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Mystery of the Moonlight Murders


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Greetings all! Since we now have some offical campaign rules, I could not hold back on working on some rules for a setting. So this will be report thread for the campaign I am running at my local game shop.

Event Thread


Campaign Rules


Here is the list of current master/henchmen we have in the campaign and points they have earned:


Von Schill-3





The Viks-3

Enjoy and feel free to ask any question you like!

Edited by LordZombie
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So the campaign is moving along nicely. Here is some updates for the days that have happened so far.

Night 1, 3 attacks. Tuco is rescued by Leveticus, Sadir is rescued by Perdita, Wong is rescued by Yan Lo.

Night 2, 2 attacks. Iggy is rescued by Leveticus, Sebastian is rescued by Von Schill.

Night 3, 2 attacks. Mr. Tannen is rescued by Von Schill, Johan is killed.

Night 4, 2 attacks. Cassandra is rescued by Von Schill, Vanessa is killed.

As a side note, Yan Lo turned traitor and joined Ophelia and Taelor gained her avatar.

Edited by LordZombie
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Time once again to post up some updates on the campaign. It was a little lite on the player front, but not on the murder front.

Night 5, 3 Attacks. Sebastian is rescued by Leveticus, Rafkin is rescued by Karis, and Yamaziko is killed.

Night 6, 2 attacks. Both Abuela and Burt Jebsen are killed.

In other news, Ophelia and her kin killed Izamu. It was a day full of murder for only 4 players.

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Two more nights have come to pass over the careful minions of Malifaux. The Viks have joined the hunt and have already scaled up the scoreboard. Here is what happened.

Night 7, 3 attacks. Ama No Zako was killed. The Viks rescue Joss and Nino.

Night 8, 2 attacks. The Viks rescue Hans. Ophelia rescues Jaakuna Ubume.

Next Saturday is the last day of the campaign. Who will come out on top and who is the Moonlight Killer?

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  • 2 weeks later...

And we came to a close on the case of the Moonlight Killer, but not before he could strike 2 more times. What happened on the last day?

Night 9, 1 attack. Chiaki is rescued by Leveticus

Night 10, 1 attack. The Mechanical Rider is rescued by Leveticus.

In other news, the bounty hunter Vik was killed by Perdita and crew.

That gave Leveticus the most wounds on the Moonlight Killer and thus winning the campaign.

Some tips for those looking to host a campaign using the rules. One, keep the length to about 4 weeks maybe 5. By the end of the campaign, I was down to 3 players (this could have been the holiday, but many were getting burned out playing the same crew all the time). Two, maybe try a hiring pool. Some players felt very helpless on some match ups, so maybe a way to change the crew just a little would help that.

Hope you enjoyed watching along with my group. Now it is time for some Malifaux 2.0

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