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About architectzero

  • Birthday 06/29/1975

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  1. I like this, mainly because I had the same idea about Francisco and swapping out a Witchling for a Marshall, but then I got hung up on the upgrades and simply couldn't decide. It was simpler for me to reason about a pile of Witch Hunters providing good board coverage for Disrupt, which I'll admit may not be the best idea at 35 SS. However, you, Thaarup, and Rathnard all suggest Cherufe's Imprint (the thing that provides flamewall), so I'll have to reconsider this build with that in mind. I'm not sold on Reincarnation though. I mean, on paper it's nice to be able to create Witchlings, especially at 35 SS, but I really think that requires Sam + Witch Hunt to pull off consistently, which is expensive. How about giving Francisco "Wade In" or "Hermanos de Armas", instead? ---------- Post added at 07:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 AM ---------- Oh don't worry about Bazin. We're good friends, IRL. There's likely to be a Sonia vs. Rasputina dust-up in the next couple of weeks. :1_Happy_Puppet2:
  2. What would you do with Sonia and 35 SS, not knowing what faction or Strategy you're up against? Here's my take: Sonia (+3 SS) Counterspell Aura (-1) Disrupt Magic (-2) [*]Samael Hopkins (-9) [*]Guild Austringer (-6) [*]Witchling Stalker x3 (-15) [*]SS pool = 5 I think a 5 SS pool helps increases both Sonia and Sam's survivability, and it enables Sonia's Confiscated Lore in the event that she doesn't have cards to discard. Counterspell Aura and Disrupt Magic seem effective against a wide range of opponents. The austringer is there because austringer! I figure its main weakness is mobility, but at 35 SS, you have to sacrifice something.
  3. Well, too late for the Judge vs. Executioner as I placed the order with The Judge. That just means I'll probably buy an Executioner in about 3 months. I also ordered the second Austringer because on paper, and in everything I've read, they seem really effective with Lucius. I think they'll be even more important once I get my hands on some Riflemen (at the same time as the Executioner). In my future booster purchase I'll probably add a Drill Sergeant for Lucius, and Brutal Effigy for Sonia. I think they'll add a nice amount low SS fine-tuning to the list. Not sold on the Criid avatar. For a few dollars more I can buy Executioner, Riflemen, Brutal Effigy, and Drill Sergeant. That's a much better $ to utility ratio in my mind. All of this advice is much appreciated. It sounds like I'm off to a decent enough start. Only time, and lots of play time at that, will tell.
  4. When I bought into the game about 6 months ago I was 50/50 on Resser/Guild and basically flipped a coin. It turns out that I just don't like playing my Seamus / Molly Resser combo and have been kicking myself ever since. I simply don't want to think too much and I'm cheap, and Guild is pretty straightforward with seemingly great model synergy, so I figure that I can get a decent number of options from a limited number of models. I bought the Lucius box a while back, because I simply wanted to paint the awesome models (Lucius just looks cool). So I'm starting from there, but I'm really planning to build around Perdita with Sonia and Lucius in the mix to give me some master options. Here's what I'm thinking of: Perdita Nino Papa Loco Francisco Santiago Enslaved Nephilim Austringer Austringer Guild Hound Guild Hound Watcher The Judge Sonia Samael Stalker Stalker Stalker Witchling Hander Lucius (owned) Guild Guard (owned) GG Captain (owned) Ryle (owned) Lawyer (owned) To my rookie eye that looks decent enough to give me minimally competitive options regardless of the game setup (strategy, terrain, schemes) and opposition. I can't figure out how Samael fits, but I'm still buying the Criid box for the value, and I'm not sure if I want an Executioner instead of The Judge (can't have both, right now ($$)). As for Ryle and the Lawyer... I have no clue how they fit into this scheme. Maybe just sit on my shelf and look pretty. Thoughts?
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