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Collodi's Breathe Life and self-friendliness

Iron Heel


So...if a spell or other action/effect targets a "friendly model," can the caster self-target?

1.) For instance, Collodi's "Breathe Life" spell states: "Target friendly doll" so could Collodi cast it on himself?

This particular scenario would entail Collodi giving himself and another doll an action point, which means he would recover the (1) casting cost each time he casts it while also giving another doll an extra action. In fact, if this is the case Collodi could continue to load up dolls with action points as long as he could produce the 9+ masks.

2.) Also, the spell does not stipulate that the "additional friendly doll" be with a certain distance so does that mean that technically it could reside anywhere on the board as it is not actially the model that was targeted?

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