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Beginner's McCabe Crew


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Hi there. I'm new to the game. I have a Ramos crew I'm not planning on playing for long. I'm really interested in McCabe, so here's the crew I'm thinking of building. Tell me your thoughts?

- Lucas McCabe

- Luna

- 3x Wastrels

- 3x Guild Riflemen

- Drill Sergeant

I think it sounds like fun... a good amount of ranged fun with a super mobile Lucas. Does this sound like it would be affective for the lower SS matches? Also, do I need to include Sidir Alchibal?

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McCabe is the first step i took into the Guild too (started with Viks/Von Schill).

This crew is reminiscent of the first crews I ran with McCabe. Thing I have to say is that you'll have to be very careful. This crew (other than McCabe) is made of soggy tissue paper. Placement and caution will be very crucial, but for small games this list is great. You'll have lots of fun.

Sidir is the man. Cool machine gun, hunting blind to protect your riflemen (or let Wastrels bounce off with Secret Passages), and is a good bodyguard. By Your Side and Camouflage are nice ways to keep McCabe from getting unwanted scrapes and bruises. I usually run him with Perdita (to make her Df 10, just to be a jerk).

When you choose to expand on this crew, I'd suggest guild hounds and clockwork traps. Luna at the head of a pack of dogs can tarpit a bunched up enemy so McCabe can fire into the combat with impunity (Luna makes it so the dogs ignore Dg and effect from the net gun, so no matter who you hit the 50mm slow blast goes off and hits an enemy). Add some traps on top of that and you will be spamming paralyzed left and right, giving your riflemen some easy targets to put down.

Good luck! Have fun!

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Because they are both totems you will not be able to take the Drill Sergeant and Luna at the same time unless you bring a henchman(like Lucius) to attach the second totem to. That said you may not want to run Luna unless you have a few guild hounds as well and you probably don't want to run Lucius in smaller games.

As far as guild goes witchling stalkers and death marshals are really good and work with almost every guild crew. If you would like to go the guardsman route, Lucius and his entire box set would go very well with McCabe as well as Guild Hounds and Austringers giving lots of guardsmen synergy. Also if your ok with foregoing a totem, the Brutal Effigy is an awesome addition to any guild crew as well.

Oh yeah and Sidir is a beast!

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Luna is still a cheap significant model so even without other Guild Hounds she still has a role to play. A simple use of the Hounds is to run them up with as much cover as possible and try to hide somewhere suitable to pick up Breakthrough or Stake a Claim. For this to work you need to be able to pressure your opponent elsewhere so that they don’t have the resources to spare to deal with the relatively low threat of the Hounds. I’ve used them to gang up on an isolated minion and just bite the poor victim to death over a few rounds. When activated together they get a free walk action, and since they’re quick anyway you can make the most of putting them in places other minions cannot reach.

Be aware that McCabe’s hiring pool changes quite a bit depending on whether you’re using him as Guild or Ten Thunders. Much of the advice in this thread (e.g. to use Witchling Stalkers and Death Marshalls) is specific to Guild. As you’ve posted in the Ten Thunders forum, this might not be your preference. Also note that the Guild Kennels rule (which gets you an extra Soulstone in your cache for taking two Guild Hounds / Luna) is specific to the Guild faction so you won’t get the benefit in Ten Thunders.

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