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Most of the older models are all in one piece with the occasional arm or tiny bit needs assembly. New models (from the fourth book) all are out of plastic and need assembly.

So the answer to your first question would be yes and no. Haha. It isn't too bad though.

You can download the rulebook for free from the Malifaux website. I would recommend picking up the improved version of the first rulebook though (1.5). Alternatively you can buy the complete version of the downloadable rulebook for about 15$, which isn't really expensive.

Generally I would recommend picking up every book though, as every model is listed in there as well. Stats, abilities, spells, etc... Great to see what all this game has to offer. Not to mention fluff. <3

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Yeah, fluff is basically filler content to add to the rules and models of the game. It is a pretty fun story, but not necessary to play.

If you are on such a tight budget, I would recommend picking up a crew box. I would start with either one of these masters, as the box they come with is decently playable with the models contained in it. Ophelia, Victorias, Von Schill, Seamus, Lilith, Ortega, Lady Justice and Rasputina. Pandora would work as well, but she is complicated to play.

That is about 35$ out of your 50. With the rest of the money you can buy a clam shell model to work with your models and a fate deck (the latter you NEED). Download the rules at first and when you have more money just pick up models to fill in your crew and maybe a book or two. :)

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Would like to point out that instead of a Fate deck (esp on a tight budget as that) you can use a common playing deck (w Jokers in) and just remember: Hearts=Rams, Spades=Crows, Diamonds=Masks and Clubs=Tomes. Very hard to play Malifaux on $50 alone, unless you already have hobby supplies. But if you have more money coming in the future, it's enough to buy your initial crew and get a good start!

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