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Iconic Guild Master Themes and Abilities


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So I was ruminating on the podcasts I recently heard and thinking about our retooled Guild Masters and the whole upgrade system thing. So, specific to guild, what do you think the Iconic things are each master requires and what things would you consider upgrades?

I'll give my examples.

Lady Justice, for me, is Superb at personal Melee combat. It's both highly supported in the fluff as well as on her card with abilites like sword style, riposte, her Cb, etc.

She is also Inspiring to those around her. This is HUGE in the fluff and also exists to some extent on the card with her +Cb boost. I'd like to see it become more of a factor in v2.

In the fluff, she seems to have flawless willpower. Totally committed (except for, you know, after a house falls on her and she thinks Ramos turned her into a robot...). I don't see that aspect currently on her cards.

She also has this weird "blind" schtick going...

Some quick other master thoughts:

Perdita - Supposed to be super fast gunslinger - so Quick Draw and Faster than you as well as good accuracy.

Nice example of her bullet bending, too, when hunting gremlins.

Sonnia - I get the impression she casts Flame Burst, almost before she comes to Malifaux. Likewise, her advanced counterspell seems to be one of her biggest things (and it is on the table top for me for sure). I could see flame wall and inferno becoming upgrade options. Her sword almost definately seems like an upgrade option to me (heck, her sword is becoming like it's own character in the fluff - and besides, if it's an upgrade, maybe I can give it to Hopkins for a little fluff reenactment.)

Hoffman - He needs the offensive side ala machine puppet/override edict; and the defensive side ala protected by machines/assimilate. I personally feel that most of his rules are a bit messy and hope they are redone well. He is also my first master that drew me into the game, so I don't want to comment too much here.

So, anyway, I'm curious what other's thoughts are on the Iconic Abilities of the Guild Masters - or must haves vs. upgrade choices.

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Lucius needs to keep his ability to sacrifice one of his own models for his own benefit. I don't really care what the benefit is, I just imagine him doing that.

I also like hidden sniper for him, but I think it should probably just be an upgrade.

His obey-like spell should probably be natural to him, and as much as I love reinforcements, it could probably be an upgrade.

Reinforcments and hidden sniper as upgrades reflect the idea that you don't always have a hidden sniper available, or reinforcements available to use.

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