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The Pinkapocalypse - Brisbane Painting Comp for March

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So as you may or may not know, my contract here is ending and I'm going back to Perth at the end of March. :(

So to celebrate (or commiserate) I'm running one last competition before I leave. It's a quick and dirty little thing and because I'm running it, I'm going to base it on my penchant for using Pink when painting up the vast majority of my Malifaux models. :P


Paint a Malifaux model where pink is used as one of the colours. It doesn't need to be the primary colour, just so long as pink is featured somewhere on the model. If you've painted a pink model before now, you're free to enter that too.

Post your entries up on the WargamerAU thread here or show them off at Ace Comics and Games on a Wednesday Night.


Wednesday the 27th March. That gives you three full weeks to paint something, anything, up.


A suitably ridiculous competition requires a suitibly ridiculous prize. So I give you...


...the War Rooster. I hapen to have one of these spare, so the winner will recieve one of these. The winner will be judged by me, according to creativity, effort or whatever else I come up with at the time. ;)

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