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My Lady Justice crew-Re Pics.

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Its been forever that I have had 6 of the 7 crew minatures done for my Lady Justice, Sonnia Criid, and my Perdita crews. I would be almost done with all 3 but something always got in the way. Finally done with my Lady Justice crew, which is special to me because Justice is also my favorite master.


Hopefully this works better this time. Thank you to Evilbleachman and Underdog for the helpful tips.post-12349-13911929405001_thumb.jpg








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Its a reaper mini Victoria Jacobs with the hat of my 3rd death marshal sawed of and put on her head. I have a ton of proxys in my guild army overall mainly because meny Malifaux models are far too fragile or I hate the look of them. I am overly finicky on how things look and I hated the coffins on the death marshals and have never successfully buried a model anyway. I couldn't even deal with the fact scales has fake chains and added real chains to his model.

Thankyou for your help by the way brother I did the Photobucket thing like you asked...on the off note you didn't say what you thought about my crew.


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Kannachan: Wow how funny I must have been posting almost when you were posting, I'm such a slow typer. Thank you for the comment, Justice is my master so I spent forever painting her.

PipX: Sweet Ty, when I'm playing at a store alot of people and expecially malifaux players seem to love the Judge conversion. I'm far too proud of the real chains on Scales, and I can't figure out why.

Vinncent: Thank you bro, Im glad you like em.

SmoothWD40: I like your tag, ya he does kinda look like that video. I call him "the Prayer", the one with the knife is "the Jumper" and the proxy with the wolf I just finished last week and I don't have a name for her yet.


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