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Ten thunders Brothers ???

Somer Victor

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Companion is not limited by number of models. If you had 10 models all within 6 inches they can all activate as one.

You can also chain them. So in a line 6 inches apart each you can have a torakage, ten thunder brother, misiaki, shang. All of these models could act as one even though they cross 24 total inches. First 3 because each was within 6 inches of the brother and shang as he was within 6 inches of misaki.

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That doesn't make sense because none of the other 10T models have "Companion". The 10T Brother has it and Misaki does with other models but i'm not including Misaki in this equation. So let's say you have 10T Brother, a Torakage, and Ototo. To start a companion chain with these 3 does the 10T Brother have to act first since he is the only one who has companion? It should work that way....right?, it's how the dreamer works.

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You can either have as many models with the characteristic within 6" of the companion model


x -- companion(x) -- x


All 4 x's and the companion activate as a group, you pick the order.

Or chain as many models in a line with every other model having companion

x -- companion(x) -- x -- companion(x)

Again, all 4 models activate as a group, you pick the order. You just need the right combination of models to make the group/chain activate together. The only other variation is if the model has companion(x) and is 'x' Works pretty much the same way. As long as every 6" pair in a chain has at least one companion in it, you can continue connecting.

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