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Making the switch to Guild


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When I bought into the game about 6 months ago I was 50/50 on Resser/Guild and basically flipped a coin. It turns out that I just don't like playing my Seamus / Molly Resser combo and have been kicking myself ever since. I simply don't want to think too much and I'm cheap, and Guild is pretty straightforward with seemingly great model synergy, so I figure that I can get a decent number of options from a limited number of models.

I bought the Lucius box a while back, because I simply wanted to paint the awesome models (Lucius just looks cool). So I'm starting from there, but I'm really planning to build around Perdita with Sonia and Lucius in the mix to give me some master options.

Here's what I'm thinking of:

  • Perdita
  • Nino
  • Papa Loco
  • Francisco
  • Santiago
  • Enslaved Nephilim
  • Austringer
  • Austringer
  • Guild Hound
  • Guild Hound
  • Watcher
  • The Judge
  • Sonia
  • Samael
  • Stalker
  • Stalker
  • Stalker
  • Witchling Hander
  • Lucius (owned)
  • Guild Guard (owned)
  • GG Captain (owned)
  • Ryle (owned)
  • Lawyer (owned)

To my rookie eye that looks decent enough to give me minimally competitive options regardless of the game setup (strategy, terrain, schemes) and opposition.

I can't figure out how Samael fits, but I'm still buying the Criid box for the value, and I'm not sure if I want an Executioner instead of The Judge (can't have both, right now ($$)).

As for Ryle and the Lawyer... I have no clue how they fit into this scheme. Maybe just sit on my shelf and look pretty.


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That list of miniatures should give you plenty to get going with. It might be that as you play more games with the Guild you find that some crucial piece would open up a new avenue for you and you can re-budget for that. Having said that, here are some opinions based on my own experiences in Malifaux:

1. Get the Executioner over the Judge. Reason: the Judge comes in the Lady Justice box anyway so you might find you want that later (Death Marshalls, which also come in the box, are strong option).

2. Save the money and only get one Austringer. Reason: While you’re starting with these crews you will want to get some variety. Austringers are pretty good (and doubtless others will advise that taking two is the best thing regardless of strategies and schemes) but two represent a big chunk of your force. You might find yourself getting tracked into a particular style by doubling up as they favour static play.

3. Play a few games with Samael Hopkins. Reason: Samael is a hilarious piece due to his outrageous damage from shooting. You should put him on the table a few times just to see how much overkill he puts out. He certainly has limitations, and your friends will find ways to deal with him but I think he’s a decent option. Also, how can you say ‘no’ to a cross-dressing cowboy?

Good luck with the Guild.

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Second on argentbadgers comments. What you are planning on buying is exactly what i have minus the second austringer. I dont see the need for him. I also just got myself 3 guild riflemen. These guys sre amazing if you wish to take lucius as your crew leader :)

The executioner is a almost definate buy in my opinion and the guild hounds are an auto include in all my guild crews i run :) as for the cross dressing cowboy. He is a glass cannon and you will find in some games he will earn 2-3 times his own cost and others he wont even get a round off lol. But he is definately a good model to have.

Finaly welcome to the guild :)

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Id have to agree for me definitely executioner over the judge, as death marshalls are really good too )I nearly always take at least two of my seven, soon to be ten death marshalls regardless of guild master) so you may as well pick them up later on in lady j's box, riflemen are a solid addition as underdog pointed out.as for rule and the lawyer, I only tend to use rule with Hoffman nowadays, lawyer is fun but I only really take him in large ss games or when I'm trying to mix it up a little.

Also if your taking Sonnia what about her avatar, again its really good for the stones as I find fire gamin useful in an aSonnia focused list to spam the burning, Sue is also a good merc for this amongst his other benefits.

Edited by Bucket Monkey
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2 Austringers are a good idea in my opinion. Guild really lacks for models with additional specific AP, so Austringers are great for encouraging your opponent to come into range of your other models attacks where their high damage per attack will really pay off.

Ryle is pretty decent, but I only really take him with Hoffman (for synergy) and Lucius (as he has a lack of choice for big hitter type models). Out side of these two, their are other models that will likely perform better.

The Lawyer is really hard to use well because he's so slow, but in the right strategy and with Lucius in the crew (for Reinforcements) he can be very effective. An effective 17 ss cost because of this however means I tend to leave him out of smaller games...

Samael is one of the most powerful ranged models in the game, but he is extremely fragile, so I generally take Santiago to fill the same role these days...

Edited by FearLord
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Well, too late for the Judge vs. Executioner as I placed the order with The Judge. That just means I'll probably buy an Executioner in about 3 months.

I also ordered the second Austringer because on paper, and in everything I've read, they seem really effective with Lucius. I think they'll be even more important once I get my hands on some Riflemen (at the same time as the Executioner).

In my future booster purchase I'll probably add a Drill Sergeant for Lucius, and Brutal Effigy for Sonia. I think they'll add a nice amount low SS fine-tuning to the list.

Not sold on the Criid avatar. For a few dollars more I can buy Executioner, Riflemen, Brutal Effigy, and Drill Sergeant. That's a much better $ to utility ratio in my mind.

All of this advice is much appreciated. It sounds like I'm off to a decent enough start. Only time, and lots of play time at that, will tell.

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Sonnia is defineitly useable without the avatar, sounds a sensible purchase plan to go with more minions first, I know I got most of the minions before I got all of the Avatars.

Judge can put a hell of a lot of damage out, you just need to farm for masks for Bullets and Blades/Blades and Bullets which most of your other models in the list wont be needing as much, except really for Perdita and Nino, I just tend to play with LJ a lot and she needs them more than he does which kind of hampers him a bit, you'll have reinforcements to get him into the mix if Lucius is around, I find that useful as he doesn't have any additional AP.

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