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Decks and sleeves...

Super Lo-Fi

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There is no rule, nor do I see there ever being one. Some players like sleeves and some don't. But, they don't interfere with cards. Any game that uses sleeves would mandate that any damaged sleeves would need to be replaced (to avoid having marked cards) but I'm pretty sure that Wyrd would never say you couldn't use them.

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I don't think the demand for sleeves is high enough in this game for Wyrd to consider making there own. I haven't seen anyone using them at all yet and personally I think they hinder shuffling.

Its not like Magic where you only need to shuffle once for each game and the cards are collectable with each card probably costing the same (or likely more) as a fate deck ;)

I can see why some people might want to use them though, but I just don't think they are worth the hassle.

Edited by Pierowmaniac
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Its not like Magic where you only need to shuffle once for each game

Clearly someone hasn't played Magic in a while. :-P

Depending on the deck and format, shuffling multiple times in a turn is a distinct possibility. Which can be a real PitA when in a 100 card format.

and the cards are collectable with each card probably costing the same (or likely more) as a fate deck ;)

That's the low end. Some cards are worth more than everything that can be bought for Malifaux. Though yes, your average "Chase rare/mythic" is probably in the "fate deck to crew box set" range in value (and certainly mixed in with cards worth a few bucks to mere pennies apiece, barring certain absurd decks/formats).

I don't know what it is, but I find the paper fate decks to wear really easily, and when they come out of the box they seem to have a light dusting of some kind of powder on them. Sleeving 'em up seemed like a good way to reduce wear and tear, and riffle shuffling a dozen times isn't difficult, at least when you've been doing it on and off for a decade and a half.


Edited by Forar
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Would be a little silly if they didn't allow sleeves. It makes shuffling easier and protects the cards which see lot's of use during a game.

I myself use Dragon Shield Clear sleeves on my Puppet Deck, while they are plastic, this gets rid of the slippery-ness, while still showing the whole card.

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