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beginners yan lo 35ss list

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Yan-lo 5ss cache

soul porter (totem) 2ss

Izamu, the armor 10ss

chiaki the niece 5ss

ten thunders archer 6ss

ten thunders archer 6ss

ten thunder brother 5ss

So this is the first list I've written for malifaux and i wondered what peoples thoughts are I have spoken to other people and someone recommened Torakage in the list are they any good?

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That seems like a decent list to learn the game, or for some strategies.

I’ve found that Yan Lo’s core crew (i.e. the Ancestors) tend to want to stay close to him so that he can collect their Reliquaries if they die. Archers are pretty fragile so they don’t want to stray too far from the protection offered by scarier threats like Izamu, and one of the Brother’s most interesting abilities is Companion so he doesn’t really want to be alone either. I would say that this list would do quite well with strategies like Master of the Hill where you want to deliver your mob of doom to a single point, but be less powerful at something like A Line in the Sand where you have to spread out.

Chiaki has been rather hit-and-miss for me. Some games she earns her keep, other times she’s not really much more than an objective sitter. Don’t rely on Harmless to keep her going as it won’t stop anyone determined.

As for Torakage, they are another interesting tool. I’m not sure that they’ll give you much in this particular crew as Izamu isn’t a possible target to be swapped into position. You can use them to get Yan Lo into or out of trouble though.

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You may want to increase your pool a bit

Yan Lo really wants to spend 3 of your 5 before the game starts for df 7 and regen 1. This would leave him with 2 left over or he's a wet napkin with 5 stones. I would suggest trading out one of your archers for (trying to think of 3 point TT minions) 2 clockwork traps if you have them. This would leave you with 4 after the chi upgrade of the max 5 and make Yan Lo alot more durable.

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That is definitely a scary crew to play against! You may have to adjust it a bit for more spread out or mobile strats like line in the sand but you should be able to kill about anything (except Pandora of course)

I wouldn't be afraid to switch out a punk zombie with chiaki or a torekage based on the strategy.

Edited by Enki
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Agreed on that last part. That list is going to be a bit hard-pressed to quickly respond to threats. Depending on what your strategy/schemes are, I like Night Terrors with Yan/Toshi. They become insanely fast for objective grabbing. Yin is also a fast objective grabber, and she can hold objectives like nobody's business.

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Yan-lo 5ss cache

soul porter (totem) 2ss

Ashigaru 4ss

Ashigaru 4ss

Ashigaru 4ss

desparate mercenary 2ss

Yin, the Penangalan 8ss

Toshiro, the Damiyo 8ss

3ss converted to chi for df 7 and regen 1 leaving me with a ss pool of 5 for the game

Yan-lo 5ss cache

soul porter (totem) 2ss

Ashigaru 4ss

Ashigaru 4ss

Ashigaru 4ss

desparate mercenary 2ss

desparate mercenary 2ss

night terror 3ss

night terror 3ss

Toshiro, the Damiyo 8ss

3ss converted to chi for df 7 and regen 1 leaving me with a ss pool of 5 for the game

would these work a little better?

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These lists look alot more versatile, but remember you would have to run Yan Lo as resser to have access to the night terrors. Night Terrors = Liquid Awesome in mobile lists

I for one have always ran Yan Lo as a Resser just because they have a BUNCH of awesome low cost minions. Ten Thunders has some good models but you seem to have to pay alot more in TT for what you get for super cheap with Ressers (unless you run some clockwork traps which are amazing).

I play ressers alot so I might be biased though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a Yan Lo list where you get to just kill a significant portion (or maybe all) of the enemy crew on turn one inside of their deployment zone.

You will need:

1 chiaki 5

1 flesh construct 7

4 dogs 8

1 datsue-ba 7

1 student of conflict 4

Then you launch forward a yan lo with fast using chiaki, the flesh contruct and datsue-ba. This will put yan lo 5 inches from the enemy deployment zone. After killing the dogs and the student plus the two gaki you can make with the datsue-ba's weigh sins you will have 10 chi points. This gives you path of sirit 3 and path of bone 3. Ypui then weight of ages the enemy to deal damage and fragile bonds at them. You need kill only one model to get path of bone 4 and then trigger hun po assault to kill all their guys.

Then you have won the game.

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