Magic Weapon or Focused Strike but HD still heals 1Wd.

2. JD cannot be affected by this, as it is not a Spell, Magic Weapon or Focused Strike and because no Wd was caused HD cannot heal 1Wd but there is no other effect.

3. JD cannot be affected by this, as it is not a Spell, Magic Weapon or Focused Strike and because no Wd was caused HD cannot heal 1Wd and must suffer a Wd instead if there are no other Brillianced models within 5".

4. JD must discard a card or soulstone to prevent the Wd and HD heals a Wd.


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I don't have my rulebook or cards in front of me, but I believe JD doesn't take the wound, he can still be targeted by the ability because he gained brillance. I also believe the HD would heal because I don't recall the damage having to be dealt in order for the heal to trigger. Hope that answers your question.

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Only models wounded by the attack get brilliance. The damage isn't inflicted if jack discards a card, hence he wouldn't gain brilliance

Not sure I agree with this. Jack's card says that when he suffers one or more wounds, he's killed unless you discard a card or a stone. To me, that reads as though he still counts as being wounded and therefore can get brilliance.

Edit: I've re-read both cards and maybe I'm just arguing semantics but I still think it's a valid question.

Thanks for the replies so far. Anyone else?

Edited by Soul Puppet
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