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New player seeking help!

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Hi hi, I am a very new player as of yesterday when I picked up my first starter set and a rule book. For my faction I went with the outcasts more specific the the Som'er Teeth Jones starter set. At the time of purchase I was unaware that I may need more models with that starter set as compared to most of the other ones.

I absolutely love the models as I am a long time orc's and goblins player from Warhammer fantasy. So building/ painting lots of models is not something new to me.

So after doing a bit of research, I found out that another pack of the gremlins would be handy as would be some giant mosquitos. Are the pig units any good to start with? Or should I stick with what is suggested?

Thank you in advance =)

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My understanding is that the quickest single purchase you could make to play Gremlins as a crew is just to get Ophelia LaCroix's box set. She can mostly work as is. Som'er from what I have seen thus far really needs all or most of his options available to tailor to game type. That said, I'm not a gremlin player so I'm sure someone with more experience can elaborate.

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Welcome to the game!!!

First off, if no one has already pointed you there, you should read the Pull My Finger wiki (http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/) which happens to be named for a Som'er ability of all things. :Smug_Puppet2: Its got all kinds of useful info most importantly a very well written guide for each master.

The entry on Som'er is a very good read and what you learn is that Som'er has 3 main crew "focuses"; the Mosquito Swarms, the Gremlin Gunline, or the Pig Boomerang. Each play style with him is lots of fun (I run him myself) but each does offer a different focus on his large choice of models. Give it a read and you'll quickly know what you want to focus on.

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